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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:01 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Once again a little late on the posts.

GLP2 Squat workout 9.

Squat warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 135/5, 185/3, 235/1
Squats: 235/3,3,3,3
SLDL: 135/5,5,5,5

E.D.T #1
Leg Press: 420/7,7,7,7,7,7=42reps
Romanian Dead lifts: 155/7,7,7,7,7,7=42reps
16mins, 2 min breaks.

Split squats: 95/8, 95/10, 95/8

Incline Bicep curls: 30/10, 30/10, 30/10
Preacher curls: 30/8, 30/8, 30/8

Felt good but the gym was once again packed. I have got to go earlier.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:08 pm
by ElderadoRacing
GLP 2 Bench workout 10. Sept.15

Bench Warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 115/6, 135/4, 155/2, 170/1
Bench Press: 170/3,3,3,3,3
DB Pullovers: 45/5,5,5,5,5
felt strong on all reps. Had no issues which surprised me as this is getting near my max with 3 or more reps.

Incline Press: 55/8,8,8,8,8,8,8=56reps
Single arm rows: 65/8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8=56reps

Shoulder press: (barbell) 85/8, 85/7, 85/6+45/5
Lat Raises: 15/10, 15/10, 15/10
rear fly's: 22.5/10 20/10, 15/10

Off to the gym tonight, yes Monday night, hopefully I can beat the rush.
If it's too busy I just might loose it.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:36 pm
by RobRegish
Wow, looks like everything is going exactly according to plan... :)

And yes, I occasionally get the same surprises in my strength levels. I'm on the Russian Program right now, and experiencing much the same.

As to the crowded gym situation, try channeling your anger into the weights. For it's here, that it'll bring you benefit.

Great work!!!

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:28 pm
by ElderadoRacing
So I hit the gym up on Monday night and it was not nearly as busy as last week.

GLP 2, Squat workout 10.

Squat warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 135/5, 185/3, 225/1
Squats: 225/3,3,3,3,3
SLDL: 135/5,5,5,5,5

Leg Press: 430/8,8,8,8,8,8=48reps
Hamstring Curls: 110/8,8,8,8,8,8=48reps
18mins, 2min breaks.

Bulgarian split squats: no weight/20 reps per leg, 2 sets.

Incline Bicep curls: 30/10, 30/10, 30/10
Barbell curls: 70/8, 70/8, 70/8
Cable curls: 15/12, 17.5/10, 17.5/10

skull crushers: 60/8, 60/8, 60/8
Single arm reverse pull down: 20/15, 25/12, 30/10

closing in on max day, and am looking forward to it. I think I will have no problem hitting the numbers in GLP 2.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:37 pm
by ElderadoRacing
GLP 2, Bench workout 11, Sept. 20

Really starting to notice the strength gains, in my bench.

Bench warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 135/5, 155/3, 180/1
Bench Press: 180/3,3,3,3
DB Pullovers: 50/5,5,5,5

Incline Press: 60/6,6,6,6,6,6
1 Arm Rows: 70/6,6,6,6,6,6
19mins, 2min breaks.

Pull-ups: 13,10,10,7,5,5=50reps

Shoulder Press: 35/10, 35/6, 30/8
Lat. Raises: 17.5/10, 17.5/8, 15/10
Rear fly's: 10/12, 15/10, 15/10

I have been using the eat stop eat diet plan, and have started to see some changes already. I am leaner in my mid section which is what I wanted. My weight has dropped however, I think I am sitting at around 172 now. Not that I am upset with that. Now just to pack on some lean muscle mass on the next run and life will be good.

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:14 am
by RobRegish
Getting leaner, yet stronger by the day.

Way to go man! Love it!!

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:50 am
by ElderadoRacing
Yeah, i wasn't sure how to look at the weight at first. But looking in the mirror I can see the difference. As long as my strength keeps going up I will be happy.

I was toying with the idea of doing a bulk to put on some serious weight, around 10 pounds then doing a cut to get back down to 175. But I will see where I end up after this run and where my body wants to be.

GLP2 Squat workout 11.

Squat warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 135/5, 185/3, 235/1
Squats: 235/3,3,3,3
SLDL: 135/5,5,5,5
Top range rack pull: 360/10, 410/7

Leg Press: 450/6,6,6,6,6,6=36reps
Romanian DL: 155/6,6,6,6,6,6=36reps
16mins, 2 min breaks.

Incline curls: 30/10, 30/10, 30/10
Barbell curls: 80/6, 80/6, 80/6
Machine preacher curls: 40/10, 40/10

Overhead tricep press: 50/10, 50/10, 50/10
Rope pressdown: 50/8, 50/8, 50/8

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:51 am
by ElderadoRacing
Yeah, i wasn't sure how to look at the weight at first. But looking in the mirror I can see the difference. As long as my strength keeps going up I will be happy.

I was toying with the idea of doing a bulk to put on some serious weight, around 10 pounds then doing a cut to get back down to 175. But I will see where I end up after this run and where my body wants to be.

GLP2 Squat workout 11.

Squat warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 135/5, 185/3, 235/1
Squats: 235/3,3,3,3
SLDL: 135/5,5,5,5
Top range rack pull: 360/10, 410/7

Leg Press: 450/6,6,6,6,6,6=36reps
Romanian DL: 155/6,6,6,6,6,6=36reps
16mins, 2 min breaks.

Incline curls: 30/10, 30/10, 30/10
Barbell curls: 80/6, 80/6, 80/6
Machine preacher curls: 40/10, 40/10

Overhead tricep press: 50/10, 50/10, 50/10
Rope pressdown: 50/8, 50/8, 50/8

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:41 am
by RobRegish
Strength gains are a great gauge of progress. Muscle comes on in ounces (ounce by ounce - usually). Not as easy to gauge... :)

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:57 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Well here comes an avalanche of posts. I haven't been on the boards in a while but I have been working out.

I was in Salt Lake City last weekend racing motorcycles, so I had almost a full week off. It was nice to know that with all that rest I didn't loose any strength.

I am starting to feel really good now, and am really liking the way I look in the mirror. Not to mention I am hitting PR's all over the place.

GLP 2, Bench Workout 12.

Bench Warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 115/6, 135/4, 155/2, 170/1
Bench Press: 170/3,3,3,3,3
DB Pullover: 50/5,5,5,5,5
3min breaks.

Incline Press: 60/7,6,5,6,5,5=34reps
1 arm rows: 70/7,7,7,7,7,7=42reps
2 min breaks, 18mins total.

Pull-ups: 13,10,9,6,5
Push-ups: 10,10,10,10

Shoulder Press: 35/8, 35/6, 35/5
Lateral Raises: (machine) 70/7, 65/7, 50/10
Rear delt fly: 17.5/10, 17.5/10

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:04 pm
by ElderadoRacing
GLP 2. squat workout 12.

Squat warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 135/5, 185/3, 205/2, 225/1
Squats: 225/3,3,3,3,3
SLDL: 135/5,5,5,5,5
3min breaks.

E.D.T #1
Leg Press: 5plates a side/7,7,7,7,7,7=42reps
Romanian DL: 155/7,7,7,7,7,7,7=42reps
2min breaks, 17mins total.

Leg Extensions: 30lbs/100reps, 40lbs/100reps

Incline bicep curl: 30/10, 30/10, 30/10
Barbell curls: 75/7, 65/8, 65/8
preacher curls: 40/12, 40/12

Overhead tricep press: 50/10, 50/10, 50/10
Tricep Pull down: 37.5/8,8,8
Tricep extension: 37.5/12, 12

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:31 am
by ElderadoRacing
GLP 2, Bench Workout 13.

Bench warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 115/5, 135/3, 160/1
Bench Press: 160/3,3,3,3
DB Pull overs: 50/5,5,5,5
2 min breaks.

E.D.T #1
Incline Press: 60/7,7,7,6,7,6=40repsPR
Single Arm Rows: 70/8,8,8,8,8,8=48reps
2min breaks, 19mins total.

Pull-ups: 10,10,10,10,10=50reps.
1 min rest between sets.
Push-ups: 10 sets of 10 for 100 total reps. 30 seconds rest between sets.

Seated 1 Arm rows: 27.5/8,8,8
Shoulder Press: 20/12, 25/8, 20/10 (standing)
Lateral Fly's: 15/10, 15/10, crucifix hold 10lbs for 30 seconds.
Rear delt flye on pec dec: 55/15, 70/12, 70/12

Mixing up the workouts with some new moves. Keeping it fresh.
Next workout is my max day, so I am hoping that I can hit all my goals.
I want 225 on bench, but according to the GLP 2 calculations I should hit 220. I WANT 225!!![/b]

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:40 am
by ElderadoRacing
Alright, this post gets me caught up and I will be back on track. Looking to do Bench max on Thursday or Friday, Squats on Saturday.

GLP 2, Squat workout 13.

Squat warm-up: bar/10, 95/10, 135/6, 185/4, 210/1
Squats: 210/3,3,3,3
SLDL: 135/5,5,5,5
3 min breaks.

Leg Press: 500+machine weight, 6,6,6,6,6,6=36 reps PR
Romanian DL: 155/10,10,10,10,10,10=60reps.
2 min breaks, 17mins total.

Leg Extensions: 40/100, 40/100, 40/100 Freakin Brutal!!!!!

Incline Curls: 30/10, 30/10, 30/10
Lying tricep extensions: 20/10, 25/10, 25/10

Cable Curls: 37.5/10, 10, 10
Tricep rope pressdowns: 37.5/10, 10, 10

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:52 am
by RobRegish
New PR! Way to go man... :)

And you're getting ready to peak, on GLP2!!! Do practice visualizing that 1RM not for a single, but for a triple! Do this no less than 3 times/day prior, with at least 1 of those coming before sleep.

What the mind can conceive, the body will achieve... :)