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Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 12:45 pm
by aron7awol
Feast Day 36

Today's Exercise: None
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2312
Daily Caloric Goal: 85% of 2312 = 1965
Calories Consumed: 1969 (85%) 159g protein

174 lbs and still at 8.7% body fat, so I'm happy with my progress. A quick check has me at +6.1 lean mass and -6.7 fat mass so far, coming into this last cut week.

Good day of eating today. I'm worried about my diet tomorrow. It's going to be hard to hit my goal because I have a bachelor party that starts in the afternoon and goes all night. For this reason I'm going to try intermittent fasting for the first time. I just ate some cottage cheese at 11pm, so I'm going to skip breakfast and fast until after my workout, about 11am. I will drop 2 Synthagen upon waking up, and 4 before and 4 after my workout.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 2:00 pm
by RobRegish
aron7awol wrote:Feast Day 36

Today's Exercise: None
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2312
Daily Caloric Goal: 85% of 2312 = 1965
Calories Consumed:

174 lbs and still at 8.7% body fat, so I'm happy with my progress. A quick check has me at +6.1 lean mass and -6.7 fat mass so far, coming into this last cut week.

Trading 6lbs of fat for 6lbs of muscle. The very epitome, of what 3.0's Re-comp template aspires to!!

Inspirational man. Thank you, for putting in the elbow grease - to bring my work alive... :)

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 9:56 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 37

Today's Exercise: Feast Workout #17 (CC)
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2829
Daily Caloric Goal: 85% of 2829 = 2405
Calories Consumed: ?

Lost some more fat! Down to 172.4lbs but also down to 8.2% body fat. I'm fasting until my workout today, to save up as many calories as possible for the bachelor party I'm going to.

Uneven pushups 15, 15, 15, 15
Full bridges 15, 13, 10, 12
Hanging bent leg raises into lying straight leg raises 9+11, 9+11, 10+10, 10+10

I was pretty good at the bachelor party. Ate only meat and waited a couple of hours before I started drinking. I was trying to avoid having a lot of glucose/fatty acids in my bloodstream when I started adding alcohol to the mix.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 7:07 pm
by aron7awol
Feast Day 38

Today's Exercise: None
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2300
Daily Caloric Goal: 85% of 2300 = 1955
Calories Consumed: ?

Went to a cookout today. Fasted until about 2pm to try to burn off any fat I added from the drinking last night. I'll get back to tracking my calories tomorrow and finish this last week of my run strong.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 7:10 pm
by aron7awol
RobRegish wrote:EPIC!

Trading 6lbs of fat for 6lbs of muscle. The very epitome, of what 3.0's Re-comp template aspires to!!

Inspirational man. Thank you, for putting in the elbow grease - to bring my work alive... :)
Thanks, Rob. I'm very happy with how things are coming along. I've lost a noticeable amount of fat in the past week, and I'm hoping I can drop to 8% in the next few days. I'm trying to hit the 15 lb of recomp. Either way, this run has been a huge success, and worth all of the work/time I've put in.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 7:42 pm
by aron7awol
Feast Day 39

Today's Exercise: Feast Workout #18 (CC)
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2841
Daily Caloric Goal: 85% of 2841 = 2415
Calories Consumed: ?

172.8 lbs today. Fasted until 11am, ate some oatmeal an hour before my workout. Had a huge post-workout meal from a big BBQ spread, then played a bunch of wiffleball and had a smaller similar meal. The intermittent fasting is doing me some good, I'm looking much leaner. Excited to measure my body fat tomorrow morning.

Close squats 20, 20, 20, 20. My form is much, much better on these, almost ready to progress.
Uneven pullups into close pullups 5+6, 7+5, 6+4, 7+4. 7 uneven pullups is a new PR. Still getting stronger every week.
Handstands 30s, 45s, 50s, 47s. Another PR here at 50s.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 9:40 pm
by aron7awol
Feast Day 40

Today's Exercise: None
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2300
Daily Caloric Goal: 85% of 2300 = 1955
Calories Consumed: ?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 8:28 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 41

Today's Exercise: Feast Workout #19 (CC)
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2821
Daily Caloric Goal: 85% of 2821 = 2398
Calories Consumed: ?

173.8 lbs and 8.2% body fat today. That puts me at +6.8 lbs of lean mass and -7.6 lbs of fat mass. So close to my 15 lb recomp goal. I'm liking intermittent fasting during these cut weeks. It makes it much easier to stay low on the calories, with the added bonus of burning some stubborn fat stores.

Today is my last feast workout:

Uneven pushups 20, 15, 15, 15. New PR!
Full Bridges 13, 12, 11, 12. Meh.
Hanging bent leg raises into lying straight leg raises 14+9, 11+9, 12+8, 10+10. Another PR!

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 10:43 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 42

Today's Exercise: Softball
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2524
Daily Caloric Goal: 85% of 2524 = 2145
Calories Consumed: ?

Last day of feast!

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:52 am
by aron7awol
Cruise Day 1

Today's Exercise: CC
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2646
Daily Caloric Goal: 100%
Calories Consumed: 2147 (81%) 174g protein

Feast is over. I'm sad it's over, but I could really use a rest, I've been working out hard.

Weight is at 173.0 today and I did manage to get down to 8% body fat. That puts me at about +6.5 lbs of lean mass and -8.0 lbs of fat mass. I'm extremely happy with those results.

For Cruise, I'm going to dial my workouts back a bit. I'll drop to lower levels, and only do 3 sets instead of 4 of each.

Full Squats 20,20,20
Full Pullups 10,10,10
Handstands 1m, 1m3s, 45s (new PR!)