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Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:25 pm
by tufluk
nice one, ill be buying it.

Keep us updated Mattlaw30! :D

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:44 pm
by wtmarcus
Embarking on this in a few days.. something popped up in my mind though. How about adding some fatgripz to all of the exercises?

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:39 am
by tufluk
way to much forearm failure/fatigue. adding them near the end on a couple exercise may be beneficial, if forearms are your goal. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:57 am
by wtmarcus
Hit it yesterday. 4 hours fun time at the gym. 1st hour felt awkward with the prescribed rests and start points. 3rd hour not so awkward. Had a good time doing this. Some hour after I started getting some cramping in my (soon to be) massive biceps.. today mostly just somewhat sore. Eagerly awaiting growth of some kind.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:41 pm
by DaCookie
wtmarcus wrote:Hit it yesterday. 4 hours fun time at the gym. 1st hour felt awkward with the prescribed rests and start points. 3rd hour not so awkward. Had a good time doing this. Some hour after I started getting some cramping in my (soon to be) massive biceps.. today mostly just somewhat sore. Eagerly awaiting growth of some kind.
Keep us updated

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:32 pm
by wtmarcus
3 days rested. Soreness in bicep and tricep is almost gone. No increase in size so far. :)

:update: So I haven't been sleeping anything near enough these last few days (work and such). Crashed today and had a 5 hour 'powernap'. Woke up and my right arm is half an inch bigger than before.

I wish I had taken pictures of this to compare. It's not just the size that's different.. the arm just looks better and has a superior shape compared to before. Dunno how to explain it.

Been working on some plans to hit my legs with something inspired with this, plus some magic I learnt at other places... but judging from how many days I've been sore from this arm blast I am reconsidering if this is really such a good move. :)

:update2: I ran the thing together with a friend. He is reporting "no growth at all."

:update3: Growth is all gone. Back to +/- 0 for me.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:34 pm
by austinb37
I ran the program 11 days ago and have not seen any increases in size since then.

I did 5 cycles of the program as recommended and bought the "Cadillac" version of the magnificent seven.

Did anyone else have success with the program?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:41 pm
by DaCookie
Maybe the gain is temporary.I havent tried it myself only reading peoples comments here.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:58 pm
by tnubs
strong bump, any more reviews?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:14 am
by bigjoe
I ran the program start of July, sadly I didn't see any of those results. That said, I've been making some steady gains since then using some of the ideas Rob offered as well as loading up on lots of volume with heavy compound movements as well as the M7.

I will attempt this again in the next week or so but this time I may add in more compount movements for more total tonnage and I may go from the 4 cycles to 6 cycles this time.

I will say for 3 or 4 days I could really feel it afterwards, but I was heavy on the MPS. The other change I'm going to make is forcing some huge calories the week after. Too hard with hot summer to keep all that food down. I also may have taken off too much time afterwards (4-5 days before hitting back/chest again.) I think some high reps for arms maybe 2 days out and following that up every 2 days for a week or so might help as well.

So I'm not disappointed in the program, more disappointed I didn't push harder. There are some real gems in the info presented.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:56 am
by RobRegish
bigjoe wrote:I ran the program start of July, sadly I didn't see any of those results. That said, I've been making some steady gains since then using some of the ideas Rob offered as well as loading up on lots of volume with heavy compound movements as well as the M7.

I will attempt this again in the next week or so but this time I may add in more compount movements for more total tonnage and I may go from the 4 cycles to 6 cycles this time.

I will say for 3 or 4 days I could really feel it afterwards, but I was heavy on the MPS. The other change I'm going to make is forcing some huge calories the week after. Too hard with hot summer to keep all that food down. I also may have taken off too much time afterwards (4-5 days before hitting back/chest again.) I think some high reps for arms maybe 2 days out and following that up every 2 days for a week or so might help as well.

So I'm not disappointed in the program, more disappointed I didn't push harder. There are some real gems in the info presented.
Appreciate everyone's feedback, both positive and negative. So far I've heard from about an even split: 50% have made gains and added size (some substantial), others the gain was only temporary.

I'm trying to figure out the common denominator, but feel strongly it goes back to knowing whether to run 4, 5 or 6 rounds of it - and it's related to somatype.

I'll report back when I have more info, but if you could include your somatype (whether results were positive or negative) - I'd REALLY appreciate it!

Many thanks..

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:20 pm
by tomz

I'm eager to try this routine too.

Any guesses, based on what you know so far, on the number of rounds to use based on somatype?


ectomorph = 6 rounds
endomorph = 4 rounds


(I'm ecto)

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:43 pm
by wtmarcus
Ran it with a buddy. 4 rounds, both meso. Buddy had no gains at all, I had temporary gains.

:edit: We also run the full blown stack of supps with it.

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:29 pm
by austinb37
I have endo tendencies and ran 5 rounds.

No gains (temporary or permanent) for me.