Dta1984's First Run with BP

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Post by dta1984 »

Thanks Rob!

Day 4 Feast

Weight 164.5 (+3.5)

Feel great, and today is the first workout.
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Post by dta1984 »

Great workout! Felt good to get back in and have more strength than in the famine.

I followed the sticky for the workout here.

BB Bench - 160 x 10
DB Pullovers - 40 x 10

EDT Block
Incline DB Press - 45ea x 6
BB Rows - 110 x 6
- total of 6 sets. Reps went (6, 6, 5, 5, 3, 3, ) for a total of 56 reps.

BB Squats - 150 x 10
SLDL - 115 x 10 (increase next time, first time doing these)

If I am understanding the EDT correctly, I want to aim for more reps in the EDT next workout with the same weight until I can achieve 68 reps?

Can I change what I do for EDT next workout (like if I want to do arms?) or should I stick with the two I chose here. Or...can I add an extra EDT block with arms?

Also, next workout is the same, just lower reps correct?

Sorry for all the questions, but it is starting to click.
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Post by RobRegish »

If I am understanding the EDT correctly, I want to aim for more reps in the EDT next workout with the same weight until I can achieve 68 reps?

A. Correct!

Can I change what I do for EDT next workout (like if I want to do arms?) or should I stick with the two I chose here. Or...can I add an extra EDT block with arms?

A. You want to repeat the same EDT block with the same weight, just for more reps. And yes, you can certainly add another EDT block for arms!

Also, next workout is the same, just lower reps correct?

A. Correct. It's clicking! :)
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Post by dta1984 »

Awesome thanks!!

Day 5 Feast

Weight 163 (+ 2)

Not sure what's up with the weight, it says I dropped a pound. I thought it shot up too quickly the first few days, maybe this is it's way of leveling out. No worries only day 5!

Calories from yesterday - 3110 and protein - 206
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work dta. Keep it movin'!
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Post by dta1984 »

Day 6 Feast

Weight 163.5 (+ 2.5)

Today should be the second workout. I am thinking about pushing it back. My left shoulder is a little sore. I will see how I feel tonight. If I don't do it tonight, I will do it saturday.

Calories from yesterday - 3040 protein - 219

I will continue the 20 x calories for another 4 days, then lower to 18 x.
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Post by RobRegish »

Smart man on the extra rest day(s). Best to play it conservative.

Warm up well!
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Post by dta1984 »

Ya I am glad I did rest. Shoulder feels much better today.

Day 7 Feast

Weight 164.5 (+ 3.5)

BCAA loading starts again today.

Busy day today. I have a 4 hour drive for a job interview. I will do workout #2 tomorrow.

Calories from yesterday - 32335, protein - 205
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Post by RobRegish »

Glad to hear it!
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Post by dta1984 »

Alright I am back

Day 10 Feast

Weight 164.5 (+3.5)

Very crazy busy weekend. I am just now getting to the workout #2 today. Kind of disapointed in myself I didn't get around to it over the weekend.

Weight doesn't seem to be changing much. My calories are at 3100 a day, and that is well over my maintenance isnt it? On the other hand, 3.5 lbs in 10 days is good, and would be over 10lbs in 30 days. I guess the slower gain is better for less fat. I just thought I would be gaining quicker since i am eating like a madman.
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Post by dta1984 »

Feast Workout #2

4-6 reps

BB Bench - 170 x 6
DB Pullovers - 50 x 6

EDT Block #1
Incline DB Press - 45ea
BB Rows - 110
- total of 6 sets. Reps went (7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 7 ) each for a total of 78 reps.
(Since this is 20% more than my previous total reps of 56, I will increase weight next workout)

BB Squats - 160 x 6
SLDL - 125 x 6

EDT Block #2
BB Curls - 75
Overhead BB Tricep Extension - 55
- total of 6 sets. Reps went (6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4) each for a total of 63 reps.

Man I felt strong today. I thought I would feel just the opposite with being off 4 days. Still getting used to the SLDL, so the weight wasn't too tough to do.

I am dosing my ECDY on workout days 1 before and 1 after. Does this seem ok? Seems like I read somewhere that this is ideal.
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes that dosing is fine.

And GREAT news on the strength going up. The clue there is 4 days off. For most, more rest = greater strength :)

Take note and leverage that little learning as you continue your BP journey!
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Post by dta1984 »

Day 11 Feast

Weight 165 (+ 4)

I am going to cut calories back to 18 x now, which will make calories 2970.

Rob, do you have any more recipes for drinks that are loaded with calories and protein? I know there is one mentioned in the book, but I was unsure on the egg white part. You say to use (I can't remember the exact amount) carton egg whites. I buy the jugs of egg whites for my breakfast, which 1/4 cup = 1 egg I believe. How many should I use? Also, what area of a grocery store is the wheat germ found ? Finaly, the one container of yogurt, is this the 1 serving size, or the big containers of yogurt? I am trying to find other calorie rich foods to take in, besides sandwiches.


Edit; My protein powder is chocolate falvored, I am assuming this is still ok?
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Post by RobRegish »

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