Draco's Second Run

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Post by dracotdrgn »

Workout A B C
# 1 Date_________ 1 @ .622 X 15 2 @ .675 X 12 2 @ .729 X 10
# 2 Date_________ 2 @ .707 X 10 2 @ .770 X 8 1 @ .770 X RO
# 3 Date_________ 1 @ .622 X 15 2 @ .689 X 12 2 @ .744 X 10
# 4 Date_________ 2 @ .722 X 10 2 @ .786 X 8 1 @ .786 X RO
# 5 Date_________ 1 @ .642 X 15 2 @ .689 X 12 1 @ .786 X F
# 6 Date_________ 2 @ .744 X 10 2 @ .802 X 8 1 @ .802 X RO
# 7 Date_________ 2 @ .689 X 12 2 @ .759 X 10 1 @ .804 X F
# 8 Date_________ 2 @ .759 X 10 2 @ .831 X 6 1 @ .831 X RO
# 9 Date_________ 2 @ .709 X 12 2 @ .773 X 10 1 @ .818 X F
# 10 Date_________ 2 @ .773 X 10 2 @ .850 X 8 1 @ .880 X 6
# 11 Date_________ 2 @ .725 X 12 2 @ .789 X 10 1 @ .852 X F
# 12 Date_________ 2 @ .773 X 10 2 @ .850 X 8 1 @ .896 X 6
# 13 Date_________ 1 @ .741 X 12 2 @ .821 X 10 2 @ .882 X 8
# 14 Date_________ 1 @ .789 X 10 1 @ .866 X 8 1 @ .912 X 6
RO rep out to failure, I do that plus a forced rep.
F>test day 7reps to pass ten to advance 5lbs added to 1RM
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow. Looks like a reps approach to a new 1RM. And an interesting one at that with only 1 workout in the 90th percentile.

Where'd you find it?

I've got to tell you stuff like this really fires me up. Much like Brain, you're running with it now and doing your own thing. And I support this 100%. Why? Because if it works out (and I have no doubt it will) your contributions build a stronger Blueprint.

Draco's contributions shouldn't be overlooked by new members. In fact, I encourage you to "play" with Blueprint like this and share with us your success (and even failures). Collectively, we all learn.

And that's what this place was built for...
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Post by dracotdrgn »

My old print out of the Muscle Media program does NOT have this but if you go back to that site https://www.timinvermont.com/fitness/benchpgm.htm and go to the very end, it's there.

"Never Skip Ahead" Yeah thanks, I don't know what I was thinkin. This was plenty, I did take one min rest before hitting the DL then 3-5 min before squatting again but there was pain......good pain...no injuries ....killer workout.

Added one more set of calf raises 4 ttl. alt seated to standing 30sec between sets
Quad extensions 4sets 45 sec between sets
I'm exhausted.. Backing down the carbs a bit this week need more vegetables
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Lower back was sore this morning. WOW By time I got to the gym it was fine. Ab day was going well so I added a set to my tri sets then went up weight with my decline sit ups. Some ball exercises and stretching.........done.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK good to hear. Watch that lower back though....

I know I keep spouting off on the hip belt but if anything can sideline you now it's a back injury. Sometimes, we become so powerful the only thing that can stop us is us. I say that b/c it's all too easy to get rollin' with a program, feel invincible and continue to push things...only to get injured.

This isn't a slam. Yours truly did this at the tender age of 20.

I offer it here as food for thought in the hopes it doesn't derail you too...
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Post by dracotdrgn »

I think about that every day. I had to realize at the age of 22 that I was no longer invincible when I tore my achillies in half. I agree and it is noted. I did back off my second to last set of dl. When I go back to work (I hope soon) I stay away from lower back exercises because I get plenty at work and don't need a stiff back at work.
I saw a young strong kid slip a disc in the gym doing fairly light weight barbell curls while in the other room a guy in his fifties is on his toes, arching his back, turning red, and grunting to curl dumbells that are too heavy.????? Stocky old man but terrible form. Crazy

Back day today........
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Oh yeah btw Rob you got me hooked on heavy squats.
I know I know, you're a big advocate of the hip belts but I had never done heavy squats 'till I met you.

Back day was awesome. I felt every bit of my 227 weigh in. Pull overs.... another great exercise you've turned me on to. My little tri exercise set felt great today. Bi's were tight as well. All around great day at the gym.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great to hear!

Guilty as charged on the squats :lol:
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Tired, not wanting to go to the gym, bach is achy.........oh is that a sign of overtraining? Yeah, so well, I went to the gym. Nothing major, dips, calf raises, some sets of 50, and a few uphill sprints. Hot tub, sauna, home. Going to think about plan revision, but really like the way this one's going right now.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good to hear you're reading the tea leaves like this..... VERY important in making the strategic decisions insofar as frequency is concerned.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Good week so far. Weight hasn't moved much but neither has my intake. If anything I have backed off fast carbs for about a week now.
Bench, much better, almost hit all reps in loading pattern. Shoulders and tri's moving up.

LEGS- loading pattern had me repping out for set five. About five pounds more than two weeks ago when I pushed out 15. I squeezed out 20! An un-planned 20 rep squat routine. Wow that was awesome, a new personal best. Sneaking in extras like some light deep squats, and a set of high rep fast calves...

Core and abs today. Too stubborn to change the routine just yet, probably next week for week 5 & 6. Feeling good!
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Post by RobRegish »

Holy smokes.

That's darn significant on squats, of all movements. Normally a 2-3 rep increase would be very significant, but 15 more than a planned set of 5?

Great work!
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Post by dracotdrgn »

No, I meant on set #5. Sets called out for 10, 10, 8, 8, rep out.
So to put numbers to it that was 315*10~315*10~340*8~340*8~340*20 after each set rest one minute>dimel dl w/ 200lbs same reps as squat then rest 3-5min. The 20 reps did bring me to my knees and I still got up and finished with 10 dl.
After 4 sets standing calf and 4 sets seated calf 30sec between sets I was pumped and thought I'd try front squats. Ahh no thanks two reps, so did 10 deep squats with 135 then did 4 sets quad extensions 30 sec between sets. That was a leg day!

And when I was thinking that core/ab day was kind of like taking a day off...... Wrong again, as I get stronger I push harder adding sets and adding weight. I was soaked with sweat and well, I'm beat. Soaked in the hot tub, stretched in the sauna and have made the decision to take tomorrow off and finish strong on Friday with back/bi's.

BTW threw that 340 X 20 into the calculator and holy smokes! Not sure how accurate that is upwards to 20 reps.

Another BP note I'll have to check the last run but week four seems to be when I gained full traction last time.?.? I know that's why we/you extended the feast, but so far great week. I only expect the same for back day Friday.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK appreciate the clarification.

Any way you slice it that is absolutely fantastic. You must be turning heads in the gym? I bet you get a lot of questions.

Those are more than respectable lifts and you can walk into almost any gym in the world and be damn proud of those.

Think about that for a minute. Quite an accomplishment...

Yes week 4 is where you picked up quite a bit of traction last time, if memory serves. I do think you'll get more next time around and indeed, in every BP cycle. And that's always the best part.... they get better.

As you said earlier, famine isn't "quite" as bad 2nd time around b/c you know what to expect. Same with Feast.... you don't go into it questioning it again b/c you know what's going to happen. You're just smarter about how you go about it. Part of that is getting traction earlier. Part of it is how to milk it for all it's worth.

Originally, we were looking at 4 weeks on the outside. How we got to 6 weeks was a discovery re: "stacking" loading patterns one on top of each other (this was partially an accident by the way). More than 1 or 2 of us screwed up/got injured and had to switch something out. Happy coincidence we were able to extend feast.

Ultimately though, enzyme turnover (more food stored as fat vs. muscle) and mental exhaustion of outdoing yourself/getting that strong that fast catches up... You need to transition to cruise, downshift mentally/physically and then re-generate an adaptive state by......ah shoot. You guys know the drill by now :)

In any case, I'm happy for you Draco :)
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