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Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 10:50 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 28

Today's Exercise: Feast Workout #12 (CC)
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2845
Daily Caloric Goal: 100%
Calories Consumed:

Weight is at 175.6 lbs this morning. Didn't get a chance to measure body fat. I'm eating maintenance today and dropping to 90% starting tomorrow.


Close squats 20,20,20,16 - Much better form than last time, working my way toward the uneven squats.

Uneven pullups into close pullups 4 each arm+3,3+6,3+5,5+3 - Last workout I tried the uneven pullups and failed. They were still really tough but I could do a few, and followed them up with close pullups to get some additional volume.

Crow stands 35s,40s,40s,40s - This is another personal record, and I'm getting consistently better at these every workout.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 9:13 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 29

Today's Exercise: Softball
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2711
Daily Caloric Goal: 90% of 2711 = 2440
Calories Consumed: 2439 (90%) 183g protein

174.2 lbs this morning and back down to 9.9% body fat. Today is the first day of cutting, at 90% of maintenance for this week. I think I will up my doses of Synthagen around my workouts these two weeks to help preserve muscle.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 8:21 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 30

Today's Exercise: Feast Workout #13 (CC)
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2827
Daily Caloric Goal: 90% of 2827 = 2544
Calories Consumed: ?

Weight is at 174.4 lbs this morning at 9.9% body fat.

Went out to dinner for a birthday and graduation party, so couldn't track my calories exactly, but I know I didn't go over by much if at all.

Uneven pushups 15,15,15,15
Full bridges 17,12,12,12
Hanging bent leg raises into lying straight leg raises 10+10,12+8,11+9,10+10

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 11:17 am
by Street-dreams
great progress man. Keep it up. If only I could get that lean..

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 1:00 pm
by aron7awol
Street-dreams wrote:great progress man. Keep it up. If only I could get that lean..
Thanks man. I'm sure you can get that lean, we can do anything we want to if we put in the time and effort. I've always been an extreme ecto, so it's easy for me to get.below 10% body fat, but it's also very difficult for me to build/maintain muscle, so it's a double edged sword. Are you a meso?

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 1:20 am
by Street-dreams
pretty hard ENDO actually and I always hold onto that lower abdominal fat.. I am going to stay away from a BB diet for as long as it takes... do CC and keep playing basketball and such.. I will get as lean as I want and worry about everything else from there.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 4:40 pm
by aron7awol
Feast Day 31

Today's Exercise: Softball (2 games)
Today's Maintenance Calories: 3110
Daily Caloric Goal: 90% of 3110 = 2799
Calories Consumed: 2764 (89%) 213g protein

Down to 173.4 lbs this morning and looking a bit leaner.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 5:27 pm
by matter2003
Street-dreams wrote:pretty hard ENDO actually and I always hold onto that lower abdominal fat.. I am going to stay away from a BB diet for as long as it takes... do CC and keep playing basketball and such.. I will get as lean as I want and worry about everything else from there.

I have found 5 things that basically allow me to shed fat at will. I am as endo as they get(endo-meso prob 65-35, but still).

1) NEVER, and I mean NEVER eat carbs and fat together.

2) Workout days are higher carb days(400g carbs for me), non-workout days are higher protein days(160g carbs for me).

3) First meal of day is always protein/fat/veggies to avoid causing body to become less insulin sensitive for the remainder of the day

4) Carbs are only eaten on workout days within 5 hours of workout(3 hours pre to 2 hours post). Rest of day is protein or protein/fat

5) Cinnamon is the great equalizer. I sprinkle or eat between 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon with my big carb meals, especially ones I am not taking Synthagen with(pre and post workout meals). It acts as an insulin mimetic and allows glucose to be absorbed by cells up to 20 times as much as normal, allowing the body to actually release less insulin to store the glucose. The effective ingredient in cinnamon is believed to be a substance known as MHCP(methylhydroxychalcone polymer).

We are endo's precisely because our bodies are not as sensitive to insulin as ecto and meso's. The body has to release more insulin for us to shuttle the same amount of glucose into the cells. While insulin is in our system, fat burning is cut off and if there is any fat in out system, it is stored as well. The longer it takes for our insulin level to drop, the longer our fat burning is shut off and our fat storing is activated. This is the major difference between us and ecto/meso's. Cinnamon puts you on a much closer to level playing field, and allows our bodies to burn fat more of the time and store fat less of the time. Cinnamon is so potent in fact, that many people who are diabetic could stop taking insulin if they started taking cinnamon before high carb meals on a daily basis. However, its much too lucrative for doctors and drug companies to push their expensive drugs than to tell patients to go out and spend four dollars on a 5 pound jug of cinnamon that would last them 2 years. ... sp?ID=1886

Aron7Awol, I apologize for hijacking the thread...looking good btw!! Keep it up!

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 11:28 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 32

Today's Exercise: Feast Workout #14 (CC)
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2807
Daily Caloric Goal: 90% of 2807 = 2526
Calories Consumed:

Back up to 175.4 lbs this morning and already looking noticeably leaner.

I've bumped my Synthagen dosage up to the full 14 caps/day for these two cut weeks, split as follows on workout days:
2 before breakfast
2 before lunch
4 pre-workout
4 post-workout/pre-dinner
2 before bed w/ cottage cheese

Close squats 20,20,20,20 with great form
Uneven pullups into close pullups 5 each arm+5,5+4,5+4,5+4
Crow stands 1 minute(!),53s,40s,50s

What a great workout! I'm making leaps and bounds of progress every workout, getting much stronger, and looking better and better every day. I can't say enough about how awesome Convict Conditioning is as far as strength, and my injuries (back, shoulders, knee) keep healing.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 4:13 pm
by aron7awol
matter2003 wrote:Aron7Awol, I apologize for hijacking the thread...looking good btw!! Keep it up!
Thanks, and no worries about the thread hijack. I was very happy to read the info you shared. I'm going to try incorporating cinnamon into some of my high-carb meals as well, even though I'm an ecto. What is your typical total daily dose of cinnamon? Are you worried about toxicity at these dosage levels?

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 4:54 pm
by matter2003
aron7awol wrote:
matter2003 wrote:Aron7Awol, I apologize for hijacking the thread...looking good btw!! Keep it up!
Thanks, and no worries about the thread hijack. I was very happy to read the info you shared. I'm going to try incorporating cinnamon into some of my high-carb meals as well, even though I'm an ecto. What is your typical total daily dose of cinnamon? Are you worried about toxicity at these dosage levels?
Daily total is probably somewhere around 2-3g or so. I am not overly concerned about toxicity as most of that stuff is contained in the oils which are largely destroyed when it is powdered.

If it does become an issue there are 2 options.

1) Buy a water based extract like Cinnulin PF
2) mix cinnamon into warm water, then strain it and drink the liquid while removing the leftover which would contain the harmful substances.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 9:56 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 33

Today's Exercise: Feast Workout #15 (CC)
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2694
Daily Caloric Goal: 90% of 2694 = 2425
Calories Consumed: 2417 (90%) 172g protein

175.2 lbs this morning. Measurements say I'm still at 9.9% body fat, but I'm happy with how I'm looking, a bit more lean.

Adding an extra workout today because I'm feeling so great.

Uneven pushups 15, 15, 15
Full bridges 13, 11, 12
Hanging bent leg raises into lying straight leg raises 10+10, 10+10, 8+12

Cut my workout down to 3 sets because I didn't have as much energy as I thought. Guess I could have used a day off after all.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 9:53 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 34

Today's Exercise: None
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2307
Daily Caloric Goal: 90% of 2307 = 2076
Calories Consumed: 2075 (90%) 148g protein

173.8 lbs this morning and back down to 9% body fat. Perfect, now my final cut week should get me down to around 8%, hopefully.

I'm really going to take a day off today, no matter how much I feel like working out.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 9:01 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 35

Today's Exercise: Feast Workout #16 (CC)
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2805
Daily Caloric Goal: 90% of 2805 = 2524
Calories Consumed: ?

Weight is down to 173.4 and 8.7% body fat today, a new low. Calories will drop to 85% of maintenance starting tomorrow.

Not sure exactly where my calories ended up, but I had 1400 left and I ate an entire 12" thin crust pepperoni pizza, so I probably went over by a bit.

Close squats 20, 20, 20, 20
Uneven pullups into close pullups 4+5, 5+5, 5+5, 5+6
First attempt at a hand stand = failure
Crow stand 36s
Second attempt at a hand stand 40s
Crow stand 40s