Hanks 3RD run going for the cut

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Post by Hank! »

No soreness at all, slight tightness in pecs and soulders.

No issue with back to back workouts right Rob?
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Post by RobRegish »

Not if The Eagle allows you to pull them off! No soreness at all given that workout. AMAZING isn't it? And just consider this: Not one but TWO static holds where MAXIMUM weight WELL ABOVE your 1RM was used. Yet, no soreness. And your EDT blocks? Some heavy ass weights you're moving there too.

Hmmm... wonder what's in that mysterious silver bag?

I personally use a 1 on 1off when using the Eagle JUST to make sure. I think it makes a lot of sense especially given our age. As big a miracle as The Eagle is, I still favor playing it safe/conservative.

I'm not sure YET whether it suffers from the same problem thermogenics do. Stuff makes you feel like Superman so theoretically you can do some damage getting carried away with it.

Maybe, maybe not. The fact you feel as if you can though..... priceless :)
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Post by Hank! »


I re-read youre logs. Is it okay for me to continue AN @ 3 cpas nightly 5 on 2 off?
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes sir, that's fine. Many ways to dose Adaptogen N but here are some of my favorites:

- 3 caps/night 5 on 2 off for long, extended periods of time (months..)

- 3 caps/night for 21 days, then 2/3 caps a night M-F with weekends off from there. This too, can be continued for at least 8 weeks

- 3 caps/night every night straight through. I run this for up to 6 weeks at a time. Four being the average.

The beauty of Adaptogen N is that it is NOT suppressive. Meaning unlike pro-hormones, there are NO artificial "active" hormones introduced into your system that recognizes them as "exogenous" or from outside the body.

DHEA? Naturally present and the body recognizes it as such. Contained in whopper amounts in AN wherein the body will stop manufacturing it? NO. It's low dosed for a reason.. There is JUST ENOUGH to provide the raw materials needed to convert to testosterone.

You can best think of it like this: Adaptogen N coaxes your system to "drive" greater testosterone production, providing just enough substrate to do so and then freeing up that test into its biologically active form via Longjax's inclusion in the formula.

This, to say nothing of the custom 25:1 Ultra Suma/melatonin etc. contained therein. That stuff is a MIGHTY fine source of Ecdy itself and as you've found, the formula facilitates a great night's rest... leading to OPTIMAL testosterone levels, recouperation and regeneration via multiple pathways (hormonal and non-hormonal).

As you can tell, I'm a big fan of the stuff. I just think for all it does.... hard to beat. I've been using it consistently since 1996 with nothing less than excellent results... validated not just in the gym but by blood/saliva work.

Might be time to do another round of labs :)
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Post by Hank! »

Instead of taking day off I did about 30 minutes of random cardio. 400 calories burned according to my monitor

Squat Jumps
Duck Walk
Side shuffel etc

Fun and not to brutal. Looking forward to Feast Workout 2 tommorow

Cals 2708
Fat113 g
Cholesterol549 mg
Sodium2842 mg
Carbs164 g
Fiber16 g
Protein266 g
Sugars93 g

Read more: https://www.livestrong.com/myplate/#ixzz18EeSfMOW
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Post by RobRegish »

Hank, on the super secret mix contained in the mysterious silver bag... you planning on continuing with the ground oats?

If so, no problems. I do however, consider Pure Karbolyn a more effective alternative. Now I'm not into having you or anyone drop more than they have to, just a suggestion.

By no means mandatory but I wanted to make sure you were aware. Any questions let me know and I'll take care of it.

Great work!
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Post by Hank! »

No way Rob too much work. My jug of Karbolyn arrived Monday after my workout

I will use it today for Feast v3 workout 2

I am unclear but should I also be adding a scoop of high quality iso to the eagle?

also forgot, what about creatine? I have mono
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Post by RobRegish »

Hi Hank,

Good deal. No need for the additional protein IMO. The Eagle is certainly enough..

Including 5g of creatine is a good idea. The Pure Karbolyn will shuttle it through the stomach, into the duodenum, small intestine and ultimately into the bloodstream and into the muscles.

Good to go :)
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Post by Hank! »

Today did not go as planned thanks to a small ice storm however i did make it to the gym and i did crank out a solid effort

Feast v3 workout 2

Bad news is i lost my wrist straps some where and borrowed some shabby ones from the gym, and I forgot my heart rate monitor so i have to guess how much i burned.

My goal was to warm up and do some top range rack pulls but both squat racks we being used so I worked in with the dudes there

I started with shrugs
225 warm up
315 x 10

Then top range rack pull
475x10 secs x 2 really having grip issues,

Squats/ Dead lifts / leg curls :this is a sick combo..

I forgot hyper extensions but did do the weighted crunches

about 45 minutes and i would guess 550-600 cals based on how i felt.

My diet has been pretty in check, though I am trying to loose so generally keeping the around maintenece not much above

dosing my Ebol 2 with hi protein breakfast then 2 miday right before workout with some PB or food, then two within an hour post workout with a hi protein meal or snack.

my peri workout drink today was about 80 gms carbs and about 53gms
protein totaling in @ 550 calories

I have noticed while taking Adapatgen N that i have I slight headache in the mornings especially if I dont sleep 6+ hrs , I think its the melatonin as i have had similar headaches when using that at 5mg. So the stuff in AN is potent for sure .

Daily Intake Totals
Fat108 g
755 mg
Sodium1024 mg
Carbs329 g
Fiber21 g
Protein232 g
Sugars94 g.

Read more: https://www.livestrong.com/myplate/#ixzz18KYjRinZ
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work Hank!

Try the AN at 2/caps night to see if that alleviates the problem. I'm a bit surprised that on that little sleep you're putting out workouts like this!

GammaGH is my solution. God I sleep like a baby on that stuff. However, allow me to offer the following non supp based solutions:

High tyrptophan foods prior to bed:

Warm milk and a banana

There's a reason this works: When milk is warmed it frees up more L-tryptophan, allowing for deeper sleep and more relaxation. Banana's too, are a higher tryptophan releasing food. No more than one though as too much fructose converts to triglyceride (fat) above 200 calories/shot. And no, this has nothing to do with the green banana nonsense I joke about elsewhere :)

Hope it helps!
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Post by Hank! »

Thanks Rob I will make some changes, and I think the headaches will go away in a day or so

Traps are sore today I abused them yesterday , legs and lower back a little tight not bad. However overall I do feel tired and may just take a rest day today.

A dull axe chops no wood!

Daily Intake Totals
Fat82 g
859 mg
Sodium2429 mg
Carbs216 g
Fiber32 g
Protein234 g
Sugars70 g.

Read more: https://www.livestrong.com/myplate/#ixzz18TA3HlNy
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Post by RobRegish »

Great saying!

That's a keeper :)
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Post by Hank! »

For Saturday

Wt 261 stable, not feeling bloated, over all looks like i ma have lost some fat

127 g
1072 mg
1907 mg
173 g
11 g
143 g
64 g

Read more: https://www.livestrong.com/myplate/#ixzz18ZqZlCiV

Planning of feast workout three today will up date
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Post by RobRegish »

It's starting :)

Please do continue providing feedback on the Eagle (PM if you feel the need to).

I need to keep a certain person updated...
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