DRJGN's 1st Run- testing BP on an out of shape guy!

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Post by drjgn »

Thanks Rob. I was pretty happy with workout #4 also, then not so happy with yesterday's workout...

But it's good to hear that you thought it was good too.

Thanks for the input on vit C. I usually do 5,000 IU of vit D3 in the winter, but hadn't started it yet this year. Guess I'm starting now. Will try the vit C as well.

I really think if I can get my diet under control, then I will see some good body recomp.
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Post by JlCh »

Yea man, I hit strep throat/bronchitis 3 weeks ago and still feeling the effects in my upper chest from the bronchitis. Coughing a bit and the stuffy nose doesn't seem to want to go away either. It hit 4 workouts before my feast finished and put me out for a couple weeks an forced me into cruise. Just bare with it keep trucking. I'd suggest to try get a lot of your meals prepped the night before, that way when you're busy during the day you can hurry up and go grab w/e you fixed the night before.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good suggestions here... all of them.

Sometimes life happens. Backup plans are essential. Sometimes it's taking a few days off and resuming, sometimes its transitioning to cruise. There is always a way.

The good lifters have a bad day and return without a plan. The GREAT lifters already have their plan.... just in case. Be a GREAT lifter and have your backup plans.

If you don't have one already, consult me. That's what I'm here for :)
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Post by drjgn »

JlCh wrote:Yea man, I hit strep throat/bronchitis 3 weeks ago and still feeling the effects in my upper chest from the bronchitis. Coughing a bit and the stuffy nose doesn't seem to want to go away either. It hit 4 workouts before my feast finished and put me out for a couple weeks an forced me into cruise. Just bare with it keep trucking. I'd suggest to try get a lot of your meals prepped the night before, that way when you're busy during the day you can hurry up and go grab w/e you fixed the night before.
that's a good idea. I hope to get into a good routine here (workouts and diet) now that I'm getting over this cold, and done moving. Making meals the day before would definitely help!
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Post by drjgn »

Did my MAX workout prior to GLP.
Couple notes:
Bench- i had a mental lapse, and forgot to add a 10 to both sides. didn't realize it until I had stripped the other side. I could use some help estimating my max for the BP because of this.

Chins- i'm finding this to aggravate my mild sports hernia thing, so i cut it short, and will avoid it in the future.

Max Workout:

Bench max 215 x 4 (forgot to add 10 lbs to other side)
Dumbell Pullovers 70 x 8

Incline Dumbell Press 65 x 5
Asst Pull ups 16 x 8

Leg Press max 350 x 3
Leg Curl 130 x 4

Military Press 50 x 4
Asst Chins 12 x 4

So I thought I had benched 225 x 4 and was happy until I stripped the bar and saw only 1 "10" on the left side... What should I estimate as a max then? Should I approximate it by thinking I could have done 225 x 2?

What do you guys think??
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Post by RobRegish »

I think 225 x 2 is reasonable. I generally find 10lbs/rep a good guide, at least for me. So in your example it'd be a 245lb 1RM or thereabouts.

Possible to repeat JUST the bench in 2-3 days? Just an idea. Sucks when that happens but yes, I too have done it :( When you get into the really heavy stuff, you can do some MAJOR damage.

Otherwise, great work!
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Post by drjgn »

RobRegish wrote: Possible to repeat JUST the bench in 2-3 days? Just an idea.
I could, but I feel like I have delayed this phase for so many crazy reasons, I'm kind of looking forward to some progress in GLP. Since I also don't have a spotter, it would still be a 2-3 rep max attempt.
What are your thoughts?
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Post by RobRegish »

My thoughts are as follows:

1.) You're right - don't repeat and run with that estimate. It should be close enough

2.) No spotter - man this keeps coming up. You HAVE to have a spotter during these attempts (1RM, 2-3RM or not)! The LAST thing I want is somebody gettting hurt/killed by getting pinned. It happens every year and it's not a fun way to go, you know?

How about this. Do you have power cage in your gym and a free standing bench? If you do, you have everything you need. Simply place the safety pins at a point where they'll catch the bar in the event you can't get it up. Practice with an empty bar/lighter weight and pretend you get pinned.

Ensure you can slide out. Otherwise, I'll have to come up with something else. Ingenuity will always triumph. You need to be alive though, to exercise your ingenuity!

Just looking out for you...
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Post by drjgn »

THanks man. Sorry- I didn't make it clear. I use the smith machine with the "stops" on it. But I would prefer a spotter over hoping that the stops hold, should something bad happen. That's why I've opted for the 2-3 rep max.

I do appreciate the concern though- really!

I will plan on moving ahead to the GLP then! Pretty excited!
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Post by drjgn »

Forgot to log cardio yesterday:

45 min elliptical
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Post by drjgn »

I could use some ideas for the GLP coming up. I have this mild sports hernia that flares up when I bend forward (like I would need to do with deads, 1 arm rows, etc.). So I'm not sure what exercise to do for the low body EDT's.

I used leg press (and will be my primary lift for GLP) so far to get my max, and haven't squatted in years. Not sure if it would flare up, but I'm willing to try. So I'm thinking if I can do that, then the leg curls would work to complete the EDT. BUT, if I can't squat... what should my EDT look like? (BTW, no hack squat machine at gym).

This is what I am thinking for GLP:

Upper Body days:
BP according to GLP

EDT: Incline DB BP & Pullovers
EDT: Curls & Overhead DB extension

Lower Body days:
Leg Press according to GLP

EDT: ?? see above
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Post by RobRegish »

You can try one legged DB squats for the quads and lying or standing hamstring curls.

Both should be a nice workaround for your hernia. Hope that helps!
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Post by drjgn »

Workout #1 of GLP:

Bench 117lbs x 10 reps 115 x 10
Bench 127lbs x 8 reps 125 x 8
Bench 143lbs x 8 145 x 8
Bench 155lbs x 8 reps 155 x 8
Bench 171lbs x 8 reps 175 x 8
Bench 183lbs x 8 reps 185 x 8
Incline DB Bench - 6 reps 45 x 6
DB Pullovers- 6 reps 70 x 6
Incline DB Bench - 6 reps 50 x 6
DB Pullovers- 6 reps 70 x 6
Incline DB Bench - 6 reps 50 x 6
DB Pullovers- 6 reps 70 x 6
Incline DB Bench - 6 reps 50 x 6
DB Pullovers- 6 reps 70 x 4
Low Pulley Curls- 6 reps 80 x 6
Overhead DB extension 50 x 6
Low Pulley Curls- 6 reps 90 x 6
Overhead DB extension 45 x 6
Low Pulley Curls- 6 reps 90 x 6
Overhead DB extension 45 x 6
Low Pulley Curls- 6 reps 90 x 6
Overhead DB extension 45 x 6

I used 235lbs as my max on bench, and this was pretty easy until the last set, so I will probably use 245 as my max in the future. You were right Rob!

My weights bounced around a little with a couple lifts b/c I was trying to get to the right weight. Should be good for next time.
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Post by drjgn »

To update my stats as of this morning (prior to 1st GLP workout):

Weight- 234
Stomach- 43" (.5 inch bigger)
Chest- 43.5" (.5 inch bigger)
Arms- 14.75" (.5 inch bigger!?)

So, real happy with arm growth. Not happy with fat stomach, but my diet had not been real good up til the last couple days so I didn't expect much different (plus no cardio). Hoping for some good recomp soon now that diet under control!
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