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Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:17 pm
by ElderadoRacing
German Loading Pattern 2 done. Here are my workouts from my max days.

GLP2 Bench workout 14.

Bench press: bar/10, 95/10, 115/5, 135/3, 155/1, 175/1, 185/1, 195/1, 205/missed, 205/1PR, 225/missed. 225/1 Nailed it!. PR!!!
I ate way too much before this workout and found it hard to get the focus I needed. Was a little tired as well but I still hit my goal. 225!

E.D.T #1
Incline press: 60/8,8,7,6,6,7=42reps.PR
Sinlge Arm Rows: 75/6,6,6,6,6,6=36repsPR
18mins total. 2 min breaks.

Ran out of time, but still had a good workout.

GLP2 Squat Workout 14.

Squats: bar/10, 95/10, 135/3, 185/1, 225/1, 250/1, 285/1(easy), 300/2PR, felt so good on the first I had to do a second. Think I could have hit 315.

New squat record of 300!

E.D.T #1
Leg Press: 500/7,7,7,7,7,7=42reps.
Romanian DL: 160/8,8,8,8,8,8=48reps.

Leg Extensions: 40/100,100,100

Incline bicep curls:30/10,10,10
Overhead tricep ext: 50/10 50/10 60/10

Barbell Curl: 75/6, 75/7, 75/8
Bench dips: bw+35/8,10,12

Cable Curls: 17.5/10,10,10
Rope Pressdowns: 37.5/12,12,12

So after 14 workouts;
Bench Press +25 pounds
Squats +40pounds for 2 reps.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:58 pm
by Urban Monk
During famine, are starches ok? I know some people get headaches from them, but would they be ok if you wanted along w/ some fruit/veggies?

I'm thinking rice/rice cakes.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:32 pm
by RobRegish
Starches during Famine is fine.

On those PR's, WOW! Raining PR's now, and so happy for you!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:34 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Cruise Workout #1

Done as a Triset.

Decline Bench Press:150/5,5, 135/5,5
Push-ups: 15,15,15,15
Incline Chest fly: 25/12, 25/12, 20/12, 20/12
2min rest between sets.

Top Cable Fly: 20/arm-12,12,12
Bottom Cable Fly: 20/10,10

Shoulder complex.

Lateral Fly: 15/12, 15/12, 15/12, 15/12
Shoulder Press: 50/12, 30/15, 45/10
Front Raise: 15/10, 10/10
Upright Row(3 grips) 15/18

All done with one minute rest between supersets.

Close grip bench press: 85/12,12, 105/11
Rope pressdown: 40/15+ 30/10(drop set), 50/10, 50/8

Feeling like an animal these days. Crazy workout, people staring at the trisets, and compounding shoulder complex.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:45 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Cruise Workout #2

Leg Press: 410/12+ 270/12(drop set), 430/12, 450/8, 520/6
weight does not include machine.
Leg Extensions: 40lbs/100reps, 100reps, 100reps, 100reps
Lying Leg Curls: 95/10, 100/10, 105/8
Romanian DL: 95/10, 115/10, 135/8

Back Complex;
(A)Pull-ups: 10, 10, 10
(B)Inverted Row: 10, 10, 10
(C)Rear Lateral Raise: 20/12, 12, 12
(D)Incline "y" Raise: 10/10, 10, 10
Done in a row with 30seconds break between exercises, 2min rest after the fourth exercise.

Barbell Curl: 60/12+40/8(drop set), 60/10, 65/8, 70/6
Incline Curl: 25/10,10,10

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:54 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Cruise Workout #3

(a)Incline Bench Press: 115/5,5,5,5
(b)Push-ups: 15,15,15,15
(c)Incline Fly: 20/12,10,10,10
Triset, no rest between exercises, 2min breaks after third exercise.

Top Cable Fly: 20/10, 25/10
Bottom Cable Fly: 25/10, 20/10

Shoulder Complex;
  • Lateral Fly: 12.5/12, 12.5/12, 12.5/12, 12.5/12
    Shoulder Press: 45/15, 45/15, 45/15
    Front Raises: 12.5/10, 12.5/10
    Upright Row: 45/18
Close Grip Bench: 95/10,10
Rope Pressdown: 40/15+30/10, 50/10, 40/8
Tricep Extensions: 40/10

This workout is killer. I love it.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:03 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Cruise Workout #4

Squats: 135/10,10, 185/6,6
walking Lunge: 50/10per leg, 60/10per leg, 70/8per leg.
Lying Leg Curl: 95/10, 100/10, 110/8
Romanian DL: 135/10,10, 155/8
Standing Calf Raises: 175/10+125/12, 175/12, 175/15

Barbell Row: 95/10, 105/8, 115/6
Seated Cable Row: 50/10, 60/8, 70/6
Lat. Pulldown: 115/8(behind neck)/6(reg.)/6(reverse grip)
100/6(bn)/6(reg)/6(rg) x 2 sets.
Standing Cable Low row: 40/10, 45/10, 50/1
Straight Bar lat. Pulldown: 40/10, 60/8, 60/6

Dumbbell Curl: 35/10+30/5, 35/8+25/5

Walking was not easy as I left, legs were exhausted.

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:38 am
by RobRegish
Curious, what's your opinion of the Cruise training template shift?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:42 pm
by ElderadoRacing

I changed up things in cruise as I just like to try new things. I was trying to develop a few lagging muscle groups.

I have completed the cruise phase and transitioned back through another famine phase, where I am going after the Russian program.

I am not sure if I should start another log or just continue this one?

I have lots to post just not sure in which thread.

oh those Russians.