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Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:50 pm
by matter2003
tufluk wrote:Dont let thos measurements get you down bro, its a long game. your a big guy so some of its likely water fluctuation, do you measure in the morning before food before/after toilet each time? a good dump weights a couple pounds :x :wink:

I know I get a real shitty on when I loose weight so I only look at the scales before and after runs now, I just keep track of the weight im lifting.

Keep at it!
Yeah, my measurements are always done first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything and after I have taken my morning dump...

I am going to add calories around the 2 hour before to 2 hour after window and see if that helps...also am going to probably add a static hold directly after applicable bodypart to try and give it an extra boost and drive the muscle building machinery through the roof...

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 9:43 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 16 Monday

One Arm Cable Side Laterals(10 reps): 7.5/10/12.5/12.5
Seated Side Laterals(20 reps): 5/7.5/7.5/7.5
Two-Arm DB Front Raises(10 reps): 7.5/10/10/10
Rear Delt Cable Fly(15 reps): 7.5/10/10/10
Machine Shoulder Press(10 reps): 50/60/70/75x4-65x3-55x3

One Arm Cable Pushdown(10 reps): 10/15/20/20
Overhead Rope(20 reps): 15/20/25/25
JM Presses(8 reps+NOS): 95/115/125/130-115x4-105x5-95x6
Close Grip Static Hold: 225 x 10 secs/315 x 10 secs/365 x 5 secs

Yes, I added statics in...and damn, I lost almost 200 lbs off my close grip statics from when I used to do them a few months ago(545 x 10 secs)...
Gotta go heavy somewhere, and this is the easiest way to do it without doing more reps/sets...

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 9:50 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 17 Tuesday

Had to hit the gym in the morning due to working 9-9 because of holiday yesterday...
All 10 reps unless noted.
Underhand Seated Cable Row: 85/100/120/140
Superset Reverse Grip Pulldown: 70/85/100/125x3-105x7
Supported Bent DB Row: 25/30/35/35
Machine Row(20 reps)(downward intention): 65/80/95/95

Lying Leg Curl(in extension): 50/65/80/85x6-85x4(normal)
Stiff Leg DL(20 reps)(light): 40/40/40/40
Seated Leg Curl(8+NOS): 50/60/70/75-60x6-50x7-40x8

Strength is going up quickly...really was hammering those leg curls in extension(chest up off pad and hips down til glutes contract---makes it MUCH more difficult and is a much stronger contraction of the hamstring), which is good to see as hamstrings used to be pretty strong...

Noticed a few things today:

1) I gained a crap load of weight over the last 2 days(5 pounds), most likely from stuffing my face Sunday night at a barbecue/party and eating out yesterday night. Probably only temporary weight, but we will see. Not exactly the way I want to gain weight, as I have a feeling most of it went to my stomach(freaking cortisol)

2) Quads, and specifically my teardrop are looking pretty big and full...teardrop is by far the biggest it has ever been, and the middle part of my quad is starting to get muscular bumps in them, where little mounds of muscle are pushing up higher than surrounding areas...kind of weird looking but cool...

3) Probably due to working triceps yesterday, and the residual swelling, but my arms measured at 15 inches today, which was half an inch bigger than Sunday. Only reason I measured is because they looked noticeably bigger than when I measured them Sunday, hopefully I keep the size...

4) My delts swell up and almost explode through my t-shirts when I work them at the was freaking awesome to see, I was looking like a monster...too bad it doesn't stay that way...

I guess I can't really be down too much about the whole weight/size gain thing...I am seeing the wheels starting to spin, just not going fast enough for my liking...

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:13 am
by RobRegish
Keep it going brother, traction will take hold shortly - then accelerate. It's simply a matter of calories as we discussed.

In a week's time, (or less) we'll know what moves to make - and when!

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 10:44 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:Keep it going brother, traction will take hold shortly - then accelerate. It's simply a matter of calories as we discussed.

In a week's time, (or less) we'll know what moves to make - and when!
I really think it is starting to already the last few days...I can't really explain it, I kind of just feel it...upper chest area is starting to get bulge back around the collarbone now I just noticed and it just looks really thick...

I can also tell despite my best efforts and throwing everything but the kitchen sink at my insulin management, I am starting to gain some fat around the midsection area. Nothing too horrible yet, but I am starting to lose the definition in my upper two sets of abs that were very distinct at the end of the cut...

As long as I can keep it at a manageable level, like under 15% BF, I am OK with it...I would really love to be able to add muscle and lose fat simultaneously, so with that in mind I am looking into adding 7-keto and forskolin together as a stack as both promote fat loss and lean muscle increase via different methods...

Forskolin seems to be counterintuitive however...apparently it can increase cortisol significantly, which would seemingly lead to increases of fat around the midsection, but it also increases Free T at the same time, and has been shown to significantly reduce abdominal fat, which seems to suggest something else is going on the researchers are not aware of. Some theorize it does this by removing toxins at the hormone receptor sites that are clogging up areas for these hormones to bind to...It also is a potent cAMP activator, increasing it by almost 5 fold(4.82 times normal), but does not affect the heart muscle in the same way as epinephrine and norepinephrine do, although it helps lower blood pressure due to vasodilation effects...

An interesting side note is that in people with psoriasis, the cAMP to cGMP ratio is heavily tilted in favor cGMP, leading to rapid cell division, so forskolin helps bring this balance back in line...although once I get this mercury out, it should rapidly decrease and hopefully almost disappear within a month(from most people that had similar issues this is about how long it takes for the body to chill out)

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:23 am
by matter2003
OK, Measurement Day! I also have a few logs I still need to post from Thurs, Fri and Sat which I will do a little later. Today I also have Shoulders and Delts in the AM and then 15 mins of HIIT cardio in PM...

Chest: 47 inches(unchanged)
Waist: 34 inches(+.25 inches)
Arms: 15 inches(+.5 inches!)
Hips: 39.25 inches(+.25 inches)
Quads: 26.5 inches(+1.5 inches!!! WOW!!!!!!)
Calves: 17 inches(unchanged)

Weight: 189.0(up 2 pounds from last week!)
BF: 12.0%(up .7% from last week)
LBM: 166.32 lbs(up .64 lbs from last week)

I am not sure, but I believe the addition of a few quick static holds directly after the main workouts are starting to really drive muscle growth, as the 2 ones I did, Static Leg Press and Static Close Grip Bench showed the most growth. Legs absolutely EXPLODED from last week's measurement, growing 1.5 inches in 7 days...holy crap!!

Crazy to think that eating roughly 3600-3700 calories per day is only causing me to gain 2 lbs in a week...metabolism must be really humming along...

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:16 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 18 Wednesday

Just some HIIT Cardio...5 min warmup, 20 mins alternating 1 min high, 1 min low...5 min cool down...

MI40 Day 19 Thursday
Quads and Calves today...10 reps unless noted

Squats(W/ intention)(20 reps): 95/115/135/115
DB Squats(W/ intention)(8 reps+NOS): 30/40/55/60-55x6-50x6-45x6
Walking Lunge: 20DB x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
Leg Extension: 65/80/95/110

Seated Calf Raise(8 reps ALL NOS): 150-135x5-125x5-115x5
-Only did one set because for whatever reason, my right achilles tendon always feels really weird on this machine after doing sets

Standing Calf Raise(8 Reps+NOS): 245/335/425/425-380x7-335x8-290x8
Static Leg Press: 710 x 15 secs/980 x 15 secs/1160 x 10 secs

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:23 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 20 Friday

Chest and Biceps today...officially half way through the program as of today.
10 reps unless otherwise noted.

Incline DB Press: 45/50/50x3-45x7/50x5-45x5
Incline HS Press(W/intention): 98/108(7/3)/113(6/4)/118(7/3)
Flat DB Fly: 30/25/25/25
Machine Press(W/intention)(20 reps): 55/60/45/45

Machine Preacher Curl(8 reps+NOS): 90/105/115/115x3-100x5-80x5-60x7-50x8
One Arm DB Preacher(8 reps+NOS): 20/22.5/25/30-25x7-20x8-15x8
Two Arm High Cable Curl(20 reps): 10/10/10/10

Static Bench Press: 225 x 10 secs/315 x 8 secs/365 x 3 secs

Chest was obliterated after the first set of Incline DB Presses...

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:24 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 21 Saturday

HIIT Cardio again...5 min warmup, 20 mins alternating between 1 min high and 1 min low, 5 min cool down...

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:50 am
by matter2003
MI40 Day 22 Sunday

Shoulders and Triceps of my favorite days because my shoulders blow out of my shirt and my triceps are going to start growing tremendously from the statics...also had to go back 3 hours later and rip off 15 minutes of HIIT cardio...

Bent Over Rear DB Laterals: 15/20/25/30-25x6-20x8-15x8
Seated Side Laterals: 10/15/20/20-15x5-10x8-7.5x8
One Arm Cable Side Laterals(12 reps): 10/10/7.5/7.5
Two Arm DB Front Raise(20 reps): 10/10/12.5x10-10x10/12.5x8-10x12

Reverse Grip Cable Pushdown 15/25/35/42.5-35x8-30x6-25x7
Overhand Cable Pushdown(12 reps):35/42.5/50/52.5
Close Grip Bench: 135/145/155/160-130x6-100x6-80x6

Close Grip Static: 225 x 15 secs/315 x 10 secs/405 x 5 secs

Got back over 400 lbs on my statics, which was pretty decent considering I was completely done in after all those close grip sets...was able to do slightly heavier weight than normal because my trainer buddy was there and gave me some good spots...

Noticing I am starting to get that "bow" back on my triceps, which should continue to grow as triceps are one of my strong points...

Went back at 5:30pm to get my HIIT cardio in(have to do 15 mins day before quads and calves) was 1 minute high and 45 secs low...5 min warmup, 15 mins HIIT and 5 minute cooldown.

After I was finished, I was filling my water bottle up when I guy I see there all the time but have never spoken to, was waiting behind me and said "Have you slimmed down some?" and I told him I had just finished a cut and was heading back to bulking...he said "man, you look really good, I see you in here all the time working hard, its really paying off for you..." made me feel pretty freaking good, especially since the guy is pretty jacked and cut, veins exploding everywhere...basically looks exactly like I would like to look...

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:09 am
by matter2003
MI40 Day 23 Monday
Quads and Calves today, and I am excited because my legs have been getting much, much stronger virtually every workout...can't wait to see what I put up...

Leg Extension: 100/130/165/195-135x6-105x6-75x5
superset Leg Press: 350/440/530/550-460x6-360x6-315x6
Bulgarian Split Squat(20 reps each leg):20DB/20DB/20DB/BW
DB Squat:35/40/50/60-50x6-40x6-35x7

45 Degree Calf Press: 620/800/850/890
Standing Calf Raise: 325/415/505/575
BW Standing Calf Raise(20 reps): BW/BW/BW/BW

Static Leg Press: 980 x 15 secs/1340 x 19 secs

MASSIVE PROGRESS ON LEGS!!! Was hammering out those leg extensions, and then cranked out 550 lbs on leg press superset on last set...could have probably gone up another 10 or 20lbs on the DB squats as I was drilling those too...bulgarian split squats...umm...yeah..have I ever mentioned before how much I HATE those??

It was funny because I was working in with a guy I talk to all the time that actually won a natural bodybuilding competition in the area a few months ago, and my trainer buddy on the leg press machine. They were doing leg presses and I was doing calf presses...the trainer was like "What are you gonna calf press like 50 plates?" I laughed and told him I didn't think I could do anything close to that and he told the other guy, "Have you ever seen this guys calves?" and he said "No, cause he always has pants on..." So I pulled up my pant leg and flexed my calf, and he looked and was like "Man, that's bullshit!!!" and started laughing...then he said "Wanna trade legs?" and I was like "no, I'm good..." hahahaha

Wouldn't be surprised if I saw another huge measurement improvement on my legs again this week...I really went up a lot in weight from last week...

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:03 pm
by tufluk
hey man, sounds like your legs are exploding!

quick question, I recalled you tried the recipe a while back and was wondering how well it worked on you? also how many grams of DHEA will last 6 weeks? sorry if im thread jacking a bit, but im considering running the recipe with much of the qualities of MI40 soon.

much respect :)

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:59 pm
by matter2003
tufluk wrote:hey man, sounds like your legs are exploding!

quick question, I recalled you tried the recipe a while back and was wondering how well it worked on you? also how many grams of DHEA will last 6 weeks? sorry if im thread jacking a bit, but im considering running the recipe with much of the qualities of MI40 soon.

much respect :)
Yeah, legs are really getting up there to the point my wife tells me they are getting too big and don't match the rest of my body...whatever!

I still use the recipe daily. I bought the 25g containers from smartpowders which is enough to make 4 batches lasts a long time as you only use 6g per batch. I just opened my 2nd container a few days ago and this is something I have been uding the better part of the last 13 months, so that should give you an idea...

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:37 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 24 Tuesday

Back and Hamstrings

Straight Arm Pulldown: 40/55/85/70-55x7-40x8-40x8
One Arm DB Row: 45/55/60/70-60x5-50x5-40x5
Underhand Seated Cable Row: 122.5/142.5/162.5(7/1)/142.5-122.5x5-102.5x6-82.5x7
Wide Grip Assisted Pullup(w/ intention)(20 reps): 115/130/130/120

Seated Leg Curl: 70/80/85/85-70x5-55x6-40x6
One Leg Press(High)(w/ intention)(20 reps): 125/125/115x15/5 with two legs/115 x 7 with two legs---completely done in
Lying Leg Curl: 50/80/95/100-80x5-65x5-55x8

Feeling strength starting to really come back...I feel bigger and stronger every day now, and it is starting to show with what I am able to rep in the gym...I will NEVER do that kind of cut again...will make sure I lift heavy still and just modulate caloric intake...I have basically wasted 3 weeks of lifting on this program, just to get my strength up enough so I can start seeing growth progress...