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Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 6:10 pm
by RobRegish
Excellent! And yes the increased appetite for sure is a great sign.

Nice work man (again).. :)

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 10:07 am
by MickMars
Feast Day 20: Sunday - 16/5/2010

This is my first workout after the initial 5 HIT workout. Went something like this:-

Workout 1 (Bench):
*For the weights listed, I will state the amount of weights that I use per side of the bar, so it's easier for reference the next time I come around.
Example: 20kg per side = (20kg + 20kg + weight of bar)
= 60kg.

Semi Incline Bench (German loading method)
- 15kg x 10
- 17.5kg x 8
- 20kg x 8
- 22.5kg x 8
- 27.5kg x 8
- 30kg x 6 (forced reps x 3)
*I was training with my friend and the phase was rather quick, didn't think much about it. I will definitely increase my rest time next time around.*

Barbell Rows -> 8reps target
- 50kg x 4 (will drop weight down to 45kg per side to get more solid reps)

Incline Flys -> 12 reps target
- 45lb x 16
*I will switch this to slight incline barbell pullover next week so that I can go heavier and get a better stretch.*

Close Grip BP -> 10 reps target
- 30kg x 7
*Again, will switch to decline close grip next week, should target the triceps better that way.*

Incline Curls -> 10 reps target
- 40lb x 10

Dumbell Rear Delts -> 15 reps target
- 17.5lb x 25

Felt pretty good, body feel pumped. Still feeling a strain in my right shoulder. Any tips?

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 9:35 pm
by RobRegish
Nice work Mars!

See PushingTheLimits thread in the Training section. GREAT journey through shoulder prehab/rehab there..

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 11:04 am
by MickMars
Feast Day 23: Sunday - 19/5/2010

Workout 2 (DL):
*Again weights indicated is only one side of barbell, without the weight of the bar taken into consideration*

Deadlift (German Loading Method)
- 40kg x 10
- 45kg x 8
- 52.5kg x 8
- 57.5kg x 8
- 65kg x 8
- 70kg x 8

Dumbbell Press -> 8reps target
- 80lb x 8
*shoulder was killing me... damn it*

Cable Row -> 8 reps target
- 77kg x 10 (+ 3 rest pause reps -> static hold)

Side Laterals
- 27.5lb x 15 (+5 force reps)

Leg Curl -> 10 reps target
- 60kg x 10 (+3 force reps -> static hold)

Seated Leg Curl -> 10 reps target
- 45kg x 10 (+3 force reps)

Felt awesome and strong except for the shoulder pain during incline db.
I ordered a couple bottles of cissus... hope it helps sooth the pain. I will do some HIIT sprints tomorrow follow by some broom stick twirls and some DC shoulder rehab exercises.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 6:57 pm
by RobRegish
Great workout!

Hope that shoulder heals up soon. If anything can do it, Cissus can.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:00 am
by MickMars
Feast Day 26: Saturday - 22/5/2010

Workout 3 (Squats):
*weights indicated per side of barbell without weight of bar*

Squats (German Loading Method)
- 32.5kg x 10
- 36.25kg x 8
- 41.25kg x 8
- 46.25kg x 8
- 52.5kg x 8
- 56.25kg x 8

SLDL -> 10reps target
- 35kg x 10

Hack Squats on Smith Machine (Legs slightly forward, closer stance)
-> 12 reps target
- 70kg x 7
*I consider this a PR as the last time I only did 65kg x 12. Initially I targetted 65kg as I haven't done this type of squats since beginning BP. However, once I started squatting that weight, it felt damn easy... I went 65kg x 8. So I decided to bump it up to 70kg... will definitely hit 12 reps or more the next time around.*

Leg Press Calf Press->20 reps target
- 5 plates per side x 21 reps

Standing Calf Raise
- 2 plates per side x 20
*Emphasize the negatives.... burn so badd....*

Feast Day 27: Sunday - 23/5/2010
So far my bodyweight is fluctuating around 86.9kg -> 87.5kg. Don't really know what is going on, but my appetite is crazy! I feel great overall.
One thing that I realize is the frequency of workouts; before this I would rather kill myself than have more than 2 days in between workouts as I think it would effect my overall performance and strength. Boy was I wrong, I feel even much stronger than before... all this extra rest days do really help ALOT!

Anyhow, this dude from my gym wanted to train legs with me yesterday. He followed pretty much everything (lighter weights) and by the end of the workout, he was pale like he just seen a ghost. His face was ready to explode when I was pushing him through squats.

My legs are sore like hell today, just finish doing some cardio... couldn't really sprint though, just did some jogging. Calfs and quads felt really tight. I will be going outstation later for work... back by Wednesday for my next workout. Cissus should arrive tomorrow with my Test Booster (Omega Sport - T-Force). When should I start it?

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:04 am
by RobRegish
New PR's galore!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 11:59 am
by MickMars
Feast Day 29: Thursday - 25/5/2010

Workout (Bench x 2):
*For the weights listed, I will state the amount of weights that I use per side of the bar, so it's easier for reference the next time I come around.
Example: 20kg per side = (20kg + 20kg + weight of bar)
= 60kg.

Semi Incline Bench (German loading method)
- 20kg x 10
- 25kg x 8
- 26.25kg x 6
- 30kg x 6
- 31.25kg x 6
- 35kg x 4 (gassed out... damn it)

Barbell Rows -> 8reps target
- 45kg x 8 (+2.5kg next week)

Barbell pullover (10reps) superset with Incline Flys (10 reps)
- 15kg x 6
- 47.5lb x 10

Dumbell Rear Delts -> 15 reps target
- 20lb x 18

Decline Close Grip BP -> 10 reps target
- 21.25 x 8
*This exercise is freakin' awesome. Felt it on my triceps 100%*

Incline Curls -> 10 reps target
- 45lb x 10

I was tired as I was just back from another state. However manage to get a pretty good workout. Weight is fluctuating. Feels like i'm somehow losing weight. Started my Cissus today as well. Hope it helps with the shoulder.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 3:32 pm
by RobRegish
Great job. At or near target.. As stated prior, don't be too concerned about missing a rep or two on GLP. It happens and your 1RM will be there at the end provided you manage frequency appropriately.

I always miss a rep or two on this workout, too.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 10:29 am
by MickMars
Feast Day 32: Sunday - 30/5/2010

Workout (DL x 2):
*Again weights indicated is only one side of barbell, without the weight of the bar taken into consideration*

Deadlift (German Loading Method)
- 40kg x 10
- 51.25kg x 8
- 56.25kg x 6
- 63.75kg x 6
- 67.5kg x 6
- 75kg x 8

Dumbbell Press -> 8reps target
- 90lb x 6
*shoulder pain was surprisingly reduced, could be the cissus working.. been mega-dosing 9 pills per day since Thursday. Hopefully this will be the cure I am looking for*

Cable Row -> 8 reps target
- 79.5kg x 8 (+ 4 rest pause reps -> drop set)

Side Laterals
- 30lb x 12 (+3 force reps)

Leg Curl -> 10 reps target
- 62.5kg x 10 (+3 force reps -> static hold)

Seated Leg Curl -> 10 reps target
- 50kg x 10 (+drop sets)

Felt really powerful in the gym. Had enough sleep, and ate alot prior.
Muscles look fuller. Feeling great. Somehow I believe the HIIT is keeping me leaner this time around.

One thing I want to ask is... normally the duration of Feast is 30-42 days? With my current schedule, I doubt I will be able to complete one cycle of GLM within the time frame. Advice?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 11:26 am
by Redgum
Hey mate great log so far, I may have missed it, didnt say in your starting stats, but how tall are you?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:47 pm
by RobRegish

One thing I want to ask is... normally the duration of Feast is 30-42 days?

A. Correct.

With my current schedule, I doubt I will be able to complete one cycle of GLM within the time frame. Advice?

A. You may go a bit over, no worries. Keep an eye on your adaptation though/general inclination to train. If it's waining, we'll address.

If you're nailing everything and feeling good... let's go for it!

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:51 am
by MickMars
Feast Day 38: Saturday - 5/6/2010

Workout (Bench x 3):
*For the weights listed, I will state the amount of weights that I use per side of the bar, so it's easier for reference the next time I come around.
Example: 20kg per side = (20kg + 20kg + weight of bar)
= 60kg.

Semi Incline Bench (German loading method)
- 20kg x 10
- 26.25kg x 8
- 30kg x 6
- 31.25kg x 4
- 35kg x 4
- 36.25kg x 4 (+1 force reps, +1 static hold)
*Pretty much nailed it. Shoulders feeling better. One thing I realize is that since I am setting up my bench in the rack, (I pile up 4 plates of 45lb to set a sweet spot) occasionally the bench that I am using will shake a little causing me to lose my balance while I am benching. It happened a couple of times while I was benching today, but my partner managed to just help me rebalance for a moment.*

Barbell Rows -> 8reps target
- 47.25kg x 5 (forced reps -> drops sets)

Barbell pullover (10reps) superset with Incline Flys (10 reps)
- 10kg x 10 (felt it at my shoulders, I think I will be using dumbells next week and go for 12 reps... deep stretch)
- 50lb x 10

Dumbell Rear Delts -> 15 reps target
- 22.5lb x 16 (drop set)

Decline Close Grip BP -> 10 reps target
- 22.5kg x 10

Incline Curls -> 10 reps target
- 47.5lb x 10 (drop set)

Felt great today. Pretty much PR all around. We will see how it goes in the coming workout, I will probably switch to a regular 45 degree bench. Takes away the hassle of setting everything up and it's much safer. We shall see.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:48 am
by RobRegish
More PR'S!!!

We should re-name this place PR central!! Great work man. GREAT work!!