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Post by MSR9889 »

today is both my day off and my calorie spike day with no calorie counting, which i think ive earned. tomorrow i start cutting calories back to 1540 for 2 weeks.

rob, the way my schedule and recovery seem to be going i wont be able to fit in all the workouts in 6 weeks. after the next 2 weeks should i just start eating at maintenance and keep going until i finish the workouts?

took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp almond butter before breakfast
breakfast was turkey bacon and 8 eggs
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp almond butter before lunch
lunch was some eggs with a little cheese and french toast sticks with syrup
dinner was rice and chinese chicken
later ill take lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp almond butter
snack will be 2 scoops trutein
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Post by RobRegish »

Rob says milk this until it runs dry.

You've done this before, so you'll know all the signs Matt. Just know when to cut it. If you need any guidance, by all means let me know.

Believe you have "the number"... :)
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Post by MSR9889 »

woke up and i think i got some good sleep, not sure exactly when i fell asleep and day light savings messed me up a bit. i did another insanity workout fasted before breakfast this morning

preworkout took pumpbol, gte, and lx
intra i drank half a scoop purple intrain and 6g bcaas
pwo i finished my intra, took 1 scoop whey and 1 serving ONE with ebol ~185 calories
lunch was a mini egg and cheese omelet, a bowl of broccoli and spinach with 2 tbsp ranch dressing, and 2 scoops allwhey ~590 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before dinner ~30 calories
dinner was a bowl of broccoli and spinach with 2 tbsp ranch and 2 scoops allwhey ~390 calories
will take lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil later ~30 calories
snack will be 2 scoops allwhey and 1/4 serving almonds ~300 calories

total calories ~1540
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Post by RobRegish »

Yeah, daylight savings time messed me up big time too... :)

Like I need this right now?
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Post by MSR9889 »

kept waking up and rolling around last night, didnt sleep too well. i keep thinking about a midterm i have wednesday but im not really nervous about it so im not sure why its bothering me.

took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before breakfast ~30 calories
breakfast was 4 eggs, 1 scoop whey and 1 scoop superfoods ~400 calories
took lx, gte, ebol before lunch
lunch was 1.5 baked chicken breasts, 2 scoops allwhey, and a bowl of mixed greens and broccoli with 1.5 tbsp ranch ~550 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before dinner ~30 calories
dinner was over roasted turkey breast and 2 scoops whey ~530 calories

total calories ~1540
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Post by RobRegish »

Don't let it bother you Matt.

I flunked the SAT's (740 brother... AFTER I took the course to get my scores up :))

Standardized test means nothing. Nothing as in ZERO. You have something "most people" never will. They call it heart... and you can't buy it anywhere.

Don't you ever forget that Matt!!
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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:Don't let it bother you Matt.

I flunked the SAT's (740 brother... AFTER I took the course to get my scores up :))

Standardized test means nothing. Nothing as in ZERO. You have something "most people" never will. They call it heart... and you can't buy it anywhere.

Don't you ever forget that Matt!!
you know, ever since finals week last semester everything in my life has gotten better and i have no idea what did it. i havent taken my sleep meds in almost 3 months and can sleep consistently now and my whole world has improved. i have an easy schedule and all A's so far, im having fun with all my friends now that i have energy to go out on weekends and ive been talking to a great girl the past 2 weeks now. im getting back to being in the best shape of my life and im the happiest ive been in a couple years now. ill be amazed if i dont ace this test and even if i dont, for once i wont care.
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Post by RobRegish »

MSR9889 wrote:
RobRegish wrote:Don't let it bother you Matt.

I flunked the SAT's (740 brother... AFTER I took the course to get my scores up :))

Standardized test means nothing. Nothing as in ZERO. You have something "most people" never will. They call it heart... and you can't buy it anywhere.

Don't you ever forget that Matt!!
you know, ever since finals week last semester everything in my life has gotten better and i have no idea what did it. i havent taken my sleep meds in almost 3 months and can sleep consistently now and my whole world has improved. i have an easy schedule and all A's so far, im having fun with all my friends now that i have energy to go out on weekends and ive been talking to a great girl the past 2 weeks now. im getting back to being in the best shape of my life and im the happiest ive been in a couple years now. ill be amazed if i dont ace this test and even if i dont, for once i wont care.
There you go brother. When the tough times hit, just hang in for one more day. Sometimes, you'll be surprised how quickly things turn around! Others, it'll take longer but things WILL get better for you.

Why again?

Because you've got that certain something I spoke to above, that's why :)
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Post by beefcake66 »

(silent lurker here)

Sounds like your life is going great right now, that's so refreshing to hear!

Glad for you man!

keep it up, and you'll probably kill the test, no use in getting worried over something like that, you're right :)
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Post by MSR9889 »

took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before breakfast ~30 calories
breakfast was about 2 eggs worth of eggwhites and 1 scoop whey with 1 scoop superfoods ~185 calories
took lx, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before lunch ~30 calories
lunch was 2.5 baked chicken breasts with garlic, broccoli and 2 tbsp ranch ~450 calories
took lx, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before dinner ~30 calories
dinner was 2 scoops trutein, 2 servings of cashews ~550 calories
snack was 2 scoops allwhey ~260 calories

total calories ~1535
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Post by RobRegish »

What's up with these "eggwhites"?

:) :) :)
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Post by MSR9889 »

todays turning out to be a very stressful day for me and this whole week has been messy. have my test in a little while and a good amount of work to go over tonight. im seeing this girl ive been dating again tomorrow so im trying to clear up as much time as i can to spend with her. im also pushing my workout to tomorrow morning so that when we go out im free to eat more. with that in mind, im planning on taking an ambien tonight just to make sure im asleep early and can wake up refreshed for my workout tomorrow morning.
i also didnt sleep well last night and tried to sleep in a bit because i was up late but that didnt improve much.

took lx, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before breakfast ~30 calories
breakfast was 3 scoops whey, 1 scoop superfoods, and 2 tbsp almond butter ~615 calories
took lx, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before lunch ~30 calories
lunch was some 4 bean salad and the turkey, cheese and veggies out of some wraps ~600 calories
took lx, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before dinner ~30 calories
dinner was 2 scoops allwhey ~260 calories

total calories ~1565
RobRegish wrote:What's up with these "eggwhites"?

:) :) :)
every day the dining halls serve bulk "scrambled" eggs (substitute), eggs with cheese, and egg whites which are pretty much just boiled in a giant pan. they taste terrible and its work to just force down the plain egg whites, even with salt and pepper. thats why i always wait in the omelet line to get the whole eggs.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man on all fronts... especially waiting for real eggs :)

Love me some eggs..
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Post by MSR9889 »

long day, up early and for whatever reason the meds didnt pull me to sleep last night. I was tired but still hit the gym and had a good workout. my shoulder felt much better today but i had to stop doing lunges because my toe was killing me. its never been an issue before today.
i also went on a long walk with this girl today, probably close to 3 miles maybe more.

military press- 85x8, 85x8, 85x8, 85x1 + 75x3, 65x6

lunges- 35x8, 35x8, 35x1
leg sled, feet high on platform- 270x12, 270x12, 270x12

dips- 7, 5, 2, 2, 1 and slow negative

cable rows- 140x8, 140x8, 140x8, 140x7, 110x8

skipped abs because i was running late. ill be doing an insanity workout again on saturday and im sure that will cover it.
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