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Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:52 am
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote: *Someone once used this ice cream story and made the analogy of getting married. Wasn't me though, that would be rather crude. Nope, I'd never do that....
Hahaha...yeah I am struggling with trying to stay with the same flavor...its becoming so hard when there are lots of other premium flavors attempting to jump into your mouth almost every day... :twisted:

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:51 pm
by matter2003
Unfortunately had to do Farmers Walks again this evening. 30lb DBs for 30 minutes, resting when I had to. Made it thru the first 12 minutes only resting once, definitely was a lot easier than the first time, but still had to put them down 5 or 6 times total. Was getting some real funny looks from people while walking around with them, but I guess I do the same when I see people do wrist curls. The human body wasn't designed to do wrist curls, it is a very unnatural motion, we were designed to pick up and carry heavy things. Think your ancestors sat around all day and found rocks to do wrist curls with? Nope, they were busy picking up and carrying things.

After doing this, I did what they call "Metabolic Finishers" which are basically resistance cardio movements to get the heart going and burn fat. Took some 20 lb DBs and did 2 sets of 3 minutes each of Bench Step-ups, Jump Squats, and 1 arm DB raises from squat position to overhead.

Man those are pretty rough...was panting pretty heavily after those and heart was racing.

Morning high rep DLs tomorrow before a much needed day off Saturday...

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:20 pm
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:
RobRegish wrote: *Someone once used this ice cream story and made the analogy of getting married. Wasn't me though, that would be rather crude. Nope, I'd never do that....
Hahaha...yeah I am struggling with trying to stay with the same flavor...its becoming so hard when there are lots of other premium flavors attempting to jump into your mouth almost every day... :twisted:
The premium flavors often look tempting, but they all suffer from the same fundamental flaw: Your taste buds will "adapt" and pretty soon they'll need something new to be "stimulated" again - just like your muscles!

I'm working on this too, so please be patient... :)

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:39 pm
by matter2003
OK, missed posting yesterday because I was so tired when I got home, I basically went straight to bed.

Friday morning, I got up at 7am to do deadlifts.

I can tell you unequivocally that attempting to do DL's on a Friday morning is not a good idea. It is especially not a good idea after being the 6th straight day without a day off. I will likely be moving this to Thursday night and the Farmers Walks to Friday morning.

I felt pretty gassed, so I didn't really push myself too hard. These are high rep DL's, 5 sets of 12, so it wasn't much fun.

-no real issues, last few sets I had to rest a little longer than normal after I hit 8 reps, but didn't really struggle either...

Friday was the last of my high fat/high protein "anabolic" days, so I pounded down another dozen eggs, lots of chicken, some milk(yaaaaa!!), and a few cans of tuna...roughly about 3,000 cals.

Felt so done in at the end of the day Friday I crashed when I got home, and felt awesome when I woke up Saturday on my off day.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:56 pm
by matter2003
Saturday: OFF(finally!)

Weighed in this morning at 207.4 lbs. Have been pretty stable the entire week, down a few pounds, looking and feeling leaner, big test is to see what happens after reloading with carbs today.

I really needed this off day. Crashed Friday night when I got home, slept really well, and woke up feeling awesome! Today was a major carb "reloading" day(Low fat/High Carb/Med Pro), so I have been eating brown rice and kidney beans with chicken/tuna all day long. Also had a few yogurts today. Had some frozen pizza tonite as well for dinner, only day I really can go off diet, so I said "F" it, and ate some.

Felt pretty awesome all day long, body seemed to really be soaking in the energy from the carbs. Works out really well because tomorrow is my attempt at a new 1 rep max on GLP squats, so I should be operating at optimum capacity...

Also noticed something very positive happening, and I can only assume it is from the diet I have been following this week. A few of my psoriasis spots have disappeared and many others have half cleared, while others have gotten very light in color. I have no idea what is causing it, other than staying away from a lot of carbs, but whatever the reason, I am going to continue following this to see what happens...

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:09 am
by matter2003
Woke up today at 208.0 lbs even after loading carbs yesterday. Pretty happy I seem to be trending in the right direction. Will be excited to see how I look at 200 lbs.

Have GLP Squats today and its my last week, attempting a 1MR of 510 lbs today...pretty stoked for it, slept well last night and am feeling really good about it...

Will post results a little later on.

Also ordered Natures Way DIM 100mg with enhanced bioavailability to test my theory out. If I do in fact have estrogen levels that are too high, this will make a difference fairly quickly in what I am seeing...

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:01 pm
by matter2003
Feast workout #12

Initiated fasted training with only some BCAA's in the system. Have felt really good doing this before, and felt good again today.

Squats: 244x10/310x5/370x3/414x1/464x1/509 fail, fail
-was cruising along on my bid to hit 105% of my 1MR with no issues and then failed on both attempts. Stuck at bottom of first attempt, rested 5 or 6 minutes and came back and got 1/4 of the way up on second attempt, but couldn't get it...kinda pissed about it, but am thinking the fasted training might not be a great idea for 1MR attempts. Probably didn't help that I am 8 lbs lighter than when I started the run either, and about 15-20 lbs lighter than when I hit my previous 1MR...

Light Walking Lunges: 30lb DBs x 20 steps x 3
Reverse Cable Wood Chops: 50x8/67.5x8/80x8(each side)
Hang Clean:BWx30 secs/BWx33 secs/BWx22 secs
Side Planks: 1 min each side x 3(these might be worse than the farmers walks for me...absolutely brutal)

Total workout time: 65 mins

other than failed 1RM attempt, it was a pretty good workout. Will be taking a week off and continue with GLP II

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:45 pm
by matter2003
I actually lied in my previous post saying that I am taking a week off this week, its next week, since I am going away for a few days for the holiday. Besides, I want to see how I fare with GLP Decline Bench Wednesday, as week 4 was pretty tough on squats.

Continued catabolic phase of diet today, eating lots of protein, low fat and low carbs. First meal at 3:30pm consisted of 14 oz of chicken breast, 2 pieces of thick whole grain bread with some sandwich spread, and half a bag of broccoli. About 136g of protein, 30 g carbs and 10 g of fat.

Felt really good most of the day, began workout at 8:55pm in a fasted state(other than meal at 3:30pm) with 15g of BCAA's.

Clean/Press: 115x3x3x3x3x3/125x3
-still getting used to this movement, but felt good to go up 30 lbs since last week nonetheless. Should be jumping up in big chunks each week.

Heavy CG Decline Bench: 175x8/195x8/215x6,195x3,175x3
-cranking out the declines, could have gone higher if not for left wrist issues. Triceps feeling very strong, surprisingly wrist hurt less after I took fatgripz off the bar.

3-Way DB Raises: 17.5DBx8/8/8,20DBx8/8/8,22.5x8/8/8
-front, lateral,rear delt raises...lateral was definitely the toughest. Struggled mightily after rep 4 on 3rd set, but got the last 4 after some long pauses.

Weighted Ab Crunch Circuit: 15 reps at each weight, no rest in between
Set 1: 40/50/60/70/80/90
-cranked out 1 more set than last week starting off 10 lbs heavier as well
Set 2: 80/70/60/50
-abs were really burning at the end of spasming this time tho!

No issues, felt really strong throughout, tomorrow is 24 hour fast day and an OFF day before switching into Anabolic phase of diet on Wednesday(high fat/high protein) and GLP Decline Bench...

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:48 pm
by matter2003
no workout today, 22 hour fast completed, resting up, feeling pretty good but shoulders are a little sore...

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:20 pm
by matter2003
going to hit GLP Decline today around 4pm, transitioned into anabolic phase of diet, high fat/high protein...started it out with 6 eggs, 2 big handfuls of shredded cheese and about 6 or 7 slices of turkey breast in an omelet.

Applied "The Recipe" after shower this morning and also took Athletix Titanium XL and Division 1 this morning(T Booster and SBHG inhibitor), which I am taking only Wednesday-Saturday now along with Formula X(DAA, LCLT, etc) prior to training on those days and at night on Saturday(off day).

Weighed in this morning at 205 lbs! Am excited to see what happens once I start taking DIM Plus(added some things to make it more bioavailable) on a regular basis, as I am willing to bet the house it is going to make a big difference pretty quickly. Going to start with 3 caps a day(300 mg) as I read a review of a guy that was taking 6 caps a day and said it drove his estrogen too low within a few weeks he was suffering from low libido and other sides...

Also just got some complete digestive enzymes in, and will be taking that along with a candida cleanse of liquid Caproyl, loose Psyllium husks, and liquid Bentonite Clay twice a day cycled with Twinlab ProBiotics and Standardized Olive Leaf Extract....

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:11 pm
by matter2003
Feast Workout #13:

Decline Bench: 140x10/205x8/220x6/235x4/250x1,1/270x1,1
-had to get help from spotter on second rep at both 250 and 270...second rep at 270 was pretty much all spotter help...

Decline Static Hold: 380 x 8 seconds
-was at my buddy's gym instead of my normal one, and they have an adjustable decline bench rather than ours where it is a fixed decline bench. Think I was declined too much because on static hold I could barely push up since I was already at arms length...probably should have inclined bench another notch, but too late now.

Superset: 1 min in between sets
Wide Grip Pullup: BWx10/BWx4,BW-25x6/BWx1,BW-40x4,BW-55x3,BW-70x3
Seated Cable Row:100x15/130x15/130x15
Plate Raise:35x15/35x15/35x15
Standing DB Curl:30x15/30x6,6,3/30x5,5,3,2
-I was pretty wore out especially on the 3rd superset...could barely do pullups and DB Curls were pretty rough too..forearms were burning, had to keep dropping DBs and taking 10-15 seconds of rest...

Lying Leg Raises: 3 sets of 15

Front Delts are feeling destroyed right now, but overall feeling pretty decent...

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:55 pm
by matter2003
Thursday Night DL's for the first time and I ripped them up pretty good.
Since these are more geared towards higher reps(5 sets of 12), the weight is not as much as I could normally do, but I got up to 325lbs on the last 2 sets.

DL's: 215x12/265x12/305x12/325x6,3,3/325x10,2
-I was gassed by the end of these, as I focused on only resting a minute or so in between sets. I think I might have rested about 2 minutes between the 4th and 5th set tho as I was breathing really heavy and knew it wouldn't be possible to do a 5th set in that condition with any type of form. Completed the entire sequence in about 12-15 minutes or so.

After DL's I did some resistance cardio taking 2 25lb DBs and doing:

Squat/Twist both ways/Press overhead x 10
Jump Squats x 10
1 DB Vertical Squat/Twist both ways/Press Overhead x 10
Vertical DB Pushups x 10
Bench Step-Ups x 10
1 DB Vertical Squat/Twist both ways/Press Overhead x 10
Jump Squats x 10

I was completely destroyed after completing this regimen and finished up by walking around the gym to cool down and catch my breath for about 5 minutes...

Total Workout Time: 30 minutes

Got my DIM in today and am super excited to start taking them...started taking my digestive enzymes yesterday, looking forward to seeing the results in a month or so...

Early Morning Farmers Walks tomorrow finish off the week and send me on a much needed week long break.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:48 pm
by matter2003
Been taking DIM and have noticed a couple of things...acne on my shoulders/neck exploded which is always a good sign for me and I have been feeling very aggressive. Even a few people at work commented on how aggressive I was acting...

I started reading more in depth about it and found some interesting info about DIM. It converts estradiol into the good form of estrogen, 2-hydroxy estrogen instead of the bad 16-hydroxy estrogen. This good estrogen then acts to "bump" testosterone off of the SBHG receptors, which render the T inactive, so it effectively ends up freeing the testosterone to circulate again. It also enhances fat metabolism by slowing the breakdown of catecholamines(epenephrine and norepenephrine) which allow it to act on the fat cells longer. I would then theorize that yohimbine hcl and dim should be a pretty potent fat burning stack because yohimbine hcl prevents it from being deactivated...

Also said that the testosterone to estrogen ratio is the prime determinent of abdominal fat and those with the best ratios had the least abdominal fat.

Very interested to see how this works for me...

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:22 am
by thicketman
What brand of DIM are you taking and at what dose?

I just ordered Bioresponse's DIM 150. I'm also supposed to receive a book that details dosing protocols. I tend to hold onto fat in my midsection and lower chest so I'm interested to see how fat loss will be affected in these areas.

Also, three of my four grandparents have died from cancer (brain, leukemia, and lung). The fourth, which is still alive had a mastectomy years ago for breast cancer, so there might be a genetic inclination toward that fate. I'd like to avoid that cause death if possible.

After the test run on myself, I'll likely get some for my wife as well.