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Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:36 am
by mikej26
I've personally had nothing but positive changes from following the program. I've maintained all of the size I had built prior through lifting and have increased my coordination and flexibility leaving me feeling better overall.

One physical change I have noticed is a shrinking of my waist/core which was not layered with fat to begin with. I've been around 10-11% bf the whole time. I'm thinking it is a result of no longer doing deads, bb squats and overhead presses. When lifting your bodyweight instead of loading your frame with an external load, the need for blocking your core is no longer there so you tend not build the barrel core that you do when lifting otherwise. Thats my experience though, can't speak for everyone.

I've personally liked the change in waist size if for nothing else but the aesthetic benefit relative to my shoulder width.

Also, just when I thought I was starting to own the progressions in the CC program I stumbled upon this clip and was humbled, as well as inspired all at the same time.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:45 am
by mikej26
And this one that takes push ups to a whole new level ... re=related

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:22 pm
by RobRegish
mikej26 wrote:I've personally had nothing but positive changes from following the program. I've maintained all of the size I had built prior through lifting and have increased my coordination and flexibility leaving me feeling better overall.

One physical change I have noticed is a shrinking of my waist/core which was not layered with fat to begin with. I've been around 10-11% bf the whole time. I'm thinking it is a result of no longer doing deads, bb squats and overhead presses. When lifting your bodyweight instead of loading your frame with an external load, the need for blocking your core is no longer there so you tend not build the barrel core that you do when lifting otherwise. Thats my experience though, can't speak for everyone.

I've personally liked the change in waist size if for nothing else but the aesthetic benefit relative to my shoulder width.

Also, just when I thought I was starting to own the progressions in the CC program I stumbled upon this clip and was humbled, as well as inspired all at the same time.
You're not imagining things.

I was shocked today when taped my waist - down over 2" in around 10 weeks of CC. Arms and legs are as big or bigger too. ZERO change in diet.

I'm into unilateral work now (one arm pushups and squats). Still in the beginner/intermediate levels but it's TOUGH. Still, I can see measurable progress every week.

Funny story for you: I walked into the gym this week to see one of the personal trainers attempting a one legged squat, standing on top of an upside down bucket. Like me, on his first attempt he fell on his ass... :)

I knocked out 10 easy reps. It's taken me 10 weeks of training though, to get there. Soooo gratifying.

Onward and upward...

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:57 am
by ZeroBeast
sweet, thanks for the responses. Do appreciate it.

Rob, what do you think about doing a smaller version/amount of the formula for this (C.C.)? maybe cut it in half?

I enjoy the formulas recovery and since I have a lot of ingredients and pills left, I don't want them to go to waste. Most of my carbs come in the forms of fruit and veggies. A few others via whole wheats.

Let me know whatcha thing bud.
also - glad to hear about your progress and results! 8)

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:36 pm
by mikej26
ZeroBeast wrote:sweet, thanks for the responses. Do appreciate it.

Rob, what do you think about doing a smaller version/amount of the formula for this (C.C.)? maybe cut it in half?

I enjoy the formulas recovery and since I have a lot of ingredients and pills left, I don't want them to go to waste. Most of my carbs come in the forms of fruit and veggies. A few others via whole wheats.

Let me know whatcha thing bud.
also - glad to hear about your progress and results! 8)
It'd be nice to hear robs take on this too since I'm up in the air about this one as well.

In my personal experience, I've tried using the formula with this program and found that the need for it depends on where you are in the program. The formula was overkill in the beginning progressions of the exercises because I wasn't chewing through enough glycogen to justify the carb intake provided by the formula.

So, I started using a version of the formula that didn't include karbolyn. Now that the work load and intensity of the program has gone up do to my progress I've began experimenting with adding in some of the carbs. No where near the full amount of the original formula though.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:52 pm
by mikej26
RobRegish wrote:
mikej26 wrote:I've personally had nothing but positive changes from following the program. I've maintained all of the size I had built prior through lifting and have increased my coordination and flexibility leaving me feeling better overall.

One physical change I have noticed is a shrinking of my waist/core which was not layered with fat to begin with. I've been around 10-11% bf the whole time. I'm thinking it is a result of no longer doing deads, bb squats and overhead presses. When lifting your bodyweight instead of loading your frame with an external load, the need for blocking your core is no longer there so you tend not build the barrel core that you do when lifting otherwise. Thats my experience though, can't speak for everyone.

I've personally liked the change in waist size if for nothing else but the aesthetic benefit relative to my shoulder width.

Also, just when I thought I was starting to own the progressions in the CC program I stumbled upon this clip and was humbled, as well as inspired all at the same time.
You're not imagining things.

I was shocked today when taped my waist - down over 2" in around 10 weeks of CC. Arms and legs are as big or bigger too. ZERO change in diet.

I'm into unilateral work now (one arm pushups and squats). Still in the beginner/intermediate levels but it's TOUGH. Still, I can see measurable progress every week.

Funny story for you: I walked into the gym this week to see one of the personal trainers attempting a one legged squat, standing on top of an upside down bucket. Like me, on his first attempt he fell on his ass... :)

I knocked out 10 easy reps. It's taken me 10 weeks of training though, to get there. Soooo gratifying.

Onward and upward...
Glad to see that I'm not the only one. I too have made zero changes to my diet. Just been following a warrior type diet and loosen it up here and there for sanity sake lol.

Sounds like you're at about the same spot as I am in the program. I had made the mistake of doing the six day program which hits everything twice and progressed quickly initially only to stall out. So I switched over to the three days per week program and am progressing again.

Awesome story about the personal trainer taking a face digger!!! I love to see the so called experts show their true colors and look like asses

I swear most of them at my gym see what I'm doing and immediately think its easier than lifting. Especially the one legged squats!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:59 am
by RobRegish
Yep... :)

After 10 weeks of "good behavior", time for a week off for me. This is an important point both you and I came across so sharing it here with everyone.

Even though this is "just" calesthetics, you need to modulate training frequency/insert extra rest days - as I've been saying all along.

I progressed quickly too, on virtually every one of the big six. Then I noticed achy joints/dis-inclination to train. This is a SURE sign a week off is needed, which I'm taking now.

Like you, I expect to come back stronger and build momentum again. For those of you still making progress take heed: The day is coming when you'll likely have to do the same.

Keep the feedback coming in! Great stuff... :)

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:35 am
by ZeroBeast
ZeroBeast wrote: Rob, what do you think about doing a smaller version/amount of the formula for this (C.C.)? maybe cut it in half?

I enjoy the formulas recovery and since I have a lot of ingredients and pills left, I don't want them to go to waste. Most of my carbs come in the forms of fruit and veggies. A few others via whole wheats.

Let me know whatcha thing bud.
also - glad to hear about your progress and results! 8)
Rob - any help/advice on this?
Thank You! :D

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:34 am
by dropthebeats
I just got Convict Conditioning. I've just been flipping through the book before I read the whole thing. I can already tell that this is going to make me feel like a weakling. Step One for Squats looks hard. I laughed when I saw wall pushups, but those Shoulderstand squats look challenging. Can't wait to get started.

I've been kinda bored in the gym, and my schedule has gotten busy. I think I might run this for a while.

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:18 pm
by BrainSquirt
preface - I'm not a CC fan ... I think ppl would be better off buying even old used Matt Furey 'junk' ... jmo
but I am an RR fan... he was talking about one leg squats... so for any other "CC fans not" ...

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 3:16 pm
by RobRegish
ZeroBeast wrote:
ZeroBeast wrote: Rob, what do you think about doing a smaller version/amount of the formula for this (C.C.)? maybe cut it in half?

I enjoy the formulas recovery and since I have a lot of ingredients and pills left, I don't want them to go to waste. Most of my carbs come in the forms of fruit and veggies. A few others via whole wheats.

Let me know whatcha thing bud.
also - glad to hear about your progress and results! 8)
Rob - any help/advice on this?
Thank You! :D
Sorry I'm so late man...

In short order, Synthagen is going to fit this bill perfectly. But yes - the amount of what's needed to "put back" after your typical CC workout doesn't justify the huge bolus of carbs, etc. The Formula provides.

In fact, I'm convinced now that a more efficient recovery mechanism can be tapped with a more sophisticated formula. That information has been put into Synthagen.

If you want to forgo Synthagen (hey, I try to keep it real LOL), I'd suggest some whey 90 min prior and a piece of low glycemic fruit about 30 min prior. Thereafter, you can down a solid food meal up to 1hr later.

More and more, it's hydration (with alkalizing ingredients) that I think is paramount. This goes for all times but during the workout especially. That doesn't mean certain nutraceuticals can't radically accelerate your recovery/growth.

It's just that I've found a better way...

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:56 am
by ZeroBeast
thanks Rob. :)

that's cool regarding Synthagen, but I was just curious with the supplies I have left from the formula, esp KA pills. I just don't want them to go to waste and hoping my idea of maybe half the formula mix would be alright until I use the last of my supplies till I need to order some new goodies.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:53 am
by RobRegish
ZeroBeast wrote:thanks Rob. :)

that's cool regarding Synthagen, but I was just curious with the supplies I have left from the formula, esp KA pills. I just don't want them to go to waste and hoping my idea of maybe half the formula mix would be alright until I use the last of my supplies till I need to order some new goodies.
Absolutely man, don't want anything to go to waste. I have alligator arms, personally speaking... :) Part of the reason I created Synthagen was that I was sick and tired of dropping huge coin (and paying too much in shipping), buying separate Ecdy, glucose disposal agents, BCAA's/EAA's, cellular energy enhancers etc. Then there's the hassle of mixing everything up, and most importantly - I didn't feel a comprehensive approach to optimizing every bodily function important to muscle growth/fat loss was available. I solved for all that, in Synthagen...

BACK ON POINT: I'm still doing GREAT on CC. I can do a few one arm pushups, more than a few single legged squats, just 2 steps away from 1 arm chins and already achieved the Master Step on hanging leg raises. I also did my first handstand pushup the other day!

Cool stuff..

CHALLENGES THAT REMAIN: Bridging. I got too aggressive, too fast and hurt my lower back (minor). Healthy again and all fixed up, thanks to my chiro. Taking those SLOW now, as I've once again learned the hard way - you need to give these things time.

Curious to know how everyone else is doing?!?!?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:03 am
by bigpelo
RobRegish wrote:Curious to know how everyone else is doing?!?!?
Did my first CC workout saturday evening waiting for my wife to get ready. Level 1 for pushups, pullups, squats and abs. Did 2 sets of 10. Pretty easy but I will take my time and build up slowly, gradually, patiently... I am aiming for 1 CC workout / week, doing all those 4 exercises. I will wait untill I reach the recommanded progression to add handstand pushups and bridges.

Dispite the shortenest and the low difficulty of those 8 sets I did, I felt pumped :shock: Not roids rage veins poping face red, but still I could felt the work done. I perform all the sets back to back without pause, 2 seconds concentric, 0 sec pause, 2 seconds excentric.