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Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 9:47 pm
by hah2110
I'm going to ask what may be an absurdly stupid question but how is it physiologically possible to gain large amounts of mass if I'm eating at 100% of maintenance... Wouldn't I need to eat over maintenance? As you may know from previous posts, I'd rather gain 5 lbs of lean muscle and burn fat (getting my BF down to <10%) than gain 10 lbs of lean muscle but keep my BF the same. Doesn't mean I don't want the mass, I just want something visual sooner rather than later. I guess I'm also a little bit confused since you said bulking below was 12-15 x body weight. If the gaining mass is considered a bulk, wouldn't I be doing that?

Sorry, don't mean to keep asking questions like this but I like to understand the hows and whys of what I'm doing -- especially when it involves my health.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 6:32 am
by RobRegish
Large amounts of muscle aren't likely without over-feeding, you're correct. However, the muscle you do gain on a plan such as I'm proposing will look like quite a bit more than it actually is. Witness Turboflex. He added only 6-7lbs over 7 weeks but if you look at his log "The Blueprint Works!" you see a profound difference in muscle mass.

Strategy I'd like you to look into:

1.) Weeks 1-3 of Feast consider eating 120% of maintenance on training days and 100% of maintenance on off days

2.) Weeks 4-6 consider eating 100% of maintenance on training days and 70% of maintenance on non-training days.

The additional 20% of calories on weeks 1-3 should be in the form of your peri-workout drink. It's here that they can do you the most good, least harm and overall contribute the most.

The 100% days during weeks 4-6....likewise those additional 30% of calories should be placed in and around the workout in a drink format.

Hope that helps!

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 12:22 pm
by hah2110
Excuse my stupidity, but peri-workout implies during the workout, right? How can I get an extra 300ish calories in the form of a drink? Also, what about the Krealkylyn caps you mention in the book? I currently have some micronized creatine. Would I not be using any recovery drink or protein powder? I'm not really in the position to spend $160 on supplements right now. I could do the Krealkylyn caps and then maybe an idea on the BCAA you were talking about. Is the phrase a full supply of real Adaptogen N just referring to the combination of the supplements included in the stack. Alternatively, if you say to me that this $160 bundle includes everything I absolutely need to get results in the 6 weeks, I could try and pull the trigger.

To clarify one step further, I have four workouts to perform before I move to establishing 1RM. This, in theory, will take 12 days (1 workout day, 2 off, 1 on, 2 off, etc.). On the days I workout, I'm going to put calories between 12-15X my bodyweight (this still seems low to me as I was once told my RMR was around 1800 calories and I'm 150) but I trust you guys. On the days I don't workout, I'll keep my calories around 10x or 1500 calories (doesn't seem low?).

Now, on this fifth workout... the book says establish a 1RM for bench press and 1RM for squats. What else do I need to do? The workout plan (loading pattern) goes through all the math but I am confused on what exercises to perform on what days. Am I only working legs and chest or am I just missing something? Directly after the section on german loading pattern, it goes into the science behind some things. What do I need to do exercise wise? Or is that something that will get planned for me in a few weeks? I see the part about loaded stretching, but that is it.

Thanks for all the support... yesterday's workout hurt!

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 12:53 pm
by Hank!
I believe the Peri means "Around" your workout I use it before and during.

As far as spending money on the supps I am in the same boat as you, What I am going to do is order the KreAnabolyn this has the Kreakalyn as well as the ECDY, to me this combo is the best bang for the buck. For me if i couldnt buy another thing I would buy the KreAnabolyn by itself. If money is tight I will buy the one bottle at a time..its that good and that effective

Keep in mind since we bought the BP for Muscle, we get a 10% discount on KreAnabolyn . (discount code is in the BP)

FYI Last run I did the Power Stack which was 2 bottles of KA, 1 bottle DHEA, 1 bottle of Burn It UP @ $99. I liked Burn it UP with added caffiene and I did not recognize anything from DHEA

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 7:39 pm
by RobRegish
Excuse my stupidity, but peri-workout implies during the workout, right? How can I get an extra 300ish calories in the form of a drink? Also, what about the Krealkylyn caps you mention in the book? I currently have some micronized creatine. Would I not be using any recovery drink or protein powder?

A. There is no stupidity. We're here to Learn, Share and Grow. That goes for me too!

Peri-workout is exactly as Hank says.. around the workout. 80g of waxy maize/vitargo + 25g of MassPro gets you to 420 additional calories, and that's in water.

I'm not really in the position to spend $160 on supplements right now. I could do the Krealkylyn caps and then maybe an idea on the BCAA you were talking about. Is the phrase a full supply of real Adaptogen N just referring to the combination of the supplements included in the stack. Alternatively, if you say to me that this $160 bundle includes everything I absolutely need to get results in the 6 weeks, I could try and pull the trigger.

A. If you're down with it, see The Blueprint Mass Stack in the Supps section. $160 bucks gets you 2 KA, 1 AN, 2 MassProAmino and 1 Burn It Up! OR.... stick with BCAA/CrMh. I take no favor. Some of us find these supps worth the $. Some don't. I support you either way..

To clarify one step further, I have four workouts to perform before I move to establishing 1RM. This, in theory, will take 12 days (1 workout day, 2 off, 1 on, 2 off, etc.). On the days I workout, I'm going to put calories between 12-15X my bodyweight (this still seems low to me as I was once told my RMR was around 1800 calories and I'm 150) but I trust you guys. On the days I don't workout, I'll keep my calories around 10x or 1500 calories (doesn't seem low?).

A. Some experimentation to do here. Given your build/history, suggest going on the higher end of your estimates. Doesn't have to be perfect...

Now, on this fifth workout... the book says establish a 1RM for bench press and 1RM for squats. What else do I need to do? The workout plan (loading pattern) goes through all the math but I am confused on what exercises to perform on what days. Am I only working legs and chest or am I just missing something? Directly after the section on german loading pattern, it goes into the science behind some things. What do I need to do exercise wise? Or is that something that will get planned for me in a few weeks? I see the part about loaded stretching, but that is it.

A. Please see the sample Feast training Template in this section. Should clear things up. If not, right here for you!

Loaded stretching refers to movements where in the stretch position, you incur an ususually high stretch-load given the weight involved. I'll help you structure that when the time comes but they're built into the template..

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 12:24 pm
by hah2110
Maybe I'm stupid but I'm really confused by what I should be doing for Feast 1-5 and thereafter. The blueprint doesn't directly talk about changing rep scheme for the 1-5 but it does talk about it in the sample template. Also, I don't get this which is listed right after the bench press:

EDT BLOCK - sets performed back to back

Incline DB presses
Tbar rows

I understand all of the notes, etc. but just don't know how many of what exercise to perform when with what weight.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 6:43 pm
by RobRegish
On the EDT block construction, consider this: ... .php?t=437

Now your first shot at it is going to be a ballpark. Something along the lines of a baseline. I do think that once you get into it. you'll see it's not that onerous.

Why don't we do this... sketch out for me what you think your FIRST workout in workouts 1-5 are. I'll help you from there..

Important to take it piecemeal. I know I keep saying that but it's true...

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 7:39 pm
by hah2110
Ok... I'm still really confused but I like your strategy. On the EDT stuff, is it that I'm supposed to stick with the same weight?

Workout 1, to be performed this Saturday:

- Bench Press: 1 x 12 at approx 60% of max weigh for warmup
- Bench Press: 1 x 8 at a weight that puts me at near failure on the 8th
- Dumbbell Pullover: 1 x 8 at a weight that puts me at near failure on the 8th
- Incline DB Press: 1 x 6 at a weight that makes the 6th hurt, but not failing
- Rows: 1 x 6 at a weight that makes the 6th hurt, but not failing
** note - i don't know how I can do this at my gym as the two are no where near each other... advice?**
- Rest two minutes
- Incline DB Press: 1 x 6 at a weight that makes the 6th hurt, but not failing
- Rows: 1 x 6 at a weight that makes the 6th hurt, but not failing
- Rest two minutes
- Incline DB Press: 1 x 5 at the same weight as the second set
- Rows: 1 x 5 at the same weight as the second set
- Rest two minutes
- Incline DB Press: 1 x 5 at the same weight as the second set
- Rows: 1 x 5 at the same weight as the second set
- Rest two minutes
- Incline DB Press: 1 x 3 at the same weight as the second set
- Rows: 1 x 3 at the same weight as the second set

- Squats: 1 x 8 at a weight that puts me at failure on the 8th

- Dumbbell Pullover: 1 x 8 at a weight that puts me at near failure on the 8th
- Leg Sled: 1 x 6 at a weight that makes the 6th hurt, but not failing
- Deadlift: 1 x 6 at a weight that makes the 6th hurt, but not failing
** note - i don't know how I can do this at my gym as the two are no where near each other... advice?**
- Rest two minutes
- Leg Sled: 1 x 6 at a weight that makes the 6th hurt, but not failing
- Deadlift: 1 x 6 at a weight that makes the 6th hurt, but not failing
- Rest two minutes
- Leg Sled: 1 x 5 at the same weight as the second set
- Deadlift: 1 x 5 at the same weight as the second set
- Rest two minutes
- Leg Sled: 1 x 5 at the same weight as the second set
- Deadlift: 1 x 5 at the same weight as the second set
- Rest two minutes
- Leg Sled: 1 x 3 at the same weight as the second set
- Deadlift: 1 x 3 at the same weight as the second set

How am I doing?

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 3:28 pm
by RobRegish
Here we go...

Ok... I'm still really confused but I like your strategy. On the EDT stuff, is it that I'm supposed to stick with the same weight?

A. Correct.

Workout 1, to be performed this Saturday:

- Bench Press: 1 x 12 at approx 60% of max weigh for warmup
- Bench Press: 1 x 8 at a weight that puts me at near failure on the 8th
- Dumbbell Pullover: 1 x 8 at a weight that puts me at near failure on the 8th
- Incline DB Press: 1 x 6 at a weight that makes the 6th hurt, but not failing
- Rows: 1 x 6 at a weight that makes the 6th hurt, but not failing
** note - i don't know how I can do this at my gym as the two are no where near each other... advice?**

A. A brief pause in walking over to the other station is acceptable. If necessary, consider using the 1 arm dumbell or other type of row/station that's closer.

- Rest two minutes
- Incline DB Press: 1 x 6 at a weight that makes the 6th hurt, but not failing
- Rows: 1 x 6 at a weight that makes the 6th hurt, but not failing
- Rest two minutes
- Incline DB Press: 1 x 5 at the same weight as the second set
- Rows: 1 x 5 at the same weight as the second set
- Rest two minutes
- Incline DB Press: 1 x 5 at the same weight as the second set
- Rows: 1 x 5 at the same weight as the second set
- Rest two minutes
- Incline DB Press: 1 x 3 at the same weight as the second set
- Rows: 1 x 3 at the same weight as the second set

- Squats: 1 x 8 at a weight that puts me at failure on the 8th

- Dumbbell Pullover: 1 x 8 at a weight that puts me at near failure on the 8th
- Leg Sled: 1 x 6 at a weight that makes the 6th hurt, but not failing
- Deadlift: 1 x 6 at a weight that makes the 6th hurt, but not failing
** note - i don't know how I can do this at my gym as the two are no where near each other... advice?**

A. A bried pause between each is acceptable. If you're really in a pinch, roll a barbell up next to the leg sled.

- Rest two minutes
- Leg Sled: 1 x 6 at a weight that makes the 6th hurt, but not failing
- Deadlift: 1 x 6 at a weight that makes the 6th hurt, but not failing
- Rest two minutes
- Leg Sled: 1 x 5 at the same weight as the second set
- Deadlift: 1 x 5 at the same weight as the second set
- Rest two minutes
- Leg Sled: 1 x 5 at the same weight as the second set
- Deadlift: 1 x 5 at the same weight as the second set
- Rest two minutes
- Leg Sled: 1 x 3 at the same weight as the second set
- Deadlift: 1 x 3 at the same weight as the second set

How am I doing?

A. You're getting it just fine. The one caveat to this I'd note is to perform the big barbell lifts first (bench/pullover). Rest up then squat.

The idea here is to do justice to the big barbell lifts where you have the most time/energy. Then do your EDT blocks. Not mandatory but I like to do it this way and it makes logical sense (to me). If it was ME doing the EDT blocks before squats I'd be spent...

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 6:53 pm
by hah2110
Ok - you know what you are doing. Today kicked my butt. Only problem is that I am going to a Planet Fitness which has machines, dumbbells and smith machines. I tried doing deads on the smith machine but it just isn't working. I did the leg sleds on the leg press machine which I think is equivalent but I'm concerned about the deadlifts. What can I do? I know the gym sucks but it is close and cheap and convenient right now. What can I do?

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 7:29 pm
by RobRegish
That second EDT block of leg sled + deadlifts looks awful demanding, especially since you've worked the deadlift hard already.

Suggest picking just one of those two movements or alternatively, performing a less demanding variation like the Romanian DL.

You may benefit by doing just the Romanian DL itself and dropping the leg sled altogether. Since you've already performed the full range version, your carryover should be there.

So, some tweaking here and there but it will come. Remember, the objective isn't to leave the gym drained every time. You want to leave with just the right balance of volume and intensity such that frequency is manageable.

It will come in time... Understand the excitement but this is a marathon, not a sprint. Let innate guide you. The inner voice that says... "this is too much, time to go home..."

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 7:45 pm
by hah2110
RobRegish wrote:That second EDT block of leg sled + deadlifts looks awful demanding, especially since you've worked the deadlift hard already.

Suggest picking just one of those two movements or alternatively, performing a less demanding variation like the Romanian DL.

You may benefit by doing just the Romanian DL itself and dropping the leg sled altogether. Since you've already performed the full range version, your carryover should be there.

So, some tweaking here and there but it will come. Remember, the objective isn't to leave the gym drained every time. You want to leave with just the right balance of volume and intensity such that frequency is manageable.

It will come in time... Understand the excitement but this is a marathon, not a sprint. Let innate guide you. The inner voice that says... "this is too much, time to go home..."

I'm confused. Can I do deadlifts on a Smith machine to begin with? And should I now wait two days before training again?

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 8:06 pm
by RobRegish
I'd definately rest two days before hitting it again.

The deadlifts should not be perfomed on a Smith Machine. Romanian deadlift: ... re=related

I go to a point below the knees, about halfway down the shin. Hope that helps! His back/hip positioning is excellent.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 8:19 pm
by hah2110
Right but I don't have a barbell at the gym... That is my dilemma. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.