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Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:06 am
by lerider

I am myself trying to catch up on the meaning of the chemical compounds, can't wait to hear what you've seen!

Thought it was quite interesting when the doctor was writing down the new herbs on my recipe, while writing she put on a shrewd smile and said "this will make you gain weight", followed by a small laugh. Would really like to know which one of the herbs she was writing down at that time!

Will go for the heavier weight then. 1 RM on Friday!

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:10 am
by RobRegish
Thus far, the main drivers of the formula seem to be centered around Fenusterols, some ecdysterones but largely saponins/sapogenins found in several of the extracts.

There are also sedative type compounds (skullcap is just one) which likely explains your deeper sleep.

That's just off the cuff. I'm still looking at some of the others but they seem to be treating you right. I would expect a rather large increase in appetite as well if you haven't already seen it....

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:54 pm
by lerider
Thank you.

You are spot on regarding increased appetite, I notice it especially in the evening.

The sedative type compunds seems to explain why it have been so insanely difficult to get up in the morning the last two weeks. Might take this up with the doctor next visit.

I also seem to be unable to sleep for about ~6 hours after drinking the concoction. I usually fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow, think this might have something to do with the herbs?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:17 am
by RobRegish
Yes, there are also some mild stims in there. Odd but it seems to do the trick for you, provided dosing is timed right.

Is it a tea or a capsule.. or something else?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:48 am
by lerider
It's more like tea.

I can choose to get the herbs dried, and then mix and dose them myself and cook for about an hour. Let it cool off and drink.

I choose the second alternative because it's more convenient. I get small plastic bags with the herbs already dosed and mixed, in liquid form. I mix the liquid with water and boil for 30 min, let it cool off a little and drink. I'd estimate there's about 100-150ml liquid in the bags. Drink one bag morning and one bag evening.

It tastes really good, but it's a little bit bitter. I think if you usually drink your coffee black you'll also enjoy this taste, otherwise it might be too bitter.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:12 pm
by RobRegish
Can I import this stuff?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:25 am
by lerider
Might be difficult, they seem to refuse sell more than one week of herbs at a time.

I went there again today to refill, and asked for two or three weeks of supply since it's quite a hassle to get there every week. She refused and said no doctor would agree to that, she has to check my heart rate and color of tongue every week. Apparently some of the herbs are toxic but will improve health in the right dosage, so it seems to be a safety issue.

Can't buy the herbs without doctors recipe either.

Nothing is impossible in China though, I would imagine it's easier if going directly through a manufacturer but then we are talking large quantities.

You think the ingredients are that good or just curious of trying something new? You see business value?

I can ask around to see if there are any other ways to get hold on the herbs without recipe, if you are interested.

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:23 pm
by RobRegish
Wasn't thinking business, just a personal experiment :)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:56 am
by lerider
I'll ask around, maybe I can hook you up.

Feast workout #4 yesterday.

Legs weren't ready to be hit again, so I hit upper body as usual and added a new EDT, seated DB shoulder press + skull crushers. Bench was 65kg with 9 clean reps, no spotter, which makes an estimated 1RM at 84kg! 85kg doesn't seem so far away anymore!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:24 am
by RobRegish
Splendid :)

Great work and looking foward to the letters "PR" soon :lol:

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:14 am
by lerider
PR set!

1RM day last Friday, unfortunately I was the only one at gym except one unexperienced lifter who had to spot me. I asked him not to touch the bar unless I tell him I need help, but people seldom listen. Pressed 187.4 lbs, felt he helped me too much so I went for two reps.

Since I really wanted that 1RM I rested for a couple of minutes and tried again, this time I made it very clear I really wanted to try to press t on my own, unfortunately I had not enough power left and couldn't press through lower position without help.

It's still a PR, and hopefully I taught a guy to be a better spotter so it's not all bad.

Because of my preciously explained knee problem, I didn't go for 1RM on Squat, instead I did an estimated 1 RM on Leg sled for reps, which turned out to ~285 lbs

First day of GLP yesterday, I still set my 1RM on 187.4lbs and hope it will turn out all right. No problem at all to get all reps clean, could probably push a ninth rep last set if I went for it, but I wanted to keep strenght for the other movements. Good decision or should I continue push if I feel I got the strenght?

EDT went all right, felt the weight was slightly too light on decline DB press, will increase next time.

Static decline on Smith, 176 lbs (not counting bar), first set 10 sec and second set 6 sec. Not sure if I should do one set or several?

Today is leg GLP, leg sled instead of squats though! My breast is all sore, feels good! :D

By the way, I went to two other herb stores but they wouldn't sell me without recipe. Seems to be difficult to get the herbs without doctor approval. I know a guy from the gym who are studying Chinese medicine, I'll ask next time I bump into him.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:52 am
by RobRegish
Great work! Now let's look at your questions..

No problem at all to get all reps clean, could probably push a ninth rep last set if I went for it, but I wanted to keep strenght for the other movements. Good decision or should I continue push if I feel I got the strenght?

A. No, stick with the required reps. You'll be tempted, but DON'T attempt extra. The total tonnage is carefully calculated to deliver X each workout. Don't be concerned if you miss a rep or two here or there. It happens on this loading pattern and is completely natural. It shouldn't happen every workout or for multiple reps but again, don't let it throw you..

EDT went all right, felt the weight was slightly too light on decline DB press, will increase next time.

Static decline on Smith, 176 lbs (not counting bar), first set 10 sec and second set 6 sec. Not sure if I should do one set or several?

A. Two holds is about right with 3 min in between sets. For some reason (and this may just be me), I'm always stronger on the second set. I suspect CNS grooving...

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:29 am
by lerider
Firstly, thank you for the quick answers for my questions.



Leg workout today was INSANE, I have no idea where this strenght came from but I went like a bulldoozer through the excercises with a pump I have not felt in a LONG time!!! Leg sleds were EASY! EDT was just CRAZY!! I INCREASED reps on each set during EDT, the reps in 6'th set were 12 and 15, with weights I couldn't even hit 10 reps on the 3'rd set just before starting the Blueprint.

Romanian Deadlifts 165 lbs
8 8 9 10 11 12
Leg Extensions 78**
10 10 11 12 13 15

Static abs
~1 min @ 68**
~20 sec @ 78**

Would you please help me estimate if the weights marked with ** are in kg or lbs? My guess would be kg since I can barely get the 78 weight (cable) to the floor with my body weight, but I rather ask than risk a 100 lbs error :roll:

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:43 pm
by RobRegish
I can't determine but if I'd have to guess... yes, kilograms.

Doing rather well are you? :) So happy to hear it. I had a feeling. "The BP has now invaded Red China" ha ha.

Would make a nice thread title on Body Building Dot Com when a final review is in, yes? :)

Seriously man, GREAT work. I did nothing but provide the information. You brought it alive through your willingness to take a chance on me, my crazy ideas and sourcing some local adaptogens.

In short, you're one resourceful/driven man. I'm grateful and honored if I played some small part in your success....