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Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:37 pm
by matter2003
cardio yesterday went pretty well, did some warmup squats as pain, but just felt a little different than normal...did some ankle turns and pulls with a cable and a "D" handle...

gonna go do some more cardio today in a little while

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:27 pm
by matter2003
Didn't get a chance to do any cardio yesterday, but was able to get over there today. Did a 24 hour fast today, followed by some HIIT cardio and some various ankle flexion exercises. Did some squats with warmup weight on there(150 lbs) and had no issues.

Main issue right now I am having is the majority of the pain/discomfort is in the back inner part of the heel/achilles tendon area now...did some calf raises with just my body weight and that is what caused the most discomfort...that movement in general is what is causing the issue...raising and lowering on just my toes....feel it in the inner heel/achilles tendon area and also on the top of the foot as well when I do that...guess I won't be doing any calf presses anytime soon(luckily I don't need much work there! :P)

Plan is to eat/sleep right til Sunday and then per Rob's suggestion re-start feast with Transition Workouts 1-5 from BP 2.0 to see where I am at....

Can't wait!!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:05 am
by RobRegish
"Can't wait..."

Nor can The 5Faces of Fear(tm)... :):):):):)

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:28 pm
by matter2003
Just suffered what I believe might be a major setback. I am so pissed and frustrated right now I cannot put it in words really. Went to work today and noticed the pain in my foot getting worse throughout the day and towards the end of the day I could barely walk the pain was so bad.

The place it hurt the most was the left side of the back of my left heel, but upon further inspection once I got home, the heel really isn't where the pain is originating from-- it is coming from the top of the foot, and going down.

The ankle, and continuing to the top of the foot next to the ankle is extremely painful when I put pressure on it from my fingers, and the right side of my ankle is swollen up with some discoloration. I can barely flex my toes upward or flex my foot downward. My side to side movement of the foot is extremely limited.

If I had to venture a guess as to what the problem is, it would be that I have some type of stress fracture or broken bone. I don't know what else would explain the seemingly shifting pain that I have been feeling for the past 2 weeks, I have had 3 distinct areas of pain over that time frame. Gout would not do that, although I definitely had that initially. My best guess would be the way I was walking on it due to the gout caused an issue with too much pressure on that part of the foot, which has manifested itself in various ways...

It seems what probably pushed it over the edge was my simple calf raises last night at the gym. That is a problem. When that is what happens when doing simple body weight raises on the top of your toes when I am used to putting up nearly 800 pounds, something is severely, severely wrong.

One other thing I have noticed that is really strange is that I have had diarrhea quite often since this whole thing has started. It makes no sense how these would be related, but nonetheless, 2 weeks of having diarrhea 2 or 3 times a day and having to go #2 much more often than normal during this time frame makes me suspect the two are somehow related. How I don't know.

Talked to my doctor this evening, going in for some x-rays tomorrow morning. I would be really relieved to see some type of least that would make sense and is something that can heal. If not, I am going to be really concerned because it could mean a potentially long term issue that might not heal right if ever...

Don't understand how I could be fine one day and then have this happen out of nowhere without any warning whatsoever...night before this all started I had the best workout of my life, IMHO....

Frustrated, mad, and not too macho enough to admit....scared---really the first time have had to deal with something like this, and at my age, I can't help but think it might be an onset of a chronic condition, as this is when a lot of these type of things start....

I'll let you know what happens. Likely if the x-rays don't show anything I will be heading to an orthopedic/podiatrist early next week...not looking forward to that because specialists cost $60 a pop with my crap ass insurance...but at least they are the best ones in the area, routinely treating Bills and Sabres player injuries, so that is somewhat comforting, knowing that most of those players end up recovering...

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:59 pm
by Linkiroth
Sorry to hear that, Matter. I hope all goes well and you make a speedy recovery.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:39 am
by RobRegish
You're going to be OK man, you're in good hands... :)

I know this is a tough time, but tough times don't last... tough people do!! From what I've seen, you're one tough S.O.B.!!! :):):)

Do consider those "5 Fingers" shoes, Hank! and others have been using. I have a sneaking suspicion, they'll help you... :)

CHIN UP, my friend!!! Life's greatest challenges are often, your finest moments. I'm facing the challenge of my life, trying to reconcile with my family.

I'll guarantee you this: I'll go into the ground trying to do so, before I fail to accomplish my objective.

I would expect that you approach your situation, the same way... :)

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:23 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:You're going to be OK man, you're in good hands... :)

I know this is a tough time, but tough times don't last... tough people do!! From what I've seen, you're one tough S.O.B.!!! :):):)

Do consider those "5 Fingers" shoes, Hank! and others have been using. I have a sneaking suspicion, they'll help you... :)

CHIN UP, my friend!!! Life's greatest challenges are often, your finest moments. I'm facing the challenge of my life, trying to reconcile with my family.

I'll guarantee you this: I'll go into the ground trying to do so, before I fail to accomplish my objective.

I would expect that you approach your situation, the same way... :)

Thanks for the support!! The good news is the X-rays are negative, the bad news is my ankle is swelled up like an SOB!!

Yesterday I got off work and took my shoe off and it looked like someone had stuck a baseball in the side of my ankle...

Today I was on crutches per Dr. orders, and its still swollen bad. Have no freaking idea what I did to it, doctor seems to think its a tendon/ligament sprain/strain of my ankle. Likely from the weird ways I was walking when my ankle was hurting from gout.

Anyways, he said to stay off it, ice it, elevate it and take some ibuprofen/motrin for the swelling/pain and if there is no improvement by Tuesday he is gonna send me for an MRI...

Looking pretty doubtful for my planned workout tomorrow, even thought I was only planning to do upper body...I just don't see myself being able to tolerate putting that type of weight and pressure on my foot for close to an hour....

perhaps I'll try some BW exercises at the house like pushups, stair dips, etc...

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:58 pm
by nigh70wl
sorry to hear that you're poorly man, as rob said, chin up. you'll come out of it and be back before you know it.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:31 pm
by matter2003
nigh70wl wrote:sorry to hear that you're poorly man, as rob said, chin up. you'll come out of it and be back before you know it.
Thanks man! Feels like its already been an eternity as Its been 2 weeks today that my ankle has been jacked and since 5/29 I've lifted....

Hoping this heals sooner rather than later...

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:51 pm
by matter2003
Well, got in my workout today and was pretty happy with how things went. Was surprised to tell the truth.

I was doing the bridge workout 1 of the feast in 2.0, other than squats and DL, and added in triceps/biceps...

Decline Bench: 225 lbs x 11 reps...could have likely done 3 or 4 more reps, but I believe the discomfort I was feeling was from some bruising due to crutches...every time I pushed up, my left armpit area was very uncomfortable...same area as the bruising when I pressed on it...still, it beats my previous 8 to 10 reps of 185 lbs x 9 reps about 6 or 7 weeks ago...

DB Pullover: 70lbs x 10 reps---might have been able to go 80 lbs here...

Triceps Reverse Pressdown: 210 lbs x 11 reps

Biceps Preacher: 125 lbs x 8 reps---likely could have went 135 or 140 lbs there....

All in all, a good workout, doesn't look like I lost much, so I am pretty happy...

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:41 pm
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:Well, got in my workout today and was pretty happy with how things went. Was surprised to tell the truth.

I was doing the bridge workout 1 of the feast in 2.0, other than squats and DL, and added in triceps/biceps...

Decline Bench: 225 lbs x 11 reps...could have likely done 3 or 4 more reps, but I believe the discomfort I was feeling was from some bruising due to crutches...every time I pushed up, my left armpit area was very uncomfortable...same area as the bruising when I pressed on it...still, it beats my previous 8 to 10 reps of 185 lbs x 9 reps about 6 or 7 weeks ago...

DB Pullover: 70lbs x 10 reps---might have been able to go 80 lbs here...

Triceps Reverse Pressdown: 210 lbs x 11 reps

Biceps Preacher: 125 lbs x 8 reps---likely could have went 135 or 140 lbs there....

All in all, a good workout, doesn't look like I lost much, so I am pretty happy...


Looks like strength to spare. Telling sign here, Matter. That sign btw, is that you're on the right track... isofar as inserting extra rest days :)

Keep up the great work!!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:14 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote: WOW!

Looks like strength to spare. Telling sign here, Matter. That sign btw, is that you're on the right track... isofar as inserting extra rest days :)

Keep up the great work!!
Hahaha, thanks! Yeah, I inserted about 16 or 17 rest days in there unfortunately, but luckily it didn't seem to cost me much... :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:43 pm
by matter2003
Ankle is almost completely back to normal!! The healing has been unbelievable following the H.E.M. method...I mean Saturday night my ankle was 3 x normal size and hurt to even put pressure on it. Today the only time I even noticed my ankle was when I tried walking up or down stairs because it isn't quite there yet with my normal range of motion.

Hopefully a few more treatments and I should be good to go!!

Looking forward to getting it in tomorrow at the gym...not quite ready for squats or DL's yet, but possibly by this Sunday!!

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:13 am
by RobRegish
Just amazing, isn't it?

Life's challenges really are... a 2nd chance folks. That 2nd chance btw, is oftentimes a new arrow in your BP quiver. For Matter 2003, he took the bull by the horns, healed thyself and got to Gainsville... :)

Great work man, so proud of you!!!