Mars' 1st shot at the Blueprint

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Post by mars88 »

Hey rob so i just went to find my 1rm for bench and went with 180 and ended up doing it 4 times so then I added 20 lbs and got 200 for 1 rep but it was super hard so I think well go with 200 or even 195 as my 1rm for bench going into the blueprint.

Now a few questions I wanna start famine next Monday so I can begin feast on Saturday where I don't work and can just eat. However I think my last day of mitotropin is Monday. Is it ok to begin famine with mitoropin on Monday as last day? Just no protein. Also can I take multi animal flex and fish oil during famin?

And how does the peri workout drink work? 4 scoops of xtend mixed with 2 scoops of waxymaize? When do I drink it just start sipping before during and finish after? So that's would be 60 grams of carbs from waxy and 4 scoops xtend? When I finish wats left after workout do I immediately take a protein shake as well ? Is 50 grams protein pwo overkill?

Can't wait to begin just 6 more days till famine going to find out 1 rm for legs tmrw then take we'd thurs fri sat sun off check heart rate and start Monday.
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Post by RobRegish »

Now a few questions I wanna start famine next Monday so I can begin feast on Saturday where I don't work and can just eat. However I think my last day of mitotropin is Monday. Is it ok to begin famine with mitoropin on Monday as last day? Just no protein. Also can I take multi animal flex and fish oil during famin?

A. That's fine.

And how does the peri workout drink work? 4 scoops of xtend mixed with 2 scoops of waxymaize? When do I drink it just start sipping before during and finish after? So that's would be 60 grams of carbs from waxy and 4 scoops xtend? When I finish wats left after workout do I immediately take a protein shake as well ? Is 50 grams protein pwo overkill?

A. You want a minimum 2:1 carb to protein ratio. In your case I'd recommend 3:1 or thereabouts. Structure as follows:

75g waxy maize
25g whey protein (ideally MassPro as it contains di-tri peptides)
20g of Xtend (BCAA's)

Begin sipping this about 15 min prior, throughout your workout and finish up afterwards. IF you can swing it down another (with half of these ingredients) within 30 minutes of the workout ending. Not entirely necessary but it can juice results some.

Remember to take your ecdy prior and immediately afterwards, as it is here that it will benefit you most.

Hope that helps!
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Post by mars88 »

Thx rob little unclear tho on the drink.. Am o supposed to mix protein with waxy maize and xtend and drink it pre during and post? I don't think chocolate myofusioon with blue raspberry extend is going to taste to good lol.

Can I mix waxy with xtend and then have a 25 gram protein shake after the workout separately?

Also you say to have a shake post workout with half the ingriedients, so u mean have my 20 grams of xtend with 75 grams waxy pre and during then have say another shake with 50 grams waxy and 25 grams protein immediately after workout?

And for ecdy just take the ebol with both shakes then? I read somewhere to have a tablespoon of penut buter with ebol is that true as well?

Thanks again rob
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Post by RobRegish »

Hi Mars,

Can I mix waxy with xtend and then have a 25 gram protein shake after the workout separately?

A. Yes, absolutely.

Also you say to have a shake post workout with half the ingriedients, so u mean have my 20 grams of xtend with 75 grams waxy pre and during then have say another shake with 50 grams waxy and 25 grams protein immediately after workout?

A. Yes, correct.

And for ecdy just take the ebol with both shakes then? I read somewhere to have a tablespoon of penut buter with ebol is that true as well?

A. Just take it with the shakes. Fat is generally recommended w/Ecdy outside the workout as it will slow gastric emptying of the fast moving amino's, carbs etc if consumed with your drinks..
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Post by mars88 »

Great thanks sounds good so the dosing for ebol i believe is 6 a day so should i do 2 in the morning, 1 before workout 1 after workout and 2 at night, or should i go 2 pre workout, 2 post workout and 2 either when i wake up or before bed?

So excited, starting famine on monday!
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Post by RobRegish »

2 pre workout, 2 post workout and 2 either when i wake up or before bed is my preferred dosing. No doubt about it..

Great enthusiasm! You'll be cursing my name in the coming days.. :)
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Post by mars88 »

Haha it should be fun and I'm sure worth it! Would u advise splitting the dose and do 1 wake up and 1 before bed with the 2 pre post or shud I just go 2 morning then 2 pre post?

Btw I wanted to take presurge unleashed by AEN but no 1 has it backprder it also would have given me 3 grams of creapure createne for 2 scoops. Do you have any suggestions for a top notch preworkout sup?
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Post by RobRegish »

I'd go with 2 morning, 2 pre and 2 post. That should be adequate.

Now on pre-workouts.... no shortage of products out there to choose from. I researched pre-surge unleashed and it appears to be a peri-workout formula, albeit a kitchen sink type formula. By that I mean it appears to try and accomplish the following:

1.) Thermogenic/intensifier by virtue of including 1,3/gernamine like compounds, caffeine, evodiamine etc.
2.) NO booster via GPLC, Icariin etc content
3.) Muscle cell volumizer via CrMh, etc.
4.) Includes Russian Tarragon Extract (Artemisia Dracunculus L), purportedly to increase creatine uptake in the absence of carbs

While the inclusion of #4 is interesting and shows promise, I'd like to see those results replicated in other studies. End of the day this is an interesting formula. However, I think you'd be better served with the following:

75g Waxy maize starch or Vitargo
25g Whey protein concentrate/isolate inclusive of di-tri peptides
25g BCAA
5 g Creatine Monohydrate

Now, let me expand upon why...

With pre-surge unleashed, you'll get a large surge of energy and some top notch micro-nutrients to set you up for a killer workout. However, there's one big downside: no macronutrients (carbs, proteins/aminos) that your muscles will be craving during/immediately after the workout.

Macronutrients will always trump the micronutrients. Always. Let's explore that a little further.

As you begin to workout the demand upon your energy reserves (stored glycogen/blood glucose) increases dramatically. Waxy maize and like products move lightening quick through the stomach and into the bloodstream to provide that energy. Bonus: they also pull the micronutrients like creatine/aminos through with it.

These carbs will also increase insulin, which will be supremely important in minimizing the rise in cortisol the workout will elicit. Insulin is also a storage hormone meaning it's needed to get the aminos/creatine to go where we want them...deep inside the muscle cell.

The whey/BCAA's will be available then to build into the muscle structure OR be used for energy. Likely the former as we have more than adequate glucose circulating from the Waxy Maize. Important insofar as no carbs/amino floating around and your body robs your muscle tissue of them for energy. Not good!

As you can see, the trainee who consumes only PSU prior to/during the workout is really at a disadvantage. Oh yes, you'll feel energized. You'll likely realize increased strength and feel like you've done more. You may actually do more work per unit of time but the ultimate effect won't be anywhere near where it should be due to cortisol running wild, your existing muscle being chewed up for energy and recovery lagging due to macro nutrients not being present right where we need them.

I'm not saying PSU is a bad product. If so inclined, I'd consume PSU a half hour prior to the workout and then use the drink I suggested during the workout, finishing up shortly thereafter.

BEST SOLUTION: 2 caps Burn It Up along with a 200mg caffeine pill 30 min prior. Peri-workout drink as recommended.

I find that combination quite optimal insofar as a manageable intensity increase, a fine adaptogen blend (MACA, Korean Red etc), fabulous mind-muscle connection and the aforementioned macronutrients to maximize the workout.

Hope that helps...
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Post by mars88 »

Forgot to check resting heart rate last 2 days but i checked today and its 65bpm

Dammit i cant wait to start on monday i havent worked out since tuesday this suckslol!
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Post by RobRegish »

Take that time to refine your plan and dream. Dream big. Mental fuel is just as important as physical fuel.

Perhaps moreso. You sound like you have LOTS of it in you!!
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Post by mars88 »

Absolutely man my dreams are big for this run.. Current 1rm is 200 for bench can get 180 for about 5 reps and I'm hoping to be able to hit 225 for 5! Large goal for sure!

Heart rate today 57
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Post by RobRegish »

That a' boy Mars. Dream BIG, get BIG!
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Post by mars88 »

THAT'S od hr today is 67 !
I guess it's cuz I went out last night had s few drinks
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Famine workout 1

Post by mars88 »

Okay so ill be starting famine tomorrow and just want to verify the workout i'll be doing. Its going to be this:

Set 1: Squat 4-6 reps immediately into cable rows for 4-6 reps
rest 2 minutes

Set 2: Squat 4-6 reps immediately into single arm dumbell rows for 4-6 reps
rest 2 minutes

Set 3 Squat 4-6 reps and right into lat pulldowns for 4-6 reps

Then a brief pause and go into biceps:

1st set: Preacher Curls for 4-6 reps
rest 2 minutes

2nd set: Standing Dumbell Hammer Curls 4-6 reps
rest 2m inutes

3rd set: Standing Barbell Curls 4-6 reps

And thats it, workout done? Am i missing anything at all? I'll be waking up around 9 am and heading to the gym to get this workout done then i have work and will just consume fruits throughout work and some veggies. How long is this workout supposed to take roughly?
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