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Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:43 pm
by beachpirate
Back to training.... I have a couple questuions going into the german loading pattern #1. Up to now the focus has been on the 1RM for bench and squats,

I want to know if I continue to work these 2 areas twice a week or split them?

When do I incorporate back into the workout, ie, deadlifts, rack pulls? I feel like my back is in need of a good workout.

When and how do I add static holds?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:11 am
by RobRegish
Great question.

It's best to focus on one major lift, but plenty of folk (me included) have pulled off peaking 2 of them.

Best to split those days up.


1.) Perform your 6 sets of German Loading Pattern 1. Take adequate rest between sets to ensure complete intra-set recovery.

2.) Perform the following stretch position supersets in EDT fashion

Decline dumbell bench press immediately into;
Seated cable rows (horizontal rows)

4 rounds of each with 2-3 minutes in between sets. The particulars;

- Alternate antagonistic muscle exercises in jump set fahion
- Staley's generally uses 15-20 minutes, (called a PR Zones).
- You perform one PR Zones per workout.
- Your target weight is one that you can do 10 clean reps with.
- You will begin with alternating sets of 5 or 6 reps.
- As you tire, you may reduce set reps to 4 then 2 and end with singles.
- Your goal is to do as many reps with good form as possible in the PR Zone.
- Do not work to, or near failure in the early sets.
- You may reach failure at the end as you try to beat your previous record.
- Once able to do 20% more reps than your prior workout, increase load 5% and begin again.

3.) Finish with static holds

Decline barbell bench press: Hold as much weight as you can in the strongest range (1-2" below lockout) for 5-10 seconds. Perform two static holds in this fashion


1.) Perform your 6 sets of German Loading Pattern 1 for the SQ. Take adequate rest between sets to ensure complete intra-set recovery.

2.) Perform the following movements in EDT fashion as above:

Romanian Deadlifts
Leg sled

There will be no static holds or other likely other work done for this workout. It's absolutely exhausting with big muscle groups being force fed total tonnage in very, very generous amounts due to utilization of movements that permit massive overload.

If you have the energy, have at it in the smaller movements (calves, etc). At age 40 though, I just don't have the gas...

Hope that helps and write back if you still have questions!

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 1:16 pm
by beachpirate
Thanks, I'll digest this and get back with you if I have any questions.

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 9:00 pm
by beachpirate
Today has been a busy one again. I hit the gymm this morning and completed the 1st day of GLP#1. I hit all the reps on the bench without any problems so I'm expecting them to be more difficult as I progress through this pattern. The workout went as followed:


PR zone
Decline DB bench and seated cable rows in jumpset fashion.
55x6 155x6
55x8 155x6
55x8 155x6
55x8 155x6
55x8 155x6
55x12 155x6

Decline DB bench was too light but I did up my reps and went to almost failure on the last set. I will up the weight by 10 on next workout.
Seated cable rows were a good weight but I can go up alittle here as well. I was able to complete 6 sets in 20 minutes with 2 minute rest periods.

I finished with static holds on decline bench 2x275 for 10 secs. I will push for 300 on next attempt.

I have not eaten enough today. I spent all day working in the yard an just got home a little bit ago. I will try to get another meal in before I go to bed but here is what I have had today

Calories 1925
carbs 185
fats 45
protein 206

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:07 am
by RobRegish
Awesome work!

And yes, do make a concerted effort to up those calories. In particular, the carbs...

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:13 am
by beachpirate
I just finished my second sled dragging session. Today I wanted to make it more a cardio experience. I have a community rec center close to my house where I can use the soccer field for my exercises. My plan was to use the perimeter of the field.

forward walk: 5 min 20 sec to walk 1 lap around the field dragging a 50# plate
backward walking: 5 min 30 sec to walk 1 1/2 lengths of the field, 50# plate, finished with forward dragging for the remaining distance to starting point
Bench press movement 150 ft with 50# plate
tri extension 150ft with 50#plate
fly movement 100 ft with 50# plate
forward drag to truck 200ft with 105#

I was pretty tired after finishing all of this that I decided to put back movements off until the next session. My chest was also sore from yesterdays lifting but it felt good to get it stretched out.

One observation from the backward walking is that my hip flexers were on fire :shock:

The sled performed great today. I think I have all the kinks worked out. The straps from spud inc are a great addition to my sled training.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:04 pm
by RobRegish
Great going man. Glad to hear it.

You'll find the sled indespensible going forward!

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:03 pm
by beachpirate
I've been alittle tired today so I took it easy this afternoon but not without consequences. Sitting at home has triggered my sweet tooth and I have been wanting to snack this evening. I've tried to track everything but as a result, protein has suffered a bit. I have a busy day ahead of me. Tomorrow I start clearing the underbrush from about a fifth of an acre. I will be back in the gym on thursday.

Calories 2100
Carbs 197
fats 86
Protein 134

Question: Does the cruise phase start after I complete the 6 workouts/weeks of the German Loading Pattern #1? I should be out of E-bol by then.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:46 am
by RobRegish
Generally, yes. It depends upon how you're feeling, what the gains were like and some other factors.

If you're anything like Turboflex, etc though... you get addicted to the high of new PR's etc :) Don't worry, I'll be here to read the signs and tell you when. It's all good...

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:59 pm
by beachpirate
Today was another off day and back to doing some yard work. Sent about 6 hours on 2 yards and cleared some under brush. Needless to say I am wore out today. I'm hoping for a good nites sleep so I can hit the gym in the morning.

Calories 1879
Carbs 174
Fats 70
Protein 142

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:20 am
by RobRegish
Good going and I understand on the effect manual labor has..

One thing to keep an eye on: carb intake. Try to bump it up a bit to get closer to 200g/day. Other than that, stellar!

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:37 pm
by beachpirate
Today is off to a good start. I completed my workout GLP#1-Squats and as I loaded the 5th set I thought to myself, prior to the BP I was only doing 4-5 reps at this weight and I now have to do 8 then add weight for 8 more. :twisted: Well if nothing else the BP has provided a framework that has pushed me to go farther with my lifts and I am feeling stronger.


I was definitely feeling it in my legs with this pattern. I can already see that squats are going to get interesting quick.

PR Zone Goal 20 mins
Romanian Deadlifts and Leg Press
185x6 470x6
185x6 470x6
185x6 470x6
185x5 470x6

I was at 15 mins at this point and wanted to get one more set of each but I was exhausted and light headed so I packed it up for the day. Next time I will shoot for 20 mins.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:31 pm
by RobRegish
Great start!

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:26 pm
by beachpirate
Focused alittle more on getting the carbs up today and resting. I am already feeling some tightness in my hamstrings from today's workout. I want to begin tomorrow with another sled dragging day to stretch out my legs and get the heart rate up some before I return to some yard work.

Calories 2645
Carbs 262
Fats 73
Protein 239