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Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:49 pm
by RobRegish
That's the thing about Burn It Up!... sneaky performance enhancer. You'll see what I mean when you run out!

Love that stuff. Especially good for reading/writing too!

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:20 am
by bigpelo
Rob, I know you are a "pure karbolyn" fan and I am a waxy maize user for 2 years at least. I find WM superior to dextrose or maltodextrine post workout mix with protein. I looked at pure karbolyn but getting this to Canada is not a cost friendly option. So, I would like to have your thought on the difference between the two and also on this product I could have for reasonable price by a Canadian distributor:

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:41 am
by bigpelo

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:08 am
by RobRegish
Vitargo is top of the line. In my mind, it goes like this:

1. Vitargo (pricey, yet has the most research behind it)
2. Pure Karbolyn (best results/pricepoint and NOT far behind, if at all!)
3. Kwik Karb
4. Waxy Maize (somewhat distant fourth)
5. Dextrose (VERY distant fifth!)

If you can get Vitargo at a good price.... go for it!

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:58 am
by bigpelo
Did some research on pure karbolyn and found it a reasonable price on web. After shipping and conversion of US$ to CAD$ there is like a CAN$5 difference in favor of pure karbolyn per 4.4lbs. I will wait my custom program from Rob and then decide if I go with Vitargo or karbolyn. MASS should have a carb product :wink:

Yesterday was cruise workout #4. It feels like I am doing pretty good. Weight in at 248 lbs! :shock: I feel strong and pumped. Gotta watch my carbs intake though because is not really looking like a carbs cycling these past 2-3 days...

Question is: can I continue on my cruise workouts until my next run mid January?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:32 pm
by RobRegish
You can.

I'll have that customized program out to you shortly :)

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:57 am
by bigpelo
Hi Rob

I was looking at my waxy maize tub yesterday night and I noticed it was a polymerized cross-linked amylopectin. So I would like to have your thought on this product: ... 2000g.aspx

Compare to vitargo and karbolyn.

Thank you!

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:05 pm
by RobRegish
Ad copy states "AW2300 has a molecular weight over 3000 times greater than dextrose!"

Dextrose MW = 180.16

So its in the neighborhood of 540,000

Vitargo, a "high molecular weight carbohydrate", has a molecular weight of around 500,000 to 700,000.

Pure Karbolyns ad copy doesn't come out and state it, but likely similar #'s as Vitargo but blended from potato, rice and corn to release at a specific rate.

What do all these #'s mean? Not much unless you have a glucometer. I do and have used it on all of these except for this stuff you linked to, so I can't speak to it. Here's how it goes:

- Dextrose shoots insulin sky high which is good but you crash hard, bloat etc and there are a LOT of downsides. Too many IMO

- Waxy Maize/cornstarch is the next step up the ladder. No worse than dextrose at what it does and a LOT better than crashing and no bloat

- Vitargo is LIKELY the best but not by much, IMO. Too expensive though, given the small advantage it MAY convey.

- Pure Karbolyn strikes the best balance between efficacy, price and all around value.

My $0.02...

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:50 am
by bigpelo
I ended up cruise on December 28th at 249 lbs. So + 2 since beginning of this run. Not much, if any, gains in mass and strength. I did a lot of mistakes during this first "learning" run and I did not use any adaptagens.

Then, on December 30th, I had a very bad gastroenteritis that unable me to eat for a full day and not much for the next 2-3. Ended up losing 8 lbs :(

Anyway, next run will be much more different as Rob design me a custom "lean bulker" program. This program is somewhere between a recomp and a pure bulk. I will start another log soon as I am already in my preparation week. I will try to make the next log more informative and up to date with daily or every other day post.

See you soon!


Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:17 pm
by RobRegish
Looking forward to it man!

Even things such as these are learning experiences. Next time through, you'll be that much better and know what to look for.

The gastro thing was just bad luck. Had that not occurred, things may very well have turned out quite differently..

Onward and upward!!