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Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 7:58 am
by RobRegish
2 EDT blocks for the upper body, one for the lower.

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 11:29 am
by MickMars

Still got lots of training questions - beyond the 5 initial feast training:

You mentioned in one of the post that we are not trying to peak all 3 lifts
(Bench, DL, Squats) during one workout right? So from my understanding, I should split it something like this:

Workout 1 (Bench):
- Bench Press
- EDT 1:
Incline bench -> Cable Row
- EDT 2:
Incline DB -> Skull crushers

*2 days rest*

Workout 2 (DL):
- Deadlift
- EDT 1:
Incline Flys -> Barbell Row
EDT 2:
- Leg Extention -> Leg Curl

*2 days rest*

Workout 3 (Squats):
- Squats
EDT 1:
SLDL -> Hack Squats

Repeat 6 times following German Loading Method

Something like that?

The feast period is around 40 days right, so if i rotate the workouts, I might only be able to complete 1 cycle of the German Loading Method? Only achieving 1 new 1 rep max (over the 5 initial feast workout) during Feast?

Hope my question makes sense.

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 12:13 pm
by RobRegish
Sounds like you want to peak all 3 lifts..

If so, you'll be hitting 2 peaks. First you'll hit a new 1RM via the HIT workouts. Then, you'll hit a new 1RM with the German loading pattern #1.

Tall order, but if you're going to do that I'd rotate as follows:

Squat workout
Bench wrkout
DL workout
Bench workout
Squat workout

Doing go gives the lower back more recovery time (inserting the bench workout in between SQ and DL).

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 10:13 am
by MickMars
RobRegish wrote:Sounds like you want to peak all 3 lifts..

If so, you'll be hitting 2 peaks. First you'll hit a new 1RM via the HIT workouts. Then, you'll hit a new 1RM with the German loading pattern #1.

Tall order, but if you're going to do that I'd rotate as follows:

Squat workout
Bench wrkout
DL workout
Bench workout
Squat workout

Doing go gives the lower back more recovery time (inserting the bench workout in between SQ and DL).

eh.... meaning normally each BP cycle is done only to peak 1-2 type of major lifts?

What is the norm?

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 6:07 pm
by RobRegish
I'd say the norm is to peak 2 major lifts.

My point is, you'll hit two 1RM's per lift. Once at the conclusion of the 5 workout HIT protocol and once at the end of the German Loading Pattern.

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 10:32 am
by MickMars
Feast Day 8: Tuesday - 4/5/2010
Bodyweight: 87.3kg

I just started my new job, so I am still adjusting the meals.

Meal 1:
- 4 full eggs
- 1 big bowl of oats
- Yogurt
- Fruit & Vegetable blended with goodies (garlic + lemon + ginger etc.)

Meal 2:
- 1 scoop whey protein

Meal 3:
- Chicken + Rice

Meal 4:
- 2 oatmeal bars

Meal 5:
- 1 serving weight gainer

Meal 6:
- Steak + Potatoes

Meal 7:
- Full cream milk + whey

I guess I'm relying too much on whey... will try to add some protein with the oatmeal bars. Any suggestions? easy and convenient stuff.


Bench Press (It's a semi-incline/bench, set the seat at first point. I set this up in a power rack and this position is the 'safest'):
- 90kg x 5 (+1 forced rep)
followed by
Dumbell Pullover:
- 70lb x 8

Squats (I noticed that my hamstrings is still abit sore, probably from my bike HIIT cardio session yesterday. For my next cardio, I will just increase the speed for the intensity instead of increasing the resistance):
- 140kg x 5 (Could have gone 1-2 more reps, got too excited & lost my breathing timing)
followed by
Stiff Legged DL:
- 120kg x 5
* Wasn't as gassed out as before.

Dorian Yates DL:
- 160kg x 8
* Weights felt super easy. My target is to exceed 190kg x 8

Lateral Raises:
- 20lb x 15

Leg Press Calf Raises:
- 120kg x 25

Finished the workout with extreme stretching for Chest, Back and Legs.
Due to my consumption of full cream milk... my body is getting rather bloated, but I will just stick with it for now.

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 10:55 am
by sovabrat
I guess I'm relying too much on whey... will try to add some protein with the oatmeal bars. Any suggestions? easy and convenient stuff.
Two shakes a day is not that much if you ask me. When I am working out hard, I will sometimes do one scoop pre-workout, 2 scoops post. About 45 minutes later ill have breakfast with 4-5 eggs. Then my normal routine is 1 shake morning snack, 1 shake after lunch.

The only other thing I could suggest you add is maybe a Turkey Sandwich for lunch or adding more cottage cheese. Greek Yogurt, if you can tolerate the taste, is double the protein as regular yogurt.

Your diet looks pretty good to me without analyzing each gram of protein,fat, carbs etc.

I am very much a functional guy. I like to just pick my foods from a healthy pool of options and concentrate on getting adequate protein each day. If one day my carbs are 50% and my protein is only 40% then so be it. As long as good fuel is going into my body I dont care to be too OCD about each meal.

EDIT:: Try signing up for Hank got me started on it and now im addicted. Its painfree tracking of your macronutrients. That way you can truly analyzing your intake and adjust if you feel the need. I used to think I was doing a good job until I started to monitor it daily. Now my protein levels are much closer to where they should be. My profile name is Sovabrat on there if you want to add me as a friend.

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 7:16 pm
by RobRegish
Nice going. Your conditioning is picking up like I thought.... a good sign :)

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 12:35 pm
by MickMars
Feast Day 11: Tuesday - 7/5/2010
Bodyweight: 87.5kg


Meal 1:
- 4 full eggs
- 1 big bowl of oats
- Yogurt
- Fruit & Vegetable blended with goodies (garlic + lemon + ginger etc.)

Meal 2:
- 1 gainer shake

Meal 3:
- Chicken + Rice

Meal 4:
- Sausage bun

Meal 5:
- 1 serving weight gainer

Meal 6:
- Chicken + pasta

Meal 7:
- Grilled Lamb


Bench Press
- 95kg x 3 (+2 forced rep & static hold)
followed by
Dumbell Pullover:
- 80lb x 5

- 160kg x 2 followed by
Stiff Legged DL:
- 140kg x 4

Dorian Yates DL:
- 180kg x 5
* Atempted 1 rep max - 190kg x 1 (easy)

I plan to do a EDT workout tomorrow for Biceps and triceps as I have been ignoring my arms for quite sometime now. Should be alright, right?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 6:48 pm
by RobRegish
Yes absolutely.

GREAT work on the "easy" 1RM!! So happy for you!!!

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 7:06 am
by MickMars
Hey dudes n dudettes,

Woke up this morning with the bodyweight of 87.2kg. Man, my bodyweight is fluctuating like crazy... hope to hit the 90kg mark by the end of this BP with minimum increase in bf%.

I went to the gym today to hit some biceps and triceps EDT style. Felt pretty good and once I got back, I did some reading regarding EDT from the website and it started making me think.

From my understanding, the concept of EDT is progressive overload with 'endurance' involved... and also by doing this type of workout, cardio can be reduced or pretty much eliminated. No doubt this type of workout would bring results, but I plan to do something different as it takes too much variable, like constantly looking at the clock, remember the actual sets and reps... and being the person I am, once I set my mind to something I would actually make sure everything is perfect down to the second. In a nutshell, I foresee EDT will drive me crazy... LOL.

Moving on, I will structure my workouts after the initial 5 HIT workouts as follows:

Workout 1 (Bench):
- Semi Incline Bench (German loading method)
- Barbell Rows -> 8reps target
- Incline Flys -> 12 reps target
- Barbell curls -> 10 reps target
- Close Grip BP -> 10 reps target

*2 days rest or more* *Insert HIIT sprints*

Workout 2 (DL):
- Deadlift
- Dumbbell Press -> 8reps target
- Cable Row -> 8 reps target
- Leg Curl -> 12 reps target
- Leg Extension -> 12 reps target

*2 days rest or more* *Insert HIIT sprints*

Workout 3 (Squats):
- Squats (German Loading Method)
- SLDL -> 10reps target
- Hack Squats -> 12 reps target
- Calf Raises

*2 days rest or more* *Insert HIIT sprints*

Rinse & Repeat.

I will be using intensity techniques (drop sets, rest pause, static hold etc.) for the non-German Loading exercises. The idea is to increase the number of reps from the previous workout and once I hit the rep range, I shall increase the weight (progressive overload). Of course, I will listen to my body and make necessary adjustments along the way with advise from the BP members also.

Rob, I hope I did not bastardized BluePrint too much. And of course I would like to ask for your opinion of the above. Maybe moving certain exercises here and there?

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 10:49 am
by MickMars
Feast Day 14: Monday - 10/5/2010
Bodyweight: 87.8kg


Meal 1:
- 4 full eggs
- 1 big bowl of oats
- Yogurt

Meal 2:
- 1 gainer shake

Meal 3:
- Pork + Rice

Meal 4:
- Oatmeal bar + cheese

Meal 5:
- 1 serving weight gainer

Meal 6:
- Fish + oats + 1 TB Udo's oil

Meal 7:
- Whey + Milk

Training, basically I used the weights similar to the 4-6 reps HIT workout:

Bench Press
- 90kg x 7 (+2 forced rep & static hold) -> *+2 reps*
followed by
Dumbell Pullover:
- 80lb x 6 -> *+1 rep*

- 140kg x 7 -> *+2 reps*
Stiff Legged DL:
- Since therre were no barbell available, 85lb x 6

Dorian Yates DL:
- 185kg x 7 (previously before starting BP, this was my max. I think I somehow improved as I have used most of my energy for the bench press and squat workout.... and still being able to hit the target)

Calf Leg Press:
160kg x 25

Side Laterals:
25lb x 15 (+5 cheat reps)

I notice that my muscle is not really sore the next day... strength is definitely increasing. The only thing holding me back is my right shoulder. Feels like *me being paranoid* it's gonna pop out of the socket when I bench heavy. Sux big time... when I see all those scrawny kids benching more than me. This is really holding me back.

PS: Rob, I would really appreciate your feedback from my last post regarding my workout plan. Thanks.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:08 pm
by RobRegish
OK I looked it over. I'm perfectly fine with what you're proposing b/c I think you're on to something.

Provided your strength is increasing...that's the test. And it is. Your comments about conditioning picking up are indicative of my suspicions and your body is readily adapting to greater workloads.

The ONE thing I'd keep an eye on is frequency.... meaning insert extra rest days where appropriate. Having said that, the fact you're reporting less soreness is encouraging...another sign of improved adaptation.

Excellent work and you're off to a fast intuitive start. By this I mean you're listening to your body, not afraid to make adjustments and going with the flow.

This can't be taught. It is learned. The fact you're doing it this early... bodes well (very well) for this and subsequent BP runs!

I wholeheartedly support this stuff. Draco is another excellent example. You may want to reach out to him for his perspective too.

Excellent, excellent work!

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 12:28 pm
by MickMars
Feast Day 18: Friday - 14/5/2010

Been travelling alot lately around my country due to work. But training is still going pretty good.

Bench Press
- 100kg x 1
Dumbell Pullover:
- 90lb x 6 ->

- 170kg x 1
Stiff Legged DL:
- 130 x 6

Dorian Yates DL:
- 190kg x 3

My bodyweight is fluctuating and I feel quite hungry lately.... maybe it's a good sign?

Been doing HIIT sprints... which I think is working pretty nicely, gets the job done fast.

Next stop, German loading method and mark my words I would be consistently CRUSHING my PR's.