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Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:22 pm
by Hank!
Workout today was short but very intense, I was able to complete one edt with some additional work..teh i got nauseous

I have no lingering soreness, and felt like a beast going in. I think what add my stomach reeling was about 40 minutes prior to the gym (not knowing I would be going to gym at the time i went) I took EC with Focus XT then I found out i was going so I gulped down some Pump-bol and started sipping my peri workout with eagle.

A ton of fluid and frankly the flavoring I used in the peri was sickly sweet combined with the Karbolyn sweetness just too much for me.

Warmed up

decline 135x10/185x10/225x6/315x1

Declined static hold
415x15 secs // 485xFAIL couldn't un rack // 425x10 elbows felt like electric current

Flat DB Bench // Db Rows
95x6x3/100x6x1// 95x6x3/100x6x1

BW Dips / Lat Pull Downs
6x4 // 180x4

Typing this now I have absolutely no soreness, only slight fatigue in the muscles worked spmach is normal managed to eat a bunch of gournd beef and chicken for dinner (tacos) and had some cake (carbs)

Taking AN tonight and will report back tommorow

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:52 pm
by RobRegish
Ah yes, amazing isn't it?

Looking forward to your DOMS updates to follow. That Eagle... I still don't have all the details in the mysterious silver bag. I do know this though... it works better than the strongest PH's I tried in the day before the ban.

In terms of recovering quickly from exercise, I haven't found anything that can touch it..

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:30 am
by Hank!
lol yes amazing because I am not sore at all

I could do the same workout again right now less than 24 hours later.

Yesterdays macros. Sure didnt feel like i ate this much

Daily Intake Totals

Fat98 g
Cholesterol489 mg
Sodium2971 mg
Carbs350 g
Fiber12 g
Protein249 g
Sugars63 g

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Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:00 pm
by Hank!
Since I wasnt able to complete two edt's yesterday and was not sore alt all today I decided to go in and work

Warm Up

Standing Military press/ Upright barbell row
115x6/115x6/135x6/135x6 // 80x6x4

Incline Bench // T Bar Row (device you lean on chest pad)
185x6x4 // 125x6x4

Weighted Crunches on Universal // Hyper Extensions
135lbs x 20x 2 // 2x20 with 45lb plate

706 cals burned..

My peri was Iso and Karbolyn. big pumps today

PS: I asked for this for Christmas

Lots of Holiday goodies all around, and vendors taking us to dinner

Daily Intake Totals Cals 2918 Fat101 g Cholesterol493 mg Sodium3072 mg Carbs245 g Fiber7 g Protein270 g Sugars92 g.

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Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:20 pm
by RobRegish
Oooh you're a masochist..

Hope Santa delivers. You've been a good boy though, so I'd say its in the bag!

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 2:31 pm
by Hank!
Last night marked one week on Adaptagen N, and initially I didn't think it was working however the Alpha feeling is strong right now, it is kicking in hard.

One other thing I did was add some creatine mono to my peri workout and I have to tell you I am a big time responder. The Karb/ Creatine/ Protein mixture works wonders. I am walking around at about 263 right now which is high but mirror looks okay.

I skip the Eagle in my peri yesterday and I do have some soreness in my shoulders , back and abs. Today will be a cardio day.

Traction has begun

I did a 45 minute workout of plyometrics, & calesthenics and ht the heavy bag for a while. Great workout feel fantastic burned around 617 according to my HRM

Daily Intake TotalsCals2893Fat137 gCholesterol698 mgSodium3199 mgCarbs101 gFiber7 gProtein281 gSugars47 g.

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Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:46 pm
by RobRegish
Great to hear it Hank!

Yeah it just keeps better as the weeks roll by with Adaptogen N :)

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:19 pm
by Hank!
Today I shall rest :) just got massage . No soreness at all.

Rob I am in week two so should i start calorie drop now?

78 g
381 mg
1619 mg
146 g
9 g
129 g
47 g

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Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:54 pm
by RobRegish
Yes, per the guidelines set forth in the template I shared. Also, note the recommendations on what to do with your Ecdy dose. If you need assistance with that, PM me.

I heard from another 3.0 tester via text yesterday. Here was the text:

"The fat won't stop falling off!" followed by.. "I haven't even started deficit (graduated caloric deficits)"

He's a completely different somatype (one of the reasons I picked different testers).

Hopefully Hank, you'll notice the same :)

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:27 pm
by Hank!
Looking at my calories yesterday sure felt like I ate more than that.

Squats today

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 7:58 pm
by RobRegish
Great job man. Having fun watching this unfold...

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:47 pm
by Hank!
Got an intense workout in today.

After seeing Jazz and his most perfect squat form I have really wanted to get back to basics and start a proper form squatting practice. I did all my sets today as box squat below parallel strict form

BOX Squat Super Set with Leg curls (prone)
warm up 135x12/60x10

Seated Calf Raise Static Hold
230lbx x 20secs x 2

Romain DL
245x12 245x10 245x6 245x6

Crunches (on universal rope behind head)// HyperExtension
130lbs x 20x2// 45lbs x20x2

time about 50 minutes

Santa hasn't brought me my new lifting straps yet so I skipped high range static holds today

Daily Intake Totals

Cals2569Fat87 gCholesterol485 mgSodium4564 mgCarbs259 gFiber11 gProtein192 gSugars76 g

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Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 9:00 am
by RobRegish
GREAT move Hank!

You'll find that once returning to traditional squat, you have a TREMENDOUS amount of power out of the hole. Tell me if I'm right on that one please :)

One question: Did you use "The Eagle" for this workout? If so, would be most curious as to your feedback....

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:18 pm
by Hank!
I sure did use the eagle and I probably shouldn't be able to walk right now. Immeditly post work out I was fatigued and legs were a bit heavy. Today I have some soreness in my glutes and quads but it is much less to prior workouts or similar intensity. The true test will be the stairs tommorow morning. Abs and back are slightly tight.