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Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:01 am
by RobRegish
Good going man. How are you feeling?

Muscle fullness coming back? Curious...

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 6:10 pm
by Richard91
o yea biceps look fuller and i really happy with the chest.
looks bigger already.

I like the new squats im doing. Little less weight than usual but im going below parallel. I feel this alot more and i feel like i can break my bad form pr soon with correct form squats!!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 6:53 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Richard91 wrote:o yea biceps look fuller and i really happy with the chest.
looks bigger already.

I like the new squats im doing. Little less weight than usual but im going below parallel. I feel this alot more and i feel like i can break my bad form pr soon with correct form squats!!
you will be baffled by how much the form change effects your leg development and overall strength

its worth taking the step back for enormous progress, trust me.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:47 pm
by Richard91
Workout 3 Yesterday
Bench 185x3 195x2
Pullovers 65x3

Last time i did doubles i did 185x2 and maxed 205x1. I guess i can call this my first PR. did 195 because i thought i could pump out 3 but 2 was still exciting for me.

Squat 205x3
SLDL 185x3

Squats feel good. Going lower than i used to 155 and 205 feels the same for some reason little sticking at the bottom but when O drive the heels it always comes up. Wanted to try 225 but my partner had to get up at 5 so he left early. Wish i coulda done 20 more lbs but would rather not look like a fool rolling out from under the weight lol.

Bench 135x6x6
Cable Curls 50x6x6
Incline Press 135x6x6

Started lower on all of my edt blocks. I do keep a running log in excel also so i know where i will be at next time. Better to start slow then do 2 reps every set.

Deload on thurs and if i get 225 on bench on sunday i will do a lap around the gym :D

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:35 pm
by RobRegish
Go get that 225!

Great workout man, and congrats on the new PR's!!

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 2:39 am
by Richard91

You better believe I will be pumping my self up for that one.

Cant wait should be here on sunday. I can already notice a big difference in the way my legs look aswell.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:49 am
by Richard91
Bench 155x8
DB Pullover 55x8

Squat 195x8
SLDL 135x8

Lunges 30lb dumbells in each handx6x6
Situps 25x6x6

For lunges i did 6 each leg total of 12 each set is this correct?

glutes are really felling this one. Again squats seem easier and easier each time i do them!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:46 am
by RobRegish
Yes sir, you got it right :)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:35 am
by Richard91
Sorry guys..

I was supposed to go to the gym today but tis been very busy. Worked for my uncle yesterday for 12 hours standing by a moonbounce in the sun. Needless to say I forgot the sunscreen and am now more red than I think I have ever been. The thought of putting and unloaded bar on my back let alone 225+ just is not gunna happen.

Glad I got the off time tho. My buddy dad went in for surgery thursday. He had prostate cancer so I went with my friend to visit his dad on fathers day. If I didnt get a chaance for the gym at least I got to help somebody!

Will be going tommorow regardless of the damn sunburn stinging.

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:22 am
by Richard91
Went to the gym tonight

Bench 215x1 225x1

On 225 my spotter had to use just pointer fingers to help me out of bottom but then I had the whole thing. So damn close. I will go with 215 as max just to be safe I think.

Squat 265x1

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:30 am
by RobRegish
Awesome! And great call on playing it conservative with 215 on the bench. Your sticking point is the bottom, so take care to work some wide grip benches in during the first set or two on the GLP. This builds tremendous starting strength in the lift.

And not too shabby on the squat! Is that a new PR??

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:45 pm
by Richard91
Yes they both are. 215 is new max on bench. and 265 is new max on squat.

I can't remember what my old squat was but this is with the correct form so it feels better regardless.

On the widegrip bench how wide do you reccomend. just outside the notches or as far as you can go?

I usually do the sets of 8 or 6 wide where I put my hands outside the notches.

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:28 pm
by sovabrat
Big.jazayrli wrote:
Richard91 wrote:o yea biceps look fuller and i really happy with the chest.
looks bigger already.

I like the new squats im doing. Little less weight than usual but im going below parallel. I feel this alot more and i feel like i can break my bad form pr soon with correct form squats!!
you will be baffled by how much the form change effects your leg development and overall strength

its worth taking the step back for enormous progress, trust me.
I could not agree any more with this statement. As soon as I corrected my form I started getting a whole new soreness after training. I developed new parts of my quads that were never activated previously with my bad form.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:17 am
by Richard91
Yup i can really feel a difference. Quads are alot more sore the next day than there were before i made the switch.