Dragon #2 Custom Run - MPS et al.

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Post by Dragon »

Feast WO 34, GLP 2 9


215 lbs. 4 x 5

Jammer Press 60 lbs./Chin Up 50 lbs: 6/6, 6/6, 6/6, 6/6
4 min rest
time = 17:00

Lying Pullover - drop sets

1) 105 lbs. x 6 ➔ 95 x 4 ➔ 85 x 4 ➔ 75 x 4 ➔ 65 x 6

These are red flag days because of the weight I'm using.
I came back to the gym after about 7 hours to finish my EDT and give a chance for my serum test to raise after completing that very difficult GL2 Bench Press workout.
I've noticed an ever so slight push DOWN when doing the weighted pull-ups have enabled me to activate a stretch reflex that I can used to get an extra rep :)
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Post by Dragon »

Feast WO 35, GLP 2 9


285 lbs. 4 x 3

Leg Press 540 lbs./Back Extensions Body-weight: 6/15, 6/15, 6/15, 3/12, 3/10

4 min rest
Time = 21:30
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Post by Dragon »

Ok... missed alot of logs but not going back. Had to move and switch gyms so things were crazy there but getting some normalcy. Just a couple more workout to go if I'm not mistaken. Calories must go up real soon, here comes the milk!!!!!



270 lbs. 5 x 3

Leg Press 540 lbs./Back Extensions Body-weight: 6/15, 6/15, 6/12, 6/17

4 min rest
Time = 19:13

I can't wait till this loading pattern is done. I'm even thinking of going into cruise afterwards but the next loading pattern is kind of a huge CNS rest.
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Post by Dragon »

So I've completed workouts 13 of 14 for GLP2 and looking forward to testing those max efforts.
What I've done this time is eliminate EDT Blocks for workout 13 and combine upper and lower body. So today I did my benchpress and squat in one workout. I'm sore but in a good way. I can see I need to brush some stuff up with my squat but it's going well.
I haven't seen any real increase in bodyweight but I'm certainly getting quite strong for my size, which is great.
I've been fluctuating between 170 and 178 lbs depending on what time of day it is. In the morning, some days I can be as low as 170.5 lbs

I can remember my gains last run really came during cruise, but I wont be doing that because the Russian program kind of looks like a giant deload.

Winter is here and IMO winter is for bulking so between now and my 1rm test day in a few days, I'm going to creatine load 20g a day and eat like a beast.

edit: by the way, I haven't missed one lift for GLP2 8)
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Post by Dragon »


Bench Press test was just completed with a new 1RM of 260 lbs.
To tell the truth I felt like I could go just about 10 lbs heavier but I wanted to leave some gas in the tank for my squat test.

The bar speed was fantastic too, so I decided to leave on a good note. My lock out power is substantial and that little knot of muscle under my elbow is quite large now. I guess if I were to name it - it's the distal portion of the medial head of the triceps brachii, and thats grown quite large with no isolation work whatsoever. The workout was brief and as follows:

Bench Press

1) 45 lbs x 10 (speed w/ narrow grip)
2) 45 lbs x 10 (speed w/ medium grip)

3) 95 lbs x 10 (speed w/ narrow grip)
4) 95 lbs x 10 (speed w/ medium grip)

5) 135 lbs x 10
6) 225 lbs x 2

7) 245 lbs x 1

8) 260 lbs x 1 - represents a 10% increase!
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Epic Fail... Sorta

Post by Dragon »

My goal is to eventually hit a 500 lbs. squat. Today however I was supposed to go for 365 but I didn't even attempt the lift. Mentally I didn't believe I could do it and physically I felt a slight twing/pinch in my back so I stopped at 315 which is actually my 1RM that I started with.

Why this is not a complete loss is because 1) I'm going to try again 2) I've only been free squating the last three workouts and I'm pretty sure I can achieve my new 1RM with a box squat.
The problem is that the box squat should be translating into a free squat rather seamlessly or atleast make free squatting easier. It might have been a mistake to switch up squatting styles so abruptly. IDK.

Today I run and live another day, I'll try again Saturday morning when I'm rested and when the gym is quiter.

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Note To Self

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Post by Dragon »

PR's hit this past saturday.
New numbers for squat and bench press are 345 and 265 respectively.
On to the Russian loading pattern...
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Hurricane Sandy

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Its been awhile due to the tragedy here in NJ and NYC. I havent had power and I havent even been able to leave town but I'm four workouts into Russian Strength Program. So far so good.
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Russian Strength Program

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I'm currently on workout number 4 of the Russian Strength Program and everything is fine so far. During my squat session I added 10 pounds to the squat which puts me at 235 lbs. My last increase before max test will put me at 240 lbs.

Again, Hurricane Sandy threw me off a bit but I'll be back logging a bit more meticulously in 2 weeks or so.
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Russian Strength Program

Post by Dragon »

Russian Strength Program

Bench Press
210 lbs, 6 x 5

Chin Up 52.5 lbs./ Overhead Press 105 lbs - 3/3, 4/4, 6/6, 4/4, 3/3, 3/3, 2/2, 1/1
2 min rest

Chin Up total tonnage 1365 lbs.
Overhead Press total tonnage 2730 lbs.

1365 lbs + 2730 / 52 total reps = 78.75 intensity average

Incline DB Press 40lbs/ Seated Row 120 lbs- 12/4, 7/6, 7/5, 10/6, 6/3
3 min rest

IDP total tonnage 1680 lbs.
SR total tonnage 2880 lbs.

1680 lbs + 2880 / 66 total reps = 69 intensity average

Standing Lat Pull Down 80 lbs - 3 x 10

Standing Cobra Static Hold 20 lbs - 3 x 20 seconds

Face Pulls 20 lbs - 3 x 15

Static Hold Crunch (standing with thighs braced) 70 lbs x 20 seconds
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Russian Strength Program

Post by Dragon »

I'm somewhere along the middle of the program and things going pretty smoothly with body-weight up to 180 lbs. I need rest though. My shoulders are sore and I'm generally fatigued and feeling a strong urge to give it a rest for awhile. Could be time to move into cruise once I finish this pattern?
This is the toughest of all the patterns so far, and I'm not using too many supplements, very much on-purpose.

Bench Press
Drop Set from 225 lbs.

Mid Position Bench on Pins
225 lbs x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
315 lbs x 1

Static Hold
415 lbs 6 seconds

Pull Up - 52.5 lbs / Over Head Press 95 lbs. -- 2/5, 6/5, 5/5, 4/4, 3/3, 2/3
2 min rest
time 14:50
overhead press is a new movement for me so I'm starting light
Seated Row 120 / Incline DB BP 60 -- 2/2, 6/6, 6/6, 5/4, 4/4
2 min rest
time 13:13
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Russian Strength Program done!!!

Post by Dragon »

OK my brothers and sisters in iron...
final numbers are 275 lbs for bench (easy, I felt like I could go to 280) and 295 lbs for squat (hard).

Next is 10% solution. If everything goes right then that will put my bench at or a bit over 300.

I'll be logging more frequently in the up coming weeks. I haven't been updating simply because these biology classes require ninja focus.

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Post by Dragon »

So far so good, coming round the home stretch here on 10% solution. Shoulders sore as fuark but no injuries. Squat is becoming easier and I dont use my belt as much, in fact it feels uncomfortable. I guess my core is getting stronger.

What an intense loading pattern. I'll be heading over to The House of Iron here in Jersey to get a bit of coaching and clean up my technique a bit before max attempt days. Max attempt days are very spiritual days for me... and I really mean that.
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