Turbo's Back!! Run #2

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Post by Hank! »

Better to err on the side of caution bud. If I blast my hammies it takes a solid 3 days to recover when not on KA
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Post by RobRegish »

Hank's on the mark..

It's these situations where you'll want to let "the Eagle" fly later on.... :)
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RobRegish wrote:Hank's on the mark..

It's these situations where you'll want to let "the Eagle" fly later on.... :)
Better to err on the side of caution bud. If I blast my hammies it takes a solid 3 days to recover when not on KA
Yeah I know :x ... it's just hard sometimes settin here lookin nat all these weights callin my name...Turrrrrbo..O Turrrrbo!!

maybe I'll do chest today, and give the hammys another day and see if they're ready for there ass kickin tomorrow!!.. thanks for keepn me in line guys 8) ..I knew that was the answer I was gonna get tho, thats why I made that post..sometimes I just need to be told NO!!! :wink:
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Post by RobRegish »

I always like to look at it like this...

The only thing that can stop you now is...... you

So much ambition, so much ammunition. It's heartening to see and I wish I had the spark of youth back. Taming that tiger is the key though. Sometimes, it's best to bounce it off old men.

That's what me and Hank are here for :)
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RobRegish wrote:I always like to look at it like this...

The only thing that can stop you now is...... you

So much ambition, so much ammunition. It's heartening to see and I wish I had the spark of youth back. Taming that tiger is the key though. Sometimes, it's best to bounce it off old men.

That's what me and Hank are here for :)
Yes you guys always have my back, and I agree sometimes its hard for me to hold back..I feel like a hungry pit bull, and a hungry dogs gotta eat!! I appriciate your guys guidance and support tho 8) ..

but I did do bench, EDT blocks and core work..I tell you what boys I KILLED it today!!Man I felt so damn good, and so damn strong!! I cant even put into words how amped I am, I feel like incredible!! Man I love liftin, it's my addiction..

as you mentioned Rob my biggest obstacle is gonna be me, believe me I know this..I have to harness the beast and feed him at the same time, and like I said he is one HUNGRY MOFO!!..

But as I was sayin, I killed my workout today..PR's are not to far away on my bench, legs have some catchin up to do, but I'm confident that they will.. Stay tuned boys, this is gonna get good fast!!..
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By the way I kinda liked just doin upper body only today, I felt like I could put so much more into my EDT's and such with no worries of it effecting squats/lower body and whatnot..

whats your thoughts on splitting up lower and upper body.. like say for instance

option 1) upper on monday, then lower on tues..rest 2 days or how ever long I need then do it again?..
option2) upper..then a rest day..lower..then a rest day..ect. ect..

I feel like I could put more into my workout that way, and do a wider range of EDT work.. still gettin in the prescribed number of workout for each muscle group per loading phase.. It may take a few more days to get through each loading phase, but I feel like in the long run I may benifit.. Any opinions or thoughts on this? after all I own a gym and have no barrier on time for workouts/days ect..
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, this split is the ideal in my mind in fact. You can do so much more justice to it this way.

Structure to your liking. It sounds like the plan is unfolding right on schedule :)
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RobRegish wrote:Yes, this split is the ideal in my mind in fact. You can do so much more justice to it this way.

Structure to your liking. It sounds like the plan is unfolding right on schedule :)
Awesome!!... Well my legs are finally FULLY recovered, i may have been able to do then yesterday, but I erred on the side of caution 8) ...But today is the day, and you better believe I'm gonna punish the bottom half today!!..
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Post by RobRegish »

VERY smart move...

Looking forward to the big update!
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Leg workout went well, as promised I punished em!! I feel like puking, but in a good way 8) ..Strength is coming back as fast as could be expected, and I will continue to give it all I got, so it's just a matter of time till I'm where I wanna be.. Killed the EDT's thats when I started feelin like Puking :P ..

Only bad news to report is I felt a strain in my lower back on my very first set of RDL's, so i discontinued them immediately and loaded up the hack squat machine and used it instead, it's still alittle tight, so I will ice it tonight and relax for a few days..really think and hope it wont be a big deal, if i take it easy for awhile, pretty sure I stopped before any serious damage occured..It's WAY to early for an injury :roll: ..plus it's nothin a little turkey cant fix 8)
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Post by RobRegish »

Right on. We can always find a work around if need be. DEFINATELY get to a chiro. As a backup plan, can't recommend these babies highly enough:

https://www6.mailordercentral.com/ironmi ... umber=1220

https://www.flexcart.com/members/eliteft ... D&pid=1595

If you do order either one, I highly suggest getting the Ironmind loading pin, which can be found here and makes loading/unloading a snap:

https://www6.mailordercentral.com/ironmi ... ber=1314-C

I personally use the Ironmind belt and loading pin and have had over 500lbs on there with no problems. The carryover to your barbell squat is almost pound for pound too. Solid investment and can also be used for weighted chins, dips, sled dragging etc.. Very versatile.
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Decided to try and Max out on bench today, probably wasnt the best idea I had in awhile.. I felt pretty good when I woke up and my sore throat was mostly gone, just a little scratchy and tickly..

Didnt have time to eat my usual cup of oats and ham and cheese omelet cuz I had to meet someone at the gym.. Then they didnt show anyway..bastards, so finally got some food in me, tried to get in some extra carbs to make up for the missed breakfast.. felt pretty good and really wanted to max, so I went for it...I knew when I started my warm ups I didnt have it today, but like a idiot I pressed on... worked my way up to 300 and failed ..

Granted it was the first time in my life I tried 300, I got 295 on my last BP run and I was sure I was gonna get 300 leading up to today.. I had been hitn 1 or 2 more reps on certain weights than I ever have, but it just wasnt my day..

But shyt happens, so we'll just rest up and regroup and get ready to tear into GLP#1 sometime early next week.. still got a lower body workout to do sometime this week, probably friday.. My back is startn to feel better, but I'm gonna wait till I'm 110% sure it's ready for squats, then wait another week atleast before I try to squat again..

So we're off to a rough start, but we have a loooong time to go yet, time is on my side so I'll take advantage of it, and play it smart for a bit.. Theres NO FAWKN WAY I'm not gonna tear the head of this mother fawkn run!!!! I'm guna come back with a vengence!!
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Post by RobRegish »

Good attitude. I have backup plans.

For everything :)
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Post by JlCh »

Keep tearing it up! I've had a bit of an absence on here for past few weeks but glad to see you're still going at it. Shame on the 300 lbs, you'll get it in no time.

I happened to get another temporary part time job, so hopefully I can put aside enough of it for the BP stack. I'm about to go into a high rep scheme to try and strengthen joints and what not then I'll be hitting the BP hard. I expect to see 3 plates on that bench press soon :p.
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