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Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:01 pm
by Redgum
Day 41 of feast. 206lbs.

Didn't do my scheduled SQUATS DELOAD today.. my knee is agony. Maybe I will attempt it in a few days.

I did however my usual Bicep/Triceps work, with some added shoulder work and some core work.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:10 pm
by Redgum
Day 43 of feast. 207lbs.

I have a cold :cry:


5 sets

Was fine, did Dumbbell rows and resistance band work.

I have a cold so not really into it but didn't want to skip another workout, knee is still bad, otherwise I would of done my squats from Sunday today, I will try fit them in somewhere, if not will just miss the squats deload and attempt a new 1RM when time comes, or not at all, I haven't decided yet.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:58 pm
by RobRegish
Awesome work!

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:53 am
by Redgum
Hope you had a nice break Rob. Welcome back.

Day 45 of feast. 206lbs.

I can feel it coming to an end, I've already over done the recommended time but trying to squeeze the big 3 into the feast phase using GLP proved to be a hard task.

My cold is starting to clear up, but it could be a sign on stressing the body too much, IE: the length of my feast stage, also my knee being a problem still, and trying to eat less than maintenance on off days, it can all be accounted for and made problematic, but I've always worked through illness, may not be the best option but I feel I need to. (My cals have prob bumped up a bit due to drinking honey+lemon) but I'll let that slide.


BENCH! (No.6 The PR attempt)

6 sets

Right.. I breezed through til I hit the last set, I made the attempt, got it down but couldn't push it back up. I didn't stop here. I rested 3-5 mins, psyched up, completed the rep, new PR.

I was happy, continued with Dumbbell Incline/Decline, added some resistance band work too.

Overall I think it was pretty good, new PR, recovering from a cold, eating less, and using no ecdy. So far so good..

I'm planning on completing the last 2 workouts, Squats if I can, will be on Sunday as usual, and then Deadlifts on Tuesday, if I don't do my squats on Sunday, I will do the Deadlifts there and end the feast. Otherwise, I will completing 50 days of feast on Tuesday.

Just to add my next run I will only be doing 2 of the big lifts in feast. I can see why you said it was a tall order, however my knee injury was not caused directly by what I have been doing during the BP.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:18 pm
by RobRegish
"Right.. I breezed through til I hit the last set, I made the attempt, got it down but couldn't push it back up. I didn't stop here. I rested 3-5 mins, psyched up, completed the rep, new PR".


God this made my day. Talk about a slow week (I know I was on vacation/July 4th and all) but boy I was depressed....until I saw this!

Thanks for lifting me up :)

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:43 am
by Redgum
Haha my pleasure Rob.. :)


Day 48 of feast. I'm calling it a day. I'm going into cruise. Prob could of made it to Tuesday to make it a clean 50 days, but not going to.

In my last post I said I may do Squats or Deadlifts depending how I feel. What I actually did surprised even me, I'm still not sure how I did it, lets just say I surpassed a lot of expectations today.

SQUATS! (No.5 - Note: I skipped #4DELOAD, I went from #3 to #5)

6 sets

Due to my ongoing knee problem I can admit I was hesitant to do Squats at all, I felt how the weight was on it and decided to just go for it, I am going to the docs go make an appointment to get a scan on it in the week. So, maybe this wasn't the best idea, but its just how I see it.

I completed every set. I even went further and did 1 rep of 160kg(352lbs) just so the it was an even number for me, so there, new PR.

I was happy with this and thought I should carry on and do my Bicep/Tricep work, but I decided against it..and do something which wasn't exactly planned and again not advised I expect. I did my Deadlifts workout..


6 sets

Again I was apprehensive going into this, I monitored back strength prior to every set making sure I had no tingles or odd/undesired feelings.

Hit every rep, the last rep I found tough, i think my form was off a tad, wasn't happy. I added more weight, and went for it. It was 180kg(396lbs). New PR.

I stopped here, no additional work done. Overall.. lovely.

This is the end of my Feast phase.


3 New 1RM PRs.

Bench: 100kg(220)
Squats: 150kg(330)
Deadlifts: 160kg(352)

Bench: 105kg(231lbs)
Squats: 160kg(352lbs)
Deadlifts: 180kg(396lbs)

BENCH +5kg(11lbs)
SQUATS +10kg(22lbs)
DEADLIFTS +20kg(44lbs)[/b]

Will just add I didnt use any straps/sleeves/belt/chalk or anything else.

Love it.

So now to Cruise!

Cant think of any questions as of yet about cruise, will just follow what the BP says as close as I can.

Edit: Yes I can, when should I do my first workout of cruise? Leave 2-3 days? Was thinking Wednesday.

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:28 am
by RobRegish
Take 2-3 days then hit cruise.

And FANTASTIC work on those new PR's! Very, very happy for you man...

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:15 pm
by Redgum
Thanks Rob, aye will do then!

Just a couple of questions I was pondering about today..

1. My calories, do I go to eating 10x body weight as Bp suggests or stick with 120/70 routine I am in still?

2. Also, can you freeze whey? I've been making oats/honey/raisins/whey/water and then freezing it and eating it the next day. (Its awesome, btw)

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:33 pm
by RobRegish
Best to go back to maintenance. We're shooting for a new homeostasis and you know, Famine is right around the corner :)

Perfectly fine to freeze your whey. Just don't heat the cold processed stuff you paid dearly for!

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:13 am
by Redgum
OK will do, thanks Rob.

I don't know why I didn't ask this earlier but the BP states no deadlifts in the 5x5 programme for cruise, if that's alright I will be adding them. I may consider rotating them on upper/lower days, depending how I feel.

Unless you can suggest otherwise.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:14 pm
by RobRegish
They're OK to include but awful taxing on the CNS.

Just be mindful of that as you proceed :)

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 1:32 pm
by Redgum
Ending cruise now, last week I've been relaxing, and just eating whatever I want, not advised no doubt, but think I needed it, weight hasn't really changed.

Starting famine tomorrow. May create a new log.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 6:22 pm
by RobRegish
Good call Redgum.. you're listening to your body and taking it's cues!