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Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:32 pm
by SiLkPaDrE
Just got back from my workout...

It was admittedly one of my worst to date :?. I think my CNS is fried or something, because after my terrible GLP Bench routine, I could care less about lifting another weight... I was really really out of it.

Anyway, yeah man shit hit the fan today. The reps were as follows:

Set 1 (w/u): 10
Set 2: 10
Set 3: 7
Set 4: 4
Set 5: 2
Set 7: 1 (with a similar weight to what I used for set 5, I'd say about 5lbs heavier)

I ended up setting up some pins and doing close grip presses from where I got stuck during my failed rep during set 6 (and essentially during every rep that I couldn't finish). I can get the weight off my chest, it's a little lower than halfway through where I run into a sticking point. So tricep related? I admittedly don't do much tricep work considering it makes up the bulk of my arm. Other than weighted dips, I don't usually hit my triceps directly (except for the few times I've done EDT stuff). Anyway, I feel terrible :(.

I didn't use Fat Gripz at all and nothing felt extraordinarily sore before I started. I'm not sure what to do. I am definitely going to take a good amount of rest before GLP workout #5, but I am not even sure if continuing with the plan is in my best interest, considering this downward spiral I am experiencing.

Maybe this is too much volume for me? A lot of my training, back when I experienced my greatest gains, was probably in the 80th percentile; I did a lot of 5x5 stuff. Even when I started doing lower reps when we started lifting for football last semester, I don't think I ever really ventured too close to my max for more than a week or two. Maybe I do need more rest or maybe GLP#1 just isn't for me (at least not to be doing twice a week, albeit I have been taking a good amount of space in between workouts). My muscles aren't sore but I'm not performing, so that's the only reason I believe my problem may be CNS related. During workouts 1-5 of the Feast, my strength increased rather rapidly and that's partially why I'm feeling so discouraged, because weight I could easily push a couple weeks ago is now a burden for me to even look at.

Another thing that could potentially be screwing me up is my diet; I don't eat many carbs pre-workout. It is during and after my workout where I eat the majority of my carbs.

Any suggestions?

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:38 pm
by RobRegish
Pretty much as I thought... you thrive on heavy duty (HIT) one set to failure training.

I'd return to that for the duration of Feast starting in the 8-10 rep range and spriraling down into the heavy stuff, shooting for a new PR to pull out a nice Feast phase (upper body run, anyway).

These things happen and it's all part of the learning process. First time I've seen it on GLP #1 but think about it: now you know. Plenty of other programs to insert: GLP 2, Russian loading pattern, 10% solution. It's endless.

It sounds like the squats are still going well though so keep hammering those. Every lesson is another checkmark in your logbook. You'll find it, the perfect Blueprint run. It usually happens in run #3.

Don't feel too bad man. It's an abberation. We learn from it and go on the offensive in other areas!

And you, do try to bump up the carbs pre-workout. Could have been a factor...

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:50 pm
by SiLkPaDrE
Thanks a bunch Rob, that sounds right around my alley. I made sure to eat a crap load just now, clean foods mind you. Ratios were something like 30/25/45 for protein, fat and carbs respectively thus far--I'm at around 4300 calories so far today. I needed some food in me and hope to get some good rest. Yesterday I had around 2000 calories (I eat less on days I don't workout) primarily consisting of fat and protein. Hopefully today was a called for refeed/cheat of sorts.

So should my next bench workout just basically be like Feast workout 1 with the addition of accessory work and what not? Also, would you suggest I incorporate more partials off the pins to help work on that sticking point?

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:43 am
by RobRegish
Yes you hit the nail on the head.

Instead of partials at this point though, work in a few sets of wide grip and close grip benches/rows. Doing that through the full range will help out more with a sticking point during HIT than a static.

One thing I picked up: "Yesterday I had around 2000 calories (I eat less on days I don't workout) primarily consisting of fat and protein" - has your diet been like this during GLP or even close to it?

If so, it PERFECTLY explains what you've been experiencing. Not many calories/carbs = not much gas in the tank. While you'll be strong for a set or 2 that RAPIDLY dissipates on that type of diet... In fact, you'll see a note in The Blueprint Periodic - Diet to the effect of "this is no time for a low calorie/carb diet". This is exactly why.

I think we found it!

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:16 am
by SiLkPaDrE
My diet has definitely been jumping up and down, clean for the past 2 weeks. I've probably only gone as low as 2,000 calories a couple of times.

A. Likely explains at least some of it..

Now, assuming I follow this HIT approach, at least for bench anyway, would I be benching 2-3 times a week?

A. Depends. IF you can recover from it yes. If not, dial the frequency back some..

I'm trying to organize this all before I switch things up. I was considering finishing the GLP just because I feel kind of weird stopping halfway through, but I'm not sure if this is just me being stubborn.

Also, could I continue the same accessory work were I to bench 3x a week, and perhaps for the 3rd day substitute the extra chest movements with shoulder work (military presses, push presses, etc.)? Or would that be a little too much?

A. No, this should be do-able. The qualifier is being able to progress on the HIT approach/big barbell work. That's your bellweather.

I'm considering doing a couple push/pull related EDT blocks for bench day 1, perhaps some close grip presses and weighted dips as the key accessory movements for bench day 2, and then shoulder work on bench day 3. Tell me if I'm jumping the gun here.

A. No, that's good thinking. Try to ID where on the bench your sticking point is. If near the bottom, work in some wide grip work/dumbells. If near the top, close grip presses. Supp work should bump up the workload AND address weak points. That is the ideal.

Also, would you consider 5/3/1 a potential option for me. I've had the ebook for a while and the approach seems pretty reasonable given my circumstances and progress thus far. The "all-out" 3rd sets are HIT-esque as well.

A. That's fine. It's one of the few I haven't personally used but I hear good things!

Thanks for the quick feedback brotha, you da best!

A. Trying' :)

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:28 pm
by SiLkPaDrE
Quick update.

I'm about to go work out in a bit for what should be my GLP#4 squat workout. I've decided, however, that I am going to drop GLP altogether as it just doesn't suite me very well. Granted, I can handle it with the squats, but in all honestly the rest I have to take between sets can be TOO time consuming, not to mention how troublesome the huge jumps between weights can be. After much consideration, I will in fact be implementing the 5/3/1 approach to my major lifts, with corresponding accessory work. Today I won't follow strict 5/3/1, which I plan on starting tomorrow with bench, but I certainly won't be hitting GLP#4. Today just isn't a 480lbs for doubles day for me... I have to be realistic and listen to my body. Rather, I'm going to follow a HIT approach, do an all out set with 4 plates, aiming for between 6-10 reps depending on how I end up feeling, do an EDT block, some other accessory movements and call it a day.

Starting this week I will be following a M-W-F schedule.