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Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 5:05 pm
by RobRegish
OK good going. A few questions..

Are you confident in that 225lb bench? If so no issues. I just like being conservative when estimating these things. You can always make it up a little later in the loading pattern.

One trick I like to use is overloading prior to the max lift. In other words, doing a negative with 260-275 or so, resting a good 15 min and then attempting the 235. Just an idea...

Now nice going on the squat. It does sound like setup issues gave you some problems but it's part of the game. 305 deep is a hell of a lift and 5% on that puts you at 320 to peak. I wouldn't be surprise if you got more.

Great job being honest with yourself too. It makes ALL the difference in this game, especially when you're training off percentages. I can't tell you the # of times I blew a loading pattern in my younger years b/c I started with what I wanted my 1RM to be :)

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:18 pm
by beachpirate
Rob, I don't have a problem starting with 215, I just thought it went up easily and did not even consider a spotter for 1 rep since I did it 3xs earlier in the week with no assistance and spotter standing by. I'll keep the heavy negative in the future. I was trying to wait 5 mins in between lifts and found myself just standing around. I'm not used to taking that long a break.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:58 pm
by RobRegish
Yeah, that long of a break can be difficult when you're not used to it. I think you'll find though (particularly with power training) that there's a huge payoff in letting the CNS recovery.

Literally night and day when you find your sweet spot. One thing I do during this down time is mentally rehearse the lift. Can be difficult to to in a commercial gym but I offer it here as a suggestion. Once you get this down...... HUGE difference. Where the mind goes the body will follow.

Heard it said once and it's very, very true!

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:52 pm
by beachpirate
I picked up my straps from Spud Inc this evening so I am all set to do some sled dragging tomorrow morning. I'm going to follow the plan Rob suggested to start then as I get used to the process I'll create my own programs. I'm looking forward to trying something different.

Calories 1918
Carbs 196
Fat 35
Protein 203

Calories 2654
Carbs 215
Fats 112
Protein 202

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:45 pm
by beachpirate
I had my first run at sled dragging today. I wasn't sure of the weight to use so I took alittle of eveyrthing to test out. I completed the series Rob outlined above for ~100ft.

All weights include sled

forward dragging with strap attached to the belt 110#
backward dragging with strap attached to the belt 110#
forward walking with bench press movement 90#
backward walking with upright row movement 90#
forward walking with overhead tricep extention 90#
backward walking with low rows 90#

I loaded up the sled with another 105# and walked back to the truck pulling the sled in a curling motion as far as I could. Almost made it another 100ft but not quite.

I definitely felt a deep burn on each execution but I could have gone heavier or farther with the legs and back. The weight for the bench and tri movements were pretty good leaving me about 15ft short on tris. I will continue to tweak the weights but after a couple weeks I might consider the heavy/light days so I can complete each exercise without having to stop and switch the plates out

I will need to make another modification to the sled but it should be a quick fix. The D-ring on the sled will need to be rotated 90 degrees to allow the sled to be pulled straight. It had a tendency to pull on a slight angle causing the runners to dig into the ground some. I was doing a pretty good job of plowing instead of dragging today. The sled pulled much easier on the asphalt parking lot.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:16 pm
by Hank!
Can you post up a picture? I have been thinking about dragging my riding lawn anything

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:24 pm
by beachpirate
Pictures are on page 4

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 5:47 pm
by Hank!
i'm an idiot

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:28 pm
by RobRegish
Great ingenuity there!

Fantastic work man. I'm absolutely certain you'll grow to love that sled. If nothing else it'll be a nice conversation piece for the neighbors :)

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 6:07 pm
by mars88
Looking good man, more and more people def using the blueprint now, i cant wait to see all your guys results! Are you going to have before/after pics?

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 6:22 pm
by beachpirate
Pics? LOL!!! That would have to be a truely amazing transformation. Maybe after the 6th run of the Blueprint. :lol:

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 6:36 pm
by mars88
haha from what iv seen people are gaining 10-15 pounds in just 1 run of the blueprint im sure thats going to be a huge difference, shud def take pics to see!

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 6:52 pm
by beachpirate
I did take a pic before I started famine and will probably take another one in the next week or 2 to see if there has been any progress. I'm not eating to "gain" weight right now and my weight has held steady so far. I begin the German Loading Pattern#1 next week and I want to go after this strong and try to make some good gains strength wise with out the weight gain. I have alot of bodyfat to lose. I'm not sure exactly how much but I would expect my bf% to be around 30-35%.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:19 pm
by mars88
ah ic makes sense then, for sure you should be able to drop bodyfat and gain strength.. i did that without the blueprint during my cut with a solid diet, high protein and with activate xtreme+lean xtreme and anmialcuts so no doubt with the blueprint u'll be able to shed fat and improve GREATLY in strength. my goal is to add 10-15 lbs my first run fatfree mass!