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Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:53 am
by awisler
Ah ok sounds good, hopefully that comes today :D

Ive got the eating part down just fine haha. After cutting for 3 months, then going into famine, this eating in feast is just awesome it is hard to not eat too much.

Since I can't bench I wanted to throw chest into an EDT block, so I have a few questions about that:

1) Is an EDT block of pec flyes/lat pulldowns OK?
2) Since I dont have the bench/pullovers in, is it OK to throw in a couple extra sets(Not EDT blocks) of muscles I didn't work that day?

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 5:41 pm
by awisler
Feast Workout #3

Warmup Squat(135x5,185x4,245x3, 295x1)

Squat 295x3 <--Was expecting to get 2 reps barely, but got 3 without too much trouble so I counted that as a last warmup

Squat 305x3 <--I probably could have done one more, definitely a new PR, since last workout 275x5 was a PR
Stiff-leg DL 225x3

EDT #1
Curl 105x6,5,4,3,3,2
Skullcrusher 40lb DBsx6,5,4,3(last rep bad form),3(last rep bad form), 3

Total Reps=47

EDT #2
Lat Pulldown(Close grip, supinated) 135x6,5,4,4,4,4
Pec Flyes(Machine) 150x6,4,4,3,3,3

Total Reps=50

Feeling pretty good about this now, I find it hard to eat a lot of lifting days, yet too easy to eat a lot on the off days. Currently at 1660cals/170g protein today, I believe my maintenance is about 2200, so I will aim for 2700 today. My right pec/inner shoulder is still messed up, I didnt aggravate it or anything but still have a slight pain, I still plan to rest it throughout the rest of this BP run except for the pec flyes.

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:18 pm
by RobRegish
New PR's!

Fantastic man, and you had gas left on some. Proud of you :)

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:51 pm
by awisler
Yeah those PRs are awesome, this is the first time in my life I have enjoyed doing squats, my favorite workout now actually.

As I read some other journals I notice not everyone does what I think is the standard feast workout + 2 EDT blocks, maybe it isn't the standard and I just thought it was. Anyways, do you recommend that for a recomp I continue to do the workout +2 EDT blocks, or workout +1EDT block and a certain amount of sets/reps on just one workout at a time rather than a superset?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:37 am
by RobRegish
Whatever works for you. I like the 2 EDT block format myself...

Plus, new PR's give me LOTS of energy for those 2 EDT blocks, if you know what I mean!

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:38 pm
by awisler
RobRegish wrote:Whatever works for you. I like the 2 EDT block format myself...

Plus, new PR's give me LOTS of energy for those 2 EDT blocks, if you know what I mean!
I think I will stick with the 2 EDT blocks. What are your thoughts on doing 2 EDT blocks plus a few individual sets? Should I just go based on how I am feeling at that point?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:32 pm
by cappla011
Hey man, just wanted to let you know you got a good log going and I'm def gonna be following. I'm a little bit behind you right now (just about to finish Famine), and your post-Famine workouts are giving me inspiration!

Keep it up bro!

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:38 pm
by RobRegish
Yes, listen to your body.... it will tell you when enough is enough.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:50 pm
by awisler
That's what I was thinking Rob, thanks for clarification.

Cappla thanks man, it is nice to know some people out there are reading this and hopefully learning from it.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:13 am
by RobRegish
We're all here to learn, share and grow.

That goes for me too :)

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:29 pm
by awisler
Although I did almost all of the reps on EDT blocks, it was still a struggle and a good workout for those muscles, so I didn't adjust weight during the middle of them. I was focused on the form a lot more since it wasn't too heavy, although I will up it next time. I took a break from curls/triceps EDT block today to hopefully smash through it on fridays workout.

EDIT - Very happy after I just checked the scale post workout, I drank 1.75 gallons of water so far today to flush some carb weight out, and came in at 218. At the beginning of famine I was 223.5, so to lose 5.5 pounds and gain strength is awesome, recomp is what I am aiming for.

Feast Workout #4

Warmup Squat(135x4,185x4,225x3,275x1)

Squat 275x8 <--1RM calc of 341, last week I did 305x3 which is 1RM calc of 332.5
SLDL 225x6 (Form was shabby on last two reps, but last week I barely got 3 reps out of that)

EDT #1
DB Row 80sx6,6,6,6,6,6 <--Unfortunately the local HS gym only goes up to 80 for DBs, but at college in 20 days I can get heavier ones
BB Shrugs 225x6,6,6,6,6,6

EDT #2
Leg Press 405x6,6,6,6,6,6 <--Next time I will up it more, but it wasn't easy as I went very deep with them. The leg press machine is weird at this gym, at my old gym I normally would have done this with 550 or more.
Supinated Lat Pulldowns 135x6,6,6,6,5,5

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:28 am
by RobRegish
That is terrific!

Congrats on the new PR's and weight loss to boot!

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:14 pm
by awisler
Feast Workout #5

Squat Warmup 135x4,185x4,225x3,275x1,315x1

Squat 315x8 <-- In a state of absolute shock. Spotters said I did 9, but the last one was questionable form, reps 7 and 8 were tough and form slightly off but still went deep. I dont know what to say right now, I was in the zone but god damn, Wednesday I did 275x8(1RM calc 341) and today my 1RM calculates out to 390.6.....I was hoping for 3-5 reps on this set. Thank you Rob is all I can say, and to MuscleMass, are you sure there are no roids in your Kre-Anabolyn/Adaptogen-N? 8)
SLDL 225x6 <-- Same as last week but much better form, I was pretty light headed from these and squats afterwards

EDT#1 (I got what feels like shin splints in my forearms during preachers so I switched to DB halfway)
Preacher Curl 105x6,5,3 THEN 40lb DBs x6,5,5
DB Skullcrushers 40lb DBs x6,6,6,4,4,6

I only did one EDT block, gym is closed sat-monday so I just went and hit everything else hard with:

Wide grip rows 160x5,4 140x5

Supersetted groin machines (Not sure what they are called, you know the girl machines of spreading legs and the other machine of squeezing legs)
170x10/10, 15/15

Cable Flyes(Right shoulder/Outer pec still hurt, wanted to hit them lightly)

Strict Shoulder Press(Slight pain in right shoulder, stopped doing this)

Wrist Curls

T-Bar Row(Focused on strict form of pinching shoulder blades together, minimized biceps)

One Legged Calf Raises
BWx50 each leg

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:46 pm
by RobRegish

That is terrific. Soooo happy for you man. You BLEW AWAY your projected rep totals.

Happy happy going into a 3 day weekend. No thank you necessary. My priviledge to be part of this. You're doing the hard work, I just supply the information..