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Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 7:50 am
by RobRegish
Using this stuff just prior to/after Wednesday's workout and how I feel this morning (1 day later) seals it for me - no DOMS, none as in ZERO. I feel like working out again.

I realize many of you just got your bottles, and may not have put it to the test yet. Then again, some of you likely have. Please, share your feedback here. I want this to be honest, objective and open feedback. In fact, I don't want you to "like" Synthagen b/c you like me, Blueprint or whatever. We live by honesty here, and it does nobody any good to post anything other than what you're really experiencing.

ONE OTHER NOTE: Part of the reason I'm asking for this, is due to the fact I'm convinced "dialing in" your dosing is so key with Synthagen. Dosing it at key times and in certain amounts given one's bodyweight I'm EXTREMELY interested in getting feedback on.

It will help me, you and EVERYONE here get the absolute MOST out of Synthagen... :)

No crazy dreams the past 2 nights, so that was likely a fluke. I have GammaGH for that, anyway LOL.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 8:28 am
by RobRegish
This just in, from an old college roomate of mine that moved down south and took the Synthagen plunge...

"This is a winner, Rob. I appreciate the sound supplement advice! I had begun to lose faith in the entire industry.

Started the Synthagen Saturday night. So far, and simply :

1.) More reps
3.) Much greater endurance (no cardio wall)


He also reported a more vascular appearance/much greater muscle fullness.

He's incredibly lean, so it's a lot easier to see those attributes in that condition. I have an email out to him to see what dosing protocol he's using.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 8:36 am
by beefcake66
The real test will be when I start working out again and start taking MPS... I get the worst DOMs EVER... and I'll make sure I push it. If I'm not sore two days later I will be extremely pleased. I can be sore up to 4-5 days from a single workout that's not even too brutal...

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 9:33 am
by RobRegish
beefcake66 wrote:The real test will be when I start working out again and start taking MPS... I get the worst DOMs EVER... and I'll make sure I push it. If I'm not sore two days later I will be extremely pleased. I can be sore up to 4-5 days from a single workout that's not even too brutal...

Consider dosing then 7 immediately pre, and 7 post. You're free to either consume the cherry/lemon water, pure karbolyn or JUST water during the workout. Then, eat up within 2 hours of the workout.

If your experience is anything like the feedback that's pouring in, you'll be most pleasantly surprised. Sounds like you'll be the ultimate test, at least insofar as acute effects/DOMS related matters.

Bring it!!!

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 10:03 am
by RobRegish
EDIT: I just got an email response, on how he was using Synthagen. Get this!

"I was dosing 4 pre-workout, 4 before my largest meal and 4 before bed..."

I have a sneaking suspicion using even less than the max dose, will allow you to observe some GREAT benefits. Time will tell, but this is GREAT news for those of you looking to stretch your Synthagen supply!!!

Can't wait to see what his results are, will the full dose pre/post workout!

RobRegish wrote:This just in, from an old college roomate of mine that moved down south and took the Synthagen plunge...

"This is a winner, Rob. I appreciate the sound supplement advice! I had begun to lose faith in the entire industry.

Started the Synthagen Saturday night. So far, and simply :

1.) More reps
3.) Much greater endurance (no cardio wall)


He also reported a more vascular appearance/much greater muscle fullness.

He's incredibly lean, so it's a lot easier to see those attributes in that condition. I have an email out to him to see what dosing protocol he's using.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 10:50 am
by pmartinez78
It's nice to finally see some feedback starting to come in.

So far so good. Yesterday's workout was great considering I went in fasted. I'm usually weaker when I'm fasted and start running out of fuel 1/2 way or 3/4 way thru my workout but that wasn't the case yesterday. I was able to knock out the 2 EDT blocks without any problems and still had some energy left over.

I did wake up this morning with some slight soreness but not as much as I was expecting considering the intensity of yesterday's workout. Let's see how my body feels for tomorrow's workout.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 11:37 am
by RobRegish
pmartinez78 wrote:It's nice to finally see some feedback starting to come in.

So far so good. Yesterday's workout was great considering I went in fasted. I'm usually weaker when I'm fasted and start running out of fuel 1/2 way or 3/4 way thru my workout but that wasn't the case yesterday. I was able to knock out the 2 EDT blocks with any problems and still had some energy left over.

I did wake up this morning with some slight soreness but not as much as I was expecting considering the intensity of yesterday's workout. Let's see how my body feels for tomorrow's workout.
Great stuff, thanks for sharing!

Notice something here? Three key attributes of Ecdy are manifesting quicker than usual, given Synthagen's unique matrix of ingredients:

1.) Increase in work capacity
2.) Greatly improved recovery/reduced DOMS
3.) Increase in VO2 max

In time, the MUCH more profound benefits will become apparent (around about week 3) - greatly increased cellular energy/fuel. Further out, accelerated muscle growth should be realized due to Synthagen ramping up protein synthesis, is what to look for... :)

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 12:44 pm
by BrainSquirt
Big box including MPS Bottles came yesterday :)
btw Customer feedback: Thx for the high quality pre-shipment call last week tweaking the particulars of my order that had been resting there for a while... great service


re: "Part of the reason I'm asking for this, is due to the fact I'm convinced "dialing in" your dosing is so key with Synthagen..."
Rob, can you post links to dosing recommendations you've made previously
and / or
your timing and dosing during your 'beta testing'
... or maybe start a separate summary thread

I was planning to start with 2 doses (pre and post) of 4 - 5 at a time in the 2 - 7 PM timeframe at first to see how that goes...
then later see what adding PM/'bedtime' dose does.
...One of the main tests I'm planning is to set up are a few (like weekly, not consecutive , btw) whole body muscle beat down days (where DOMS, etc inevitable otherwise ) and trial pretty high dose of MPS with my average size dose of AN at bedtime

Also, the bottle says 10 minutes before meal. Why so tight up against the meal? Wouldn't at least 30 min be better?

Also, bump to someone else's question about adding small amount of MCT's to the dose... thx

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 1:01 pm
by RobRegish
BrainSquirt wrote:Big box including MPS Bottles came yesterday :)
btw Customer feedback: Thx for the high quality pre-shipment call last week tweaking the particulars of my order that had been resting there for a while... great service


re: "Part of the reason I'm asking for this, is due to the fact I'm convinced "dialing in" your dosing is so key with Synthagen..."
Rob, can you post links to dosing recommendations you've made previously
and / or
your timing and dosing during your 'beta testing'
... or maybe start a separate summary thread

I was planning to start with 2 doses (pre and post) of 4 - 5 at a time in the 2 - 7 PM timeframe at first to see how that goes...
then later see what adding PM/'bedtime' dose does.
...One of the main tests I'm planning is to set up are a few (like weekly, not consecutive , btw) whole body muscle beat down days (where DOMS, etc inevitable otherwise ) and trial pretty high dose of MPS with my average size dose of AN at bedtime

Also, the bottle says 10 minutes before meal. Why so tight up against the meal? Wouldn't at least 30 min be better?

Also, bump to someone else's question about adding small amount of MCT's to the dose... thx
I did post suggested dosing guidelines, in the other Synthagen Sticky. I'll have to post something separate, methinks or consolidate it somewhere. The one thing I can say for certain now is this:

7 just prior to training and 7 immediately after is a slam dunk...

Now it may well be you can go lower. Several have used as few as 4/5 pre and post and done really well, I just don't know yet. Your idea as to max dosing prior to/right after a known, brutal session is excellent. It'll be a good, stiff test for Synthagen.

With respect to consumption that close prior to a meal - Synthagen's AA's and other ingredients go to work FAST. I see no problem giving it 30 minutes, but I keep it "tight" with the meal more out of convenience than anything. I did this with the prototype, and it worked like a charm. I suppose you could say I've found it practical and effective. Just don't care for living by the supplement buzzer, LOL.

Your mileage may vary. I have a feeling either way will work just fine, given Synthagen's payload improves nutrient delivery for up to 6 hours...

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 1:37 pm
by RobRegish
I've asked Garreth Denyer to post more feedback here shortly. He now has several brutal sessions under his belt, and is reporting some pretty exciting things.

So, more updates on the way. It would appear the acute effects Synthagen conveys are even greater than I had hoped, insofar as having an immediate (very favorable) ability to recovery the body FAST - from the demands of intense training...

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 3:02 pm
by dropthebeats
The Postal Service pulls through and finally tracks down my Synthagen today! Hellz yeah!!! I'll try it out Sunday for the first time, which will be just before my 1st Feast workout.

Rob, I'm doing a 3.0 run, so what do you think would benefit me more:

7-MPS Pre, 7-MPS Post, and then my AN before bed
7-MPS Pre, 4-MPS Post, and the other 3-MPS with my AN before bed


Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 3:14 pm
by RobRegish
dropthebeats wrote:The Postal Service pulls through and finally tracks down my Synthagen today! Hellz yeah!!! I'll try it out Sunday for the first time, which will be just before my 1st Feast workout.

Rob, I'm doing a 3.0 run, so what do you think would benefit me more:

7-MPS Pre, 7-MPS Post, and then my AN before bed
7-MPS Pre, 4-MPS Post, and the other 3-MPS with my AN before bed

Right here brother! = 7-MPS Pre, 7-MPS Post, and then my AN before bed

Let us ALL know how it goes!!! :)

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 7:25 pm
by dropthebeats
RobRegish wrote:
Right here brother! = 7-MPS Pre, 7-MPS Post, and then my AN before bed

Let us ALL know how it goes!!! :)
Thanks Rob. I'll definitely let everyone know. This will be my first time taking AN too. So, I'm sure there will be a lot of new stuff going on!

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 7:51 pm
by RobRegish
dropthebeats wrote:
RobRegish wrote:
Right here brother! = 7-MPS Pre, 7-MPS Post, and then my AN before bed

Let us ALL know how it goes!!! :)
Thanks Rob. I'll definitely let everyone know. This will be my first time taking AN too. So, I'm sure there will be a lot of new stuff going on!
Oh my...

Can you say, "recovery"... ? :) I personally think over time, this will be the most favored MASS stack on the boards. Especially for those of us over 30 (30 seems so young now, LOL).

Younger trainees will do best on KA, Synthagen or a stack of those 2. The assumption is that test levels are already optimal, so AN wouldn't impart as great a benefit as KA. Yet, AN is so much more than a test booster - especially when you consider what a gem the 25:1 Suma is/deep relaxation and restoration AN imparts. It's also a bargain, especially if run M-F with weekends off.

That cycle btw, was pioneered by a bunch of powerlifters in the midwest. I won't go on and on about AN - no need to. Well over a decade of being a top seller speaks for itself!

These "stacks" are getting mighty tempting. I'm running Synthagen solo right now, so as to better judge just how good it is. Finished product is even better than the prototype IMO. Those bottles of AN and KA are just begging for my attention in the cupboard though, LOL. Adding AN to it is my next stop.

ONE MORE TIME: Although you'll likely feel capable of it - PLEASE don't train too often with Synthagen. It's a terrific product that'll jack up your work capacity and greatly improve recovery from high intensity exercise. Too much with the weights though, will eventually catch up with you. Rest days are critical. Remember; It's not the notes that makes the music.

It's the spaces in between... :)