Ryan's second run featuring "super squats"

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Post by RyannayR »

beefcake66 wrote:Those are some pretty awesome results, Ryan! Congrats!
Thank you!

Cruise workout #1

Bench Press
185 5x5

Machine Shoulder Press
110 5x5

Smith Machine CGBP static hold
255 for about 6 seconds

Felt good to be on the bench again after a few weeks of only doing weighted dips. The weight didn't go up all that easy though. I felt like I was about one rep short of failure for half the sets. Shit really hit the fan at work so my sleep schedule has been off the past two days but I'm working on correcting that.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work!

Yeah, I'll be returning to bench after a long break where I did heavy weighted dips. It does take some time to get back in tune with the barbell.

And I know ALL about the shit hitting the fan at work thing. Fortunately for me, I've scheduled 3 weeks of vacation starting later this week. LONG overdue.... Take care to make sure you're getting needed rest, practice relaxation exercises etc. Recognize too, that only so much you can control...
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Post by RyannayR »

Cruise workout #2

185 5x5

My legs are fried. I've been on my feet a lot lately and the strength is not all there.

Cable rows
180 5x5

Leg Sled Static Hold
320 for 20 seconds

Machine preacher curl static hold
200 for 18 seconds

Unfortunately I didn't have time for abs/calfs because the gym was mobbed. I can't wait to start lifting from home.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man.

Sometimes, you've got to do what you've got to do. I guarantee you this; once you have a home gym you'll never look back. Let's take a look at the advantages:

1.) Great commute time
2.) They always play the music that you like
3.) The owner is very flexible with allowing chalk, music, swearing etc.
4.) Idiot factor is reduced to zero
5.) No morons to steal your spot when performing EDT sets
6.) Somebody left their sweat on your bench? No problem. It's yours.
7.) Work yourself into a psychotic frenzy prior to max lifts? No problem.
Nobody will call for the straight jacket.
8.) It's a judment zone (as opposed to the "judgement free zone")
nonsense espoused at major gym chains these day. Nonsense. People
need to be judged and harshly at that to get results. Great motivator.
Those weights you're lifting? They're the judges. They get bigger, you
get bigger. Simple and straightforward judging criteria.
9.) Want to break wind? Let it fly. Adds to the fun.

So many advantages, so little downside. It'll pay for itself in short order and it just keeps getting better as you take that Christmas cash and add to things. Speaking of which, consider buying two cinder blocks and the following two items. Best investments you'll ever make outside of a power rack:



If you do order either one, I highly suggest getting the Ironmind loading pin, which can be found here and makes loading/unloading a snap:


If $ is an issue, treat yourself to the cinderblocks at Home depot and the loading pin. You can always rig something up with an old weight belt/dip belt.

These topics are near and dear to my heart. I haven't trained in a commercial gym in 12+ years. I don't know what it's like today but when I punched out these places were a magnet for weirdos, freaks and clowns of all sorts. People wearing neon clothes that stared at themselves for hours at a time in mirrors, asking me for tips on various things.

I got tired of telling them to eat green bananas. Loaded with testosterone precursors prior to going yellow. A dozen a day to load and 4-6/day thereafter. Gorilla's eat them. They don't even lift and look at how strong they are.

Throw a few in your gym bag and leave it open for the world to see. Adds to the effect, especially when you're setting PR's left and right. Tell them if they can't stomach a dozen/day during loading to rub the peels on the inside of their forearms/neck. Explain this is where the skin is thinnest and delivery into the veins/carotoid artery carries it into circulation faster. Transdermal delivery is a nice alternative. Expand on that by explaining the molecular weight of the precursor (aka "bananabol" in underground circles) is well under 500 - 375, in fact, allowing for easy transport through the strateum corneum, with eventual delivery into the bloodstream allowing for a gradual time release effect. A bit slower than going through the gastrointestinal tract but keeps blood levels consistently elevated. Best application times are immediately prior to workouts, after a hot shower and again before bedtime. Emphasize how the hot shower opens the pores for more efficient delivery of said bananabol precursor.

Then, sit back and enjoy to bellyache/slimy skin stories.

Now you're going to run into dieters too, many of them women. With these folks, it's all about birdseed. Yep, birdseed.

You want to recommend 3 tablespoons/day. They'll protest they can't chew it/hurts their teeth but offer up the following easy solution: Mix into sugar free yogurt. Makes getting your 3 daily servings a snap.

Now on the MOA (mode of action), birdseed is a well know up-regulator of thermogenesis. Ever see a fat bird? Exactly. As with the gorilla example, nature leaves clues.

The birdseed dramatically enhances your NATURAL (emphasize the word natural) thyroid output. Emphasize T3 in particular as it's the most "active" form of thyroid hormone. Expand futher on how the birdseed acts to convert a higher percentage of T4 to T3. Emphasize the fact that if they can't lose weight it isn't their fault, it's simply a function of the enzyme that converts T4 to T3 being lacking or (especially in middle age weirdos), it's due to age. As with all hormone levels (test, estrogen, insulin secretion/insulin sensitivity) everything starts declining. Forget the pizza they're eating/not working hard enough. Nothing to do with that. It's the decline in enzyme conversion that's to blame. Birdseed is the fix.

Also, explain that results manifest quickly. Within two weeks in fact. Set expectations of losing 1lb/day of pure bodyfat. No calorie counting necessary as the effects are so powerful they over-ride the role of thermodynamics (i.e. calories in/calories out). If 1lb/day loss isn't realized within the first week, simply recommend double dosing as there exists a small % of birdseed "non-responders" in the population. If that still doesn't work, suggest switching brands as the pre-winter mix is a bit stronger than the springtime formulas.

Practice makes perfect, so do refine this 3x/daily in front of a mirror with an absolute straight face. Drop these tips 2 weeks prior to leaving. You'll probably have abs inside of a month from all the laughing...
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Post by drjgn »

RobRegish wrote: These topics are near and dear to my heart. I haven't trained in a commercial gym in 12+ years. I don't know what it's like today but when I punched out these places were a magnet for weirdos, freaks and clowns of all sorts. People wearing neon clothes that stared at themselves for hours at a time in mirrors, asking me for tips on various things.

I got tired of telling them to eat green bananas. Loaded with testosterone precursors prior to going yellow. A dozen a day to load and 4-6/day thereafter. Gorilla's eat them. They don't even lift and look at how strong they are.

Throw a few in your gym bag and leave it open for the world to see. Adds to the effect, especially when you're setting PR's left and right. Tell them if they can't stomach a dozen/day during loading to rub the peels on the inside of their forearms/neck. Explain this is where the skin is thinnest and delivery into the veins/carotoid artery carries it into circulation faster. Transdermal delivery is a nice alternative. Expand on that by explaining the molecular weight of the precursor (aka "bananabol" in underground circles) is well under 500 - 375, in fact, allowing for easy transport through the strateum corneum, with eventual delivery into the bloodstream allowing for a gradual time release effect. A bit slower than going through the gastrointestinal tract but keeps blood levels consistently elevated. Best application times are immediately prior to workouts, after a hot shower and again before bedtime. Emphasize how the hot shower opens the pores for more efficient delivery of said bananabol precursor.

Then, sit back and enjoy to bellyache/slimy skin stories.

Now you're going to run into dieters too, many of them women. With these folks, it's all about birdseed. Yep, birdseed.

You want to recommend 3 tablespoons/day. They'll protest they can't chew it/hurts their teeth but offer up the following easy solution: Mix into sugar free yogurt. Makes getting your 3 daily servings a snap.

Now on the MOA (mode of action), birdseed is a well know up-regulator of thermogenesis. Ever see a fat bird? Exactly. As with the gorilla example, nature leaves clues.

The birdseed dramatically enhances your NATURAL (emphasize the word natural) thyroid output. Emphasize T3 in particular as it's the most "active" form of thyroid hormone. Expand futher on how the birdseed acts to convert a higher percentage of T4 to T3. Emphasize the fact that if they can't lose weight it isn't their fault, it's simply a function of the enzyme that converts T4 to T3 being lacking or (especially in middle age weirdos), it's due to age. As with all hormone levels (test, estrogen, insulin secretion/insulin sensitivity) everything starts declining. Forget the pizza they're eating/not working hard enough. Nothing to do with that. It's the decline in enzyme conversion that's to blame. Birdseed is the fix.

Also, explain that results manifest quickly. Within two weeks in fact. Set expectations of losing 1lb/day of pure bodyfat. No calorie counting necessary as the effects are so powerful they over-ride the role of thermodynamics (i.e. calories in/calories out). If 1lb/day loss isn't realized within the first week, simply recommend double dosing as there exists a small % of birdseed "non-responders" in the population. If that still doesn't work, suggest switching brands as the pre-winter mix is a bit stronger than the springtime formulas.

Practice makes perfect, so do refine this 3x/daily in front of a mirror with an absolute straight face. Drop these tips 2 weeks prior to leaving. You'll probably have abs inside of a month from all the laughing...

DUDE!!!! This is HILARIOUS! So glad I stumbled across this!!!!!!! You should put this on a sticky somewhere prominent. :mrgreen:
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow that's a great idea.

Sticked in the Training session. Should help BP Believers deal with the whack jobs asking you annoying questions. I'd have put it into 3.0, but not sure what kind of reviews I'd get :)

Hope this helps...
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Post by RyannayR »

HAHAHA bananabol! Did you really tell someone that? I was cracking up at this. Gorilla's don't have access to GLP so it must be those bananas! Funny stuff man. And eating birdseed? I would love to see some woman walking out of a store with a giant bag of birdseed and a case of yogurts. HAHAHA.

On the hip belt + loading pin. I already own the Ironmind dip belt and I love it. I plan on picking up the loading pin for Christmas or sooner and I think I have a few cinder blocks in the garage. I'll be all set and start building tree trunks for quads with no back pain or spotter.

Usually I go to the gym during odd times to avoid the weirdos but with my new schedule I've been forced to go during peak hours. I see some strange people doing even stranger exercises. It does provide some entertainment but I'm tired of sitting around waiting for people to finish curling in the squat racks.

That's a comprehensive list of pros you put together for the home gym. I will have the whole thing up and running for my next Blueprint run in a few weeks. 8)
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Post by RyannayR »

Cruise Workout #3

185 5x5

Machine Shoulder Press
125 5x5 (+15lbs from last workout!)

Smith machine CGBP static hold
255 for 10 seconds (few more seconds than last time)

Not feeling so hot right now. I'm going to sleep for a few hours or maybe 10 since I have off from work for the remainder of the day. I'll pound some food whenever I wake up.
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Post by RobRegish »

Fantastic especially on those shoulder presses!

Good news too on the home gym. Once you're set up you'll never look back. Unless you need entertainment... :)
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Post by RyannayR »

Cruise Workout #4

Not the best workout today. I didn't feel strong on my squats at all and didn't finish the required 5 sets. I am counting down the days till I can begin using my dip belt + loading pin instead of the barbell. I did increase my seated cable rows by 5lbs so the day wasn't a complete loss. I also had to time to do static holds for abs, calves, biceps. At this point I just want to start the periodic and make more substantial forward progress.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK, happens. I agree wholeheartedly on the belt/loading pin. Once you use that, you'll never look back!

You did the right thing. Pushing it here could have resulted in an injury and The BP Periodic would have been affected.

Great work. How are you liking that Burn It Up!?
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Post by RyannayR »

BIU is saving my life right now. :) Great focus while talking this product. I feel locked in and alert.
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Post by RobRegish »

Yeah AskMass did a great job with that one.

Can't wait for the year end sale!!
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Post by RyannayR »

Cruise Workout #5

Bench Press
190 5x5 (+5lbs)

Shoulder Press
130 5x5 (+ another 5lbs) I barely got the last two reps but I locked em out for sure!

Static Hold
Don't remember the weight. 260? I forget.

I was bloated like crazy after these past few days and I felt like I had a lotta gas in the tank. Pun intended.
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