Draco's Second Run

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Post by askmass »

RobRegish wrote:Holy smokes.

That's darn significant on squats, of all movements. Normally a 2-3 rep increase would be very significant, but 15 more than a planned set of 5?

Great work!
That's the truth.

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Post by dracotdrgn »

Today was everything I expected. Starting with the back, same routine more weight, still getting ten clean reps, more weight, ten,more, wow. Finished then waited 5-8min the went in for my pr zone pull-ups. Even these were stronger with more stamina and got more sets in my ten minute zone. Had just enough to finish off the bi's with several different exercises including two decending dumbell runs. Few light shoulder movements and two sets of dips. What a day...what a week. Oh yeah weighed in at 230.....yup checked it twice. YAHOO for week four.

Supplements changed a bit this week, 4KA and 4 Adapt per day 4-5g of Gamma. Up from 3-3-3. Liver tabs and phos elite.
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Post by RobRegish »


This made my day! Way to go Draco... you listened to your body, made adjustments and NAILED it.

I'm still trying to convince the bodybuildingsupplements.com crowd it's "legit" but slowly, they're getting it.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Just like every other thing/change in the industry.....people are looking for immediate results with minimal effort. You will get out of this what you put into it. Starting with the famine. If you're cheating, eating, you won't get the benifits that follow. I was a bit discouraged at weight and strength loss but kept on it, looking forward, and week four it happened. The next two weeks will be interesting. I hope to add new and less blurry photos at the end of this run. I'm trying to train harder and smarter.....not just one or the other.
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Post by RobRegish »

Wait until you see these pics guys. There are pics over on nolinksplease.com.

He's a hoss (and a lean one at that)...
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Post by dracotdrgn »

This week is starting off well. 230 weigh in. Bench will test next week and I will have to dig deep to pass. If I do what I did this week I will barely pass. Squat on the other hand tested yesterday and went well. The weight was the same as last week so naturally I had to beat 20 reps. I did not superset DL to make sure I was strong. SQUAT
Warm up 135 X 10 225 X 5
280 X 15
300 X 12
300 X 12
340 test to failure....25 reps Started shakin at 21, full depth on all, had some good grunts...
DL 245 X 8 ss w Deep squat 135 X 5 four sets of these
4 sets hanging 90 degree leg lifts
calf raises 5 seated 5 standing averaged 10 slow reps followed by 20+- fast/bouncing reps
quad extensions 30 reps decending weight style
Yeah Buddy!!

Something happens to my lower abs & obliques when I go over 225 so I will adjust accordingly. I read read where a couple of my favs, Stallone and Dwayne Johnson had some lypo there.... Not an option for me. Going to keep going heavy but may add some light fast movements around day 5 and/or weekend.

I'm sore today, but feel good, my squats and back are really coming around, bench on the other hand.......
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Post by RobRegish »

340 for 25?

Please tell me that's a PR. Holy smokes...

Now on the bench...any insight into why that might be an outlier? I'm thinking you may respond better to higher reps in the lower body vs. upper. However, I also suspect regularly moving this much weight in big movement for the legs back is REALLY taking it out of you.

If it was me, I'd decrease frequency. Your call though and as I've always said... you know better than I what works for you. And I respect that...

Outstanding work. I don't know that I ever hit 340 for 25. 20 reps with whatever weight I was using was enough!

25 reps... geez.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

I almost brought in one of my gym buddies as a witness. Next week.
I will calm the frequency, but I think what you said is correct. I think upper body does respond differently, something to keep in mind. I do chest on day one after two days off. This leads me to believe I should be rested, squats on day 2.......I have one week left before maintenance. Will have to figure out what to do there. I think next run I may take the best of both.....not sure....lots of brainstorming
And yes by FAR that was a PR curious how that will translate to my 1rm
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Post by RobRegish »

Anything over 10 always skewed my 1RM. Seems I lose touch with the CNS/low reps for my 1RM.

Either way, amazing..
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Post by dracotdrgn »

I'm going to have to say "that was the best and heaviest back workout ever!" I'm sure I'm going to feel this one for the next couple of days. I went heavy, I was still in the ten rep zone, but made these adjustments.
Low pulls are done on an iso machine so I did 5 left 5 right 5 left 5 right still ten but managing my fatigue. Stretched my minute to 1 1/2 min then pullovers, used a 110 dumbell (another personal best) x 10, 1 1/2min rest 110 dumbell rows x 10 rest 3-4 min repeat. Only 2 of my 4 sets were done with the heavies so maybe next week I can get 3 or more. It's not over.....
10 min break doing some light shoulder movements, stretching and keeping loose. PR pull ups 10 minutes got 28 sets of 3. I was shocked, able to keep good form throughout and finish strong. That beat last weeks by about 4 sets.
Did some bi's but was pretty well toasted so got 2 set cable x 15, 2 decending dumbells x 30, neg preacher till I was burnt.

Week 5 in the books......
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Post by RobRegish »

Man this is terrific!

You're really onto something. And you deserve all the credit too. You're listenting to your body, doing some fine tuning and putting the work in.

Very happy it's serving you well.

And to think, I still have to convince kids over on nolinksplease.com the information in The Blueprint is "worth it" vs. another $100 this month for product X.

Go figure...
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Week six is in the books and ended with a bang.
Bench stayed the same, I passed the rep test but will address a new strategy for bench on the next run.
Squats: I only needed 11 reps to advance 5 lbs, so since I got 25 I bumped it up 10 which translated to a RO of 355 X 15 while super setting dl. This may be less strength than last week, but felt good. Who knows, maybe this program is catching up to me.
Wed off Thu abs and core. More weight, more movements.
Fri back day. Same heavy weights more sets, then on to another pr in my 10 minutes of pullups zone. Did some bi's but once again pretty much burnt.

I'm little shakey and a little sore but feel this feast was another success. I've stayed in the 230 ballpark ranging 15%-17% bf. The machine I use to test does not have an athlete setting and the more I read the more I understand that someone that trains like this will have more bone and muscle density as well as higher water retention. Dunno just sayin.....

I have some planning to do for the maintenance phase but will concentrate on recovering this weekend. Since my big lifts were already in the 80% range, not sure how that changes the maintenance protocol.
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow that is fantastic Draco!

Great progress and you deserve all the credit. Truly, an exemplary log and one in which many BP customers should turn their attention to.

This was Draco's second run with BP and he took careful notes re: his first. Further, he customized his plan according to new goals and took a bit of a leap on a new loading pattern, which was a huge success...at least insofar as the SQ:

355 X 15 reps! :roll:

Your maintenance phase is up next and I know you're putting some thought into it. I'll offer my $.02 using the SQ as an example:

Assuming a 1RM of 455lbs (I'm playing this WAY conservative) you'd be working with 365lbs. Doing so though, ensures sufficient license to work in progressive overload on the first set (suggestion) to "feel out" where you'd like to be.

Again, outstanding work and proof positive of BP's flexibility. Add the mental and physical determination displayed by someone like Draco and you wind up with well...... a 355lb x 15 squat!
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Post by dracotdrgn »

OK so we still stick to a 80% 5x5 program with some static holds, dropping the KA and Adapt. simple movements, running, heavy abs will move to lighter and more frequent.........what's missing?

Day one
Bench & Shoulder Press 5 X 5 last set to failure + tricep static hold
Day Two
Abs and run/bike
Day Three
Squat 5 X 5 + static hold on sled, include calf raises and hold
Day Four
Abs and run/bike
Day Five
Cable rows 5 X 5, 10-15 min PR pullups????? that ok in maint, I kinda like these.... biceps ? x ? + hold
6 & 7 OFF
Fine tuning and taking suggestions
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