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Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:19 am
by matter2003
Completed a 24 hour fast today and felt ok for most of it although felt like crap starting out...still getting over cold...waiting to see what Sunday brings...

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:01 pm
by RobRegish
Man, 24hrs. Not easy...

Do you eat anything, during this time or is it a water fast?

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:14 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:Man, 24hrs. Not easy...

Do you eat anything, during this time or is it a water fast?
Always drink lots of water, sometimes with lemon juice. I usually also sip on some BCAA's throughout the day(20 to 30g or so...)

Other than that, no food at all. I do it twice a week, every Monday and Friday(Eat, Stop, Eat pattern), which is strategically set up to be at least 2 days away on either side of my lifting day so I don't compromise performance on the front end by not being properly fed, and don't compromise recovery/growth by not pumping in nutrients during the 24 hours after.

I have been doing it for so long now(3 or 4 months or more) that I don't even really feel hungry anymore while doing it...maybe for a short time around noon or so, but after that its no big deal.

I think it is really starting to help as I seem to be losing more and more abdominal abs are becoming very visible, especially when I look at a distance.

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:25 am
by RobRegish
That's fantastic!

I may give this a whirl. It'll likely take some getting used to, but I love the concept. Something akin to a lawn that's been parched for some time, then there's a downpour.

We all know how green the lawn gets, don't we?... :)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:13 pm
by matter2003
Alright, been resting and geting over this minor cold for the last few days. Feeling pretty good now, just some minor sniffles here and there, nothing major. Watched my Bills pull out a crazy victory on Sunday and then went out and did some sandbag that thing is so underrated...started doing some standing bag crunches, some oblique work with them, and then something I found called a "Turkish Getup"...since I am a Turk, I had to give it a try and man is that one freaking tough exercise....especially with a 55 lb bag of sand on your one shoulder...

here is a link to the exercise:

I ended it with alternating lunges with the sandbag over my shoulder...

Took my last EBol capsule and since I got 3 bottles of KA, I am gonna switch back to using KA for the last week and a half, as that is more than enough to do that and get another full run in on KA...

Hoping to get that feeling back at the gym while on it, even though I am only lifting 2 more times...

Tomorrow back to the CNS Workout and looking to really get some improvements...hoping to lift with my buddy so he can give me some spots and help me get a few more reps in..

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:34 pm
by matter2003
Back on KA and lovin' it already. Didn't feel 100% of its effects yet, but definitely felt something at the gym...had a little bit of the "I can't find a heavy enough weight to lift" as my lifting went on...can't wait to get that feeling again completely...

Had a pretty good session today...


Decline Wide Grip/Close Grip Bench: 315 lbs x 6/6, 315 x 8/8, 315 x 10/8, 365 x 8/6

-had to use decline bench because all flat benches were taken...was having some slight tweaking in my left pec, so I didn't push too hard...easily could have gone another 60-70 lbs, which will likely happen next week

DL/Shrug/Calf Raise: 315 lbs x 6/6/6, 405 x 8/2/0, 315 x 6/6/0

-I picked up 405 lbs today like it was a toy, thanks to the lifting hooks...those are so awesome, I cannot begin to describe it...couldn't get the shrugs up more than twice tho and stopped doing the calf raises because I started cramping for some reason in my calves...calves aren't much of a concern for me as it is however, since they are pretty big already. Could have definitely went higher with the weight on the DL's, but couldn't shrug it, so I just dropped down a little and did more shrugs....

Leg Press/Calf Press: 1430 lbs x 6/6, 1610 x 10/0, 1655 x 10/0

-had two of the trainers and their clients watching in disbelief as I ripped off the last set of presses, although to be honest, it looks a lot more impressive than it is. Most people would likely be able to max out the leg press machine and do 2-4 inch reps after 5 or 6 weeks of doing it...
1655 lbs is max out plus 3 plates on top of the carriage.

All in all, pretty happy with the workout. Traps are starting to blaze right now, and I am slightly shaky...body is starting to feel warm and the blah feeling is creeping in...

The next few days should be real interesting as my body deals with this...

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:15 am
by RobRegish
Great work, Matter!

Ah yes, KA. You only find out how good it is, after you stop taking it... :)

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:27 pm
by matter2003
feeling pretty good, was not as sore as I thought I would be, but did something with my left wrist while benching in he power rack...likely had the bar roll a little too far back on my wrists and am dealing with some burning in the inside wrist when I turn it or move it in certain directions...

kinda sucks, but such is life...gonna see how it heals up and test it out Wednesday...

Did some cardio yesterday and today, getting prepared for some sandbag work tomorrow morning and some Turskish Get-Up's...those things really suck...

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 7:01 am
by RobRegish
Rest is best... :)

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:59 pm
by matter2003
Been dealing with suspected food poisoning from some bad hamburgers since after I watched my beloved Bills go to 3-0 by taking down our arch nemesis Patriots...

Extreme abdominal issues to the point I went to urgent care thinking it was appendicitis or kidney stones again..all tests were negative leading me to food poisoning since I also am having non stop diarrhea, feeling extremely nauseous and have barely eaten since about 1pm Sunday other than some gatorade and jello...the thought of food has made me want to puke, so I know something is definitely wrong because I love to eat...

Looks like lifting session tomorrow is going to have to wait til Sunday because I will definitely not have the energy tomorrow...wrist still bothering me...

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:42 am
by RobRegish
Damn, that sux.

Sorry to hear it man, but you'll be back up in no time! Sometimes, those burgers can do you in. Others, they allow you to set new PR's... :)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:26 am
by JlCh
Solid gains. The 24 hour fasts are a whole bunch of nothx. But then again when I don't have breakfast, alone, I start to feel queesy and very weak. Made IF/Warrior diets pretty interesting to say the least.
RobRegish wrote:Sounds great for learning how to throw people around, too...
Someone's gotta toss those BB . com trolls around.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:38 pm
by matter2003
Seem to be pretty much back on track, other than some residual queasiness/nauseousness and a slight bloated feeling that has been slowly going away over the past 2 days...

Did some cardio last night, rested today, resting tomorrow and gonna hit it big one more time for my last feast workout and my last CNS workout on Sunday...

Although I the CNS Workouts do work, I don't think I will be revisiting them anytime soon, and it isn't because they are too hard or anything like that. For whatever reason, I just feel a sort of disconnect with my whole program only lifting once per week...almost like I feel like I am cheating. Yeah I know it sounds stupid, but I felt much more "plugged in" during my first run where I was lifting twice a week. With this program, it almost seems like I am an outsider looking in. I dunno any other way to put it, and its probably just me and the way I am. Anyways, gonna finish up feast and head into cruise. I was reading the alternative cruise document and while it is very intriguing, that is a little too involved for me at this time...perhaps after my next run I will revisit it again...

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 7:55 pm
by matter2003
Well, my last feast workout was a pretty good one, and the last CNS workout I will be doing...

Heading into cruise this week and am excited to see what the final tallies are as far as muscle gain/fat loss.


Wide Grip Bench/Close Grip Bench: 305 lbs 8/8, 395 lbs 8/6, 445 lbs 8/3
-didn't really push myself too hard here since my wrist still isn't 100%, and used the Smith Machine since it is impossible to roll your wrists back with it...

Tricep Pushdown: 95lbs(whole stack) x 8---went over and did some of these because I wasn't happy with close grip bench presses...

Close Grip Bench: 305 lbs x 8
-came back and did some more CGP's after doing the pressdowns

DL/Shrug/Calf Raise: 305 lbs x 6/6/6, 395 lbs x 6/6/6, 445 lbs x 2/2/0
-hooks don't fit smith machine bar as well as olympic bar, so lost bar slightly on 445 lbs as I pulled it up and could only get 2 up...manhandled 4 plates on both DL's and shrugs, so definitely got stronger since last time.

Lat Pulldowns: 240 lbs x 8, 260 lbs x 8, 270 lbs x 8
-destroyed the lat machine with lifting hooks engaged...pulled whole stack at 260 lbs and then added two 5 lb bars on top and ripped it again. Easily a PR for me, think the most I had gotten up previously was 200 lbs due to grip failing...

Leg Press/Calf Press: 1340 lbs x 8/8, 1610 lbs x 8/0, 1700 lbs x 10/0
-set a PR with 36 total plates+sled and felt pretty easy as I didn't waste so much time on lighter sets working up to that weight...likely could have added a few more plates...

Real good workout to finish feast, wish my wrist wasn't bothering me so I could have gone a little heavier on Wide/Close Grip bench, but what can you do...

I am starting to notice my traps/shoulders/delts/upper arms becoming really big...was almost busting out of the T-shirt I was wearing at the gym and when I was looking in the mirror while lifting off on the DL's, they looked like they were going to explode out of the shirt...very happy about that...will post final measurements probably Tuesday or Wednesday for my feast phase...