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Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:29 pm
by bigpelo
Feast day 28 - February 11 2011

Diet goal: 3000 calories

Achieved: 3047 calories
78g fat (25%)
185g protein (27%)
364g carbs (48%)

Carbs composition:
263g complex (72%)
70g sugar (19%)
31g fibre (9%)

4th 10% solution upper body workout:

Barbell bench press (235 lbs) 3 sets x 3 reps: easy

EDT #1: incline dumbbell press/one arm row (both with 95lbs)
8,8,8,8,8 --> total 80 reps in 12 minutes (+29% from last workout, need to up the weight +5%)

EDT #2: seated dumbbell press (59lbs) / upright barbell row (80 lbs)
8,8,8,8,7 --> 79 reps in 12 minutes (+27% from last workout so next WO +5% on weight!)

Decline close grip barbell static hold:
295 lbs x 15 seconds
295 lbs x 15 seconds --> maybe try +10lbs next

total WO time including warmups: 62 minutes
Body weight after WO: 250 lbs (+7)

Feast day 29 - February 12 2011

No training but shitty diet (I wasn't involved in any of the meals I ate that day)

Diet goal: 2400 calories (1st day at this LOW)

Achieved: 2364 calories
155g fat (56%)
156g protein (25%)
131g carbs (19%)

Carbs composition (if that matters...)
105g complex (80%)
11g sugar (8%)
15g fibre (11%)

Feast day 30 - February 13 2011

4th 10% solution lower body workout, goal was 3000 calories

78g fat (26%)
160g protein (24%)
362g carbs (50%)

Carbs composition:
259g complex (72%)
79g sugar (22%)
24g fibre (7%)

I've been invited at my father's place for dinner (lots of carbs) and my lunch had obviously not not enough protein (and too much carbs)

Squat, 335 lbs, 3 sets x 3 reps --> easy, even if taken deep

EDT: Romanian dead lift (250lbs) / hack squat (300lbs)
8,8,8,8,8 --> total 80 reps in 12.5 minutes (+33% from last workout, know what it mean? yes! +5% weight)

Rack pull static hold:
505 lbs x 15 seconds
505 lbs x 13 seconds --> body is probably able to lift way more than that but I got light headed after the 2nd set... will try 515 anyway next time :)

Static abs crunch:
265 x 15 seconds
265 x 15 seconds --> easy

Pull ups:
Body weight x 10
Body weight x 8

Total workout time was 70 minutes, a little bit longer than usual because the power rack was on demand (unusual for a Sunday afternoon...)
Body weight after WO was 251 (+8lbs )

Feast day 31 - February 14 2011

St-Valentin's day, no training, 2400 calories as target. Stay tune for updates!

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:10 am
by bigpelo
Feast day 31 - February 14 2011

Goal was 2400 calories, still on a 40%-30%-30% split

Achieved: 2566 calories
87g fat (32%)
179g protein (29%)
265g carbs (39%)

Carbs composition:
198g complex (75%)
41g sugar (15%)
26g fibre (10%)

Hard to say no to your favourite dessert on St-Valentin's day when your girl made it for you... Lemon pie is good! and it didn't bust that much...

note: no soreness, good energy all day long, sleep is ok but no more, mood is good too; I am enjoying this program thus far.

Feast day 32 - February 15 2011

Today is going to be the 5th 10% solution upper body workout with (thanks god) 100% maintenance calories: 3000!

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:46 am
by JML2011
Lookin good man.. I hear ya on the diet issues. Tough to say no, especially on V-day :)

Keep up the good work. Your weights inspire me lol. Im just a lil guy.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:55 pm
by bigpelo
JML2011 wrote:Lookin good man.. I hear ya on the diet issues. Tough to say no, especially on V-day :)

Keep up the good work. Your weights inspire me lol. Im just a lil guy.
Thanks for following man! I may be a big guy but I would like to have your body fat %...

Feast day 32 - February 15 2011

5th 10% solution upper body workout, 3000 calories

achieved: 3033 calories
60g fat (20%)
205g protein (31%)
365g carbs (49%)

Carbs composition:
256g complex (70%)
76g sugar (21%)
33g fibre (9%)

Bench press: 260 lbs x 2 sets x 3 reps --> really easy, again! I hope this 10% loading protocol will begin to make me push soon...

EDT#1: incline dumbbell press/one arm row (both with 104 lbs)
6,6,6,6,7 --> sweat like if it was a hot summer afternoon but still, I should be able to push all 10 sets of 8 reps next time

EDT #2: seated overhead dumbbell press (64 lbs) / upright barbell row (85 lbs)
6,6,6,6,6 --> It got intense by the end but doing +20% shouldn't be a problem.

Decline close grip barbell press static hold
295 x 15 seconds
305 x 15 seconds --> Felt good but I am having a hard time finding a spotter you can lift that much weight.

Total workout time: 64 minutes including warms up
Body weight after WO: 251 (+8 )

Note: still no soreness even with all the weight increase on all EDT and it still feels quiet light. I recover super damn fast, strength is awesome, I am at my heaviest body weight ever. On this day, I ate 10% more calories from carbs in place of fat form target. It surely help a lot with the super energy.

Feast day 33 - February 16 2011

No training, target is a super very low 2400 calories :(

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:46 pm
by bigpelo
Feast day 33 - February 16 2011

Target: 2400 calories, no training

Achieved: 2386 calories
87g fat (32%)
203g protein (34%)
210g carbs (35%)

Carbs composition:
135g complex (64%)
44g sugar (21%)
31g fibre (15%)

Feast day 34 - February 17 2011

5th 10% solution lower body workout, 3000 calories

Updates later.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:33 am
by bigpelo
Feast day 34 - February 17 2011

Achieved: 3130 calories
91g fat (27%)
208g protein (28%)
370g carbs (4%)

Carbs composition:
292g complex (79%)
47g sugar (13%)
31g fibre (8%)

5th 10% solution lower body workout

Squat, 360 lbs, 2 sets x 3 reps --> not easy, but far from being hard either

EDT Romanian dead lift (285lbs) / hack squat (320lbs)
6,6,6,6,6 --> total of 60 reps in 17 minutes, needed to share the hack squat with another guy... This is starting to get heavy but still manageable. People are looking at me strange when doing those super sets and I find that fun 8)

Rack pull static hold:
535 lbs x 15 seconds
545 lbs x 14 seconds --> needed to put a knee down for a while after both of these set.

Abs crunch static hold:
260x 15 seconds x 2 sets --> really need to find a way to put more stress on this particular exercise.

Pull ups:
Body weight x 10
Body weight x 7 --> I was completely blown out.

Total workout time was 77 minutes, way more than usual because of the crowded gym and I took more rest between exercises and between rack pulls.
Body weight after WO: 249, down 2 lbs since Tuesday. Nothing alarming though because strength and endurance are very high.

Feast day 35 - February 18 2011

No training today, 2400 calories is the target.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:02 pm
by bigpelo
Feast day 35 - February 18 2011

No training, 2400 calories goal.

Achieved: 2386 calories
95g fat (38%)
182g protein (32%)
186g carbs (29%)

When at a new Algerian restaurant and I had the "couscous royal". I haven't ate all the couscous but the two merguez sausages was good (and fat...)

Feast day 36 - February 19 2011

Skip a workout! first since the beginning of this program. Need to finish the renovations of the house, making the baby's room. We complete the work at 6pm or so and after that we opened the envelope in which the gender of the baby has been written in after this ultrasonography. So, we will have a little girl!

Diet: 2089 calories
93g fat (39%)
162g protein (30%)
184g carbs (31%)

I tried to limit my fat intake on this renovation's diet, which make me limit my overall calories a lot...

Feast day 37 - February 20 2011

10% solution 6th upper body workout, 3000 calories

Achieved: 2666 calories
71g fat (26%)
207g protein (33%)
295g carbs (41%)

Carbs composition:
199g complex (67%)
60g sugar (20%)
36g (12%)

Woke up at 10:30 am when to bed at 9:30 pm so I didn't had the time to eat all my usual.


Bench press: 295 lbs x 2 set x 2 reps --> bar when up so fast and it was so easy that I feel I am losing my time. Felt I could have bench a bus!

EDT #1: incline dumbbell press/one arm row (both with 104 lbs)
8,8,8,8,7 --> total of 76 reps in 13 minutes. Those last 2 sets where insane. Those reps represent 26% more than last time but the next dumbbells weight 114 lbs... This is going to hurt!

EDT #2: seated dumbbell shoulder press (64lbs) / upright barbell row (85 lbs)
8,8,8,8,7 --> 76 reps in 12 minutes. Same rep pattern as previous EDT, same intensity (insane intensity), same +26% since last time I did this EDT. I often had nausea while pushing hard but this time is the one I came the closest to actually vomit. I am glad I didn't, but still it was weird. Next time will be 69lbs dumbbells and 90 lbs barbell.

After that, it was supposed to do decline close grip barbell press static hold. I didn't do them because I was completely drain out from the two EDT blocks and also because there was no one I thrust to spot me at the gym.

Total workout time was 57 minutes including warm ups.
Body weight after WO was 249 lbs.

Feast day 38 - February 21 2011

No training, 2400 calories

Little something in the throat, just like a beginning potential cold, but hopefully no soreness. I will go to bed early again tonight.

I have only 4 days left of adaptogen N. It's been like 12 days since I upped the dosage of this supplement to 3 caps a day before bed and libido is uncontrollable. Should have took that dosage since the beginning.

Last note: Saturday night, I when at a friend's place. He was doing a party for is 29th birthday. There was a friend there I haven't seen since November 2010 or so. He was looking at my arms and was sure I was on roids! And he knows something about them because he did use the real gearz and also the grey zone products (superdrol, phera-plex and the like). I told him I never touch roids. So he said it must be those little andro pills or something. Not even! And I don't even do isolation exercises for arms! :D Credits to the Blueprint! :D

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:23 pm
by Dean
bigpelo wrote:
Last note: Saturday night, I when at a friend's place. He was doing a party for is 29th birthday. There was a friend there I haven't seen since November 2010 or so. He was looking at my arms and was sure I was on roids! And he knows something about them because he did use the real gearz and also the grey zone products (superdrol, phera-plex and the like). I told him I never touch roids. So he said it must be those little andro pills or something. Not even! And I don't even do isolation exercises for arms! :D Credits to the Blueprint! :D

Good job man! GIRLS must just cant keep their eyes off your ARMS~~~~

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:20 pm
by bigpelo
Dean: there is one girl that won't let others look at me. And don't mess with the pregnant one, if you know what I mean ;)

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:43 pm
by RobRegish
bigpelo wrote:Dean: there is one girl that won't let others look at me. And don't mess with the pregnant one, if you know what I mean ;)
Best to wear your BP Tshirt at home then.

The thing makes you a chick magnet.. :)

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:19 am
by bigpelo
Hey Rob! good to see you around here! I can finally ask my questions:

1- Is there anyway I could change ab crunch static hold? The pulleys at my gym goes to 240 max, I add a 25 plate on another pin (265 total) and it don't seems to be working the abs at all. It's kinda too easy. I was thinking doing hanging leg raise static hold.

2- I have done workout #6 of 10% solution for bench press, squat will be tonight. If the increased load is starting to show on squat, bench press is way too easy if I used the weight the calculator gives me. Did I just get THAT strong or am I doing something wrong?

Feast day 38 - February 21 2011

No training, goal was 2400 calories

Achieved: 2670 calories
83g fat (29%)
161g protein (25%)
325g carbs (45%)

Carbs composition:
184g complex (57%)
105g sugar (32%)
36g fibre (11%)

Let's say I ate the calories I didn't get the day before :oops:
It's kinda easy for me the eat, and eat too much...

No soreness, sore throat is gone so I think I have been able to hunt my cold away. Sleep isn't the best lately except on week-end: I am a morning sleeper, not an early bird.

Feast day 39 - February 22 2011

10% solution 6th lower body workout. Updates later.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:36 pm
by RobRegish
bigpelo wrote:Hey Rob! good to see you around here! I can finally ask my questions:

1- Is there anyway I could change ab crunch static hold? The pulleys at my gym goes to 240 max, I add a 25 plate on another pin (265 total) and it don't seems to be working the abs at all. It's kinda too easy. I was thinking doing hanging leg raise static hold.

A. Sure can.. Consider switching it up to the following:

Decline bench, holding a heavy ass DB or plate to your chest as an alternative. Nice change of pace...

2- I have done workout #6 of 10% solution for bench press, squat will be tonight. If the increased load is starting to show on squat, bench press is way too easy if I used the weight the calculator gives me. Did I just get THAT strong or am I doing something wrong?

A. No, nothing wrong there. It's likely though that your larger muscle groups (legs/back) aren't recovering as quickly. Makes perfect sense given they're capable of carrying a bigger load.

Solution: Insert one extra rest day prior to lower body/SQ days.

On the bench press... give it two more workouts. 10% solution gets heavy right quick, as you'll no doubt find out.

Feast day 38 - February 21 2011

No training, goal was 2400 calories

Achieved: 2670 calories
83g fat (29%)
161g protein (25%)
325g carbs (45%)

Carbs composition:
184g complex (57%)
105g sugar (32%)
36g fibre (11%)

Let's say I ate the calories I didn't get the day before :oops:
It's kinda easy for me the eat, and eat too much...

No soreness, sore throat is gone so I think I have been able to hunt my cold away. Sleep isn't the best lately except on week-end: I am a morning sleeper, not an early bird.

Feast day 39 - February 22 2011

10% solution 6th lower body workout. Updates later.
"105g sugar (32%)...."

Please tell me most of this comes in and around the workout?

Please ? :)

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:18 am
by bigpelo
105g sugar have been eaten on a non-working out day... 50g from fruits, veges and the rest from general Tao chicken I had for dinner... Didn't realized it had that much sugar!

Feast day 39 - February 22 2011

10% solution 6th lower body workout, target 3000 calories

Achieved: 2708 calories
54g fat (19%)
210g protein (33%)
349g carbs (48%)

Carbs composition:
220g complex (63%)
85g sugar (24%)
44g fibre (13%)

I had a tuna sandwich for dinner because there was nothing else. It made the carbs goes BOOM! and the fat/calories total low.


Squat: 385 lbs x 2 reps x 2 sets --> not easy, almost hard but got them deep!

EDT Romanian dead lift (285lbs)/hack squat (320 lbs)
8,8,8,8,8 --> 80 reps in a total of 12 minutes. Need to increase the weight again.

Rack pull static hold:
545 lbs x 15 seconds
565 lbs x 1 second --> my much love right wrist strap failed in action (picture to come)
565 lbs x 15 seconds --> hopefully someone in the gym lend me his. Went well.

Ab crunch static hold:
265 x 15 seconds x 2 sets --> saw Rob's post only after the workout. I will change that for decline abs crunch with weight next workout.

Pull ups:
body weight x 10 reps
body weight x 8 reps

Total workout time: 68 minutes
Body weight after workout: 250 lbs

This workout as great! I felt super strong during the EDT block and rack pull is still increasing at a rapid pace. I seeing deeper definition in my legs/quads when I stretch. Boxers/pants feel tighter around legs too. Next run will be a cut for sure, I am growing a "male pregnancy" to compete with my girl :?

Feast day 40 - February 23 2011

No training today, targeting 2400 calories

No soreness today, sleep has slightly improved. I need to start doing cardio again.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:22 am
by RobRegish
"This workout as great! I felt super strong during the EDT block and rack pull is still increasing at a rapid pace.

I seeing deeper definition in my legs/quads when I stretch. Boxers/pants feel tighter around legs too...:

Rob's happy... you're happy :)