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Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:06 pm
by mars88
haha nice, alright sounds good tho i didnt have many options today so my post workout meal did consist of whole wheat bun 35 carbs.. ill eliminate it from now.. but really you think just 35 grams of carbs from whole grain bread AFTER an intense workout will spillover as fat?

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:13 am
by RobRegish
There is something about bread that does it (at least for me). Whole grain is better, or course but then again, you lose the insulin spike with white/more refined breads.

I wouldn't sweat it. Just erring on the side of caution...

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:41 am
by mars88
sounds good! Damn i really dislike mitotropin so far it makes me feel weird and because i wake up around 11 am or later my 2nd dose is around 5 pm and i cant fall asleep till 3 am! Fuck i gotta soldier it for 26 more days then i can finally enjoy myself with the blueprint.

I must say tho i think the key to mitottropin is the diet because the last 4 days i realized how low calorie it really it is because esentially they say low fat low carb high protein leaving you with like no calories!

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:26 pm
by RobRegish
Low fat, low carbs and lots of stims.

I wonder if anyone on that diet DOESN'T lose weight...or feel like crap.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:28 pm
by Hank!
mars Nutraplanet has Super Cissus RX on sale for 19.99

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:49 pm
by mars88
thanks man i saw that but the shipping is 20 bucks to canada so it ends up being the same price if i ordered from lol. I actucally bought animalflex today and opti men for my vitamin chose it over the Orange triad idea! If i dont feel better ill prob order some cissus too

Static holds

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 10:23 pm
by mars88
Hey rob i saw you talk about static holds in ppls threads, what exactly are they and how do i do them? what would be an example of a static hold? how many times do i do it etc?

on a side note i bought animalflex and have been using it for about 4 days so cant really see any results yet.

Also rob or any1 i got a question about ALLMAX ALLWHEY, i ran out of myofusion and they had a 5lb tub of allmax allwheye for 39.99 and sold out of 5lb myofusion which is normally 55.. so i got it, is it any good?

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:54 am
by RobRegish
Static Holds.. all you need to know:

AnimalFlex and like products take time. Much longer than 4 days. Think 4 weeks...

On AllMax Whey, I'd be skeptical. Real skeptical. It purports to be a cold processed whey but the price point ($25 for 2 pounds) doesn't pass the sniff test. Not even close. It's a sad reality today but just because they're saying it on the lable... doesn't mean its in the bottle.

Product is also missing the all important di-tri peptides which are research proven to be absorbed even faster than individual aminos themselves. It's for this reason that I use MassPro here. I just ordered 2 cases via the online 10% off special this month.

Again, I take no favor in who's products you use. Just my opinion...

hey man few questions

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:54 pm
by mars88
hey rob been busy with a full time job that i started almsot 2 weeks ago so really busy but im almost done my cut and goign to be taking a week off soon and then starting the famine.

Just a quick question in regards to what i'll need:

EBOL (2 bottles)
tbol trib (2bottles)
cbol creatine(2bottles)

I have e/t/c already.

Will be ordering myofusion as my protein, xtend for bcaas, a multi and then waximaize starch. Is any waxymaize okay? ill be ordering from how is this:


or any that u recommend.

I will also probably get bioforge to stack with cbol creatine during cruise if the funds are availble.

So is that everything anything else i would need? And i believe feast is 42 days right buw the bottles will be 50 days of ebol tbol trib so what could i do there as saving aside 8 days worth of e/t would be rather useless i imagine so interested to hear your thoughts there

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:44 am
by RobRegish
Hi Mars..

I removed the link to the store. Reason being, has "issues" with me/Blueprint and I don't want to risk you/me being banned over there. I know what your intent was (informational) so no issue on my end. Hope you understand..

To your questions...

EBOL (2 bottles)
tbol trib (2bottles)
cbol creatine(2bottles)

I have e/t/c already.

A. If you already have them then yes, by all means use them. Do me a favor though, next cycle run Kre-Anabolyn and Adaptogen N for comparison purposes to see which products benefit you more. Kre-Anabolyn already contains creatine so no separate creatine product is necessary.

Will be ordering myofusion as my protein, xtend for bcaas, a multi and then waximaize starch. Is any waxymaize okay? ill be ordering from how is this:

A. WaxyMaize is an EXCELLENT replacement for sugar in the peri-workout drink. It's molecular weight is incredibly high, which leads to it moving through the stomach VERY fast, dragging nutrients along with it. While it isn't "perfect" from a glycogen replenishment standpoint (although it's no worse than dextrose), it is miles ahead in every other department. The biggest of which IMO is.... no sugar crash!

Q. I will also probably get bioforge to stack with cbol creatine during cruise if the funds are availble.

A. Decent plan.

Q. So is that everything anything else i would need? And i believe feast is 42 days right buw the bottles will be 50 days of ebol tbol trib so what could i do there as saving aside 8 days worth of e/t would be rather useless i imagine so interested to hear your thoughts there

A. You have more than enough there. The extra 8 days is a common question I get. The simple answer is just to run it out into Feast. However, I prefer the following approach..

Simply run the excess # of pills by adding to your pre or post workout dose of each. Doing so places the products in the most favorable environment where they can have maximal impact.

Hope that helps!

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 1:31 pm
by mars88
For sure next cycle i will use kre anabolyin and adaptogen n.

Just letting you know rob in 9 days i will begin the famine phase. I'm just running the remaining pills of activate xtreme and mitotropin out but im actucally goign to take my week off this week because im fed up of cutting and dieting for 5 months i really wanna bulk put on lean mass and get stronger because my lack of strength increase has me pissed off right now! Also weighing in at 136 pounds is a joke! So the plan is to start famine on Tuesday may 11th as monday may 10th i think is the last day of mitotropin. During the week off i'll check my resting heart rate.

Also is it okay to do cardio during this week off to make the most of the remaining 9 days of mitotropin? Btw for any1 wondering ever for a cut go with animalcuts all the way.. mitotropin was a waste imho. But granted my diet wasnt AS strict as it was when i was on animalcuts cuz like i said im just sick of cutting now 5 months of dieting sucks!

So Rob just to reiterate again i wanna run the blueprint from may 12th all the way till end of december/january so lets come up with a plan now im going to go through this thread and get my famine workouts down in the next post. And then we'll prepare for feast which should start may 16th if im correct, 5 days of famine then feast may 16th. In regards to waximaize im assuming any brand is okay? Could you pm me a link to one thats good from since we cant post here thatd be great as im looking to place my order soon!

I'm hoping by the end of august ill be at like 150-155 lbs and im hoping that i can bench 225 for 5 up from 175 for 5 which i know is a HUGE goal but meh we'll see what happens!

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 5:22 pm
by RobRegish
Cardio during the off week is fine..

I'll PM you with my suggestion on a WM/modified starch powder. Good plan Mars. You are setting the table for some incredible gains here!

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 11:28 pm
by mars88
Hey rob was wondering if it's ok to use a preworkout during feast like presurge unleashed.. And I sent u a pm about wm starch

also do u know anything about MGn whey isolate it's cheap and seems to be getting slot of hype wat do u think

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 4:45 am
by RobRegish
preworkouts are fine..

Not familiar with that protein so I googled it. 2lbs for less than $18 speaks to LOW quality protein, not high.

Do me a favor. Email the company and ask about whether or not its heat/high temperature processed. I bet the house it's heated up to 100+ degrees during pasteurization.... rendering most of it useless via cross linking of the aminos.