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Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 8:11 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 21

Today's Exercise: None
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2310
Daily Caloric Goal: 105% of 2310 = 2426
Calories Consumed: 2426 (105% of maintenance) 179g protein

Still at 174 lbs this morning but back down to 9.4% body fat. Perfect, now I will stay at 105% and continue to monitor it. I was hoping to get one more week of a slight bulk before I jump into the cut weeks, and now maybe I can.

I also took some midway-through-feast photos. I'll post them soon.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 1:31 pm
by aron7awol
mikej26 wrote:Just read through this whole log and it's fantastic. I've been a loyal CC devotee since last fall. I absolutely love it. Well... except for the bridges. Those are still my nemesis. Unfortunately I've taken about a month off cause I was out of the country. I've been curious how CC would work when coupled with the BP diet protocol famine/feast etc. Looks like a run is definitely in my near future. Keep up the good work!!
Thanks man. CC seems to be a great complement to the BP shell. The one thing I did was split the 6 core exercises into 3 and 3, so that combined with a 1 on-1 off workout schedule, I'd hit each exercise every 4 days. I did this to increase the volume and match it up closer to the stock BP 3.0 workout plan layout. It seems to be working well so far. I'm actually doing workouts on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with a lot of softball in between which serves as my cardio.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 8:12 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 22

Today's Exercise: Softball
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2503
Daily Caloric Goal: 105% of 2503 = 2628
Calories Consumed: 2627 (105% of maintenance) 196g protein

Up to 174.2 lbs but still at 9.4% body fat. 105% is probably where I'm staying this week and then my two cut weeks begin next week.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 8:48 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 23

Today's Exercise: Feast Workout #9 (CC) & Softball
Today's Maintenance Calories: 3019
Daily Caloric Goal: 105% of 3019 = 3170
Calories Consumed: 3162 (105% of maintenance) 250g protein

173.8 lbs and 9% body fat! I can't even imagine how low my body fat will get after the final two weeks at 90% and 85%. This puts me at +5.4 lbs of lean mass and -6.2 lbs of fat mass in the 26 days I've been on this BP run. Talk about steroid-like progress...11.6 lbs of positive traction already!

Close pushups 20,20 - met the progression standard so tested myself with uneven pushups on a basketball...
Uneven pushups 15,13 (each arm) - these felt awesome, I recommend doing 5 at a time on each arm to avoid overworking one arm.

Full bridges 15,11,11,9 - these things are killer!

I have trouble hanging on long enough to complete a lot of hanging bent leg raises, so...
Hanging bent leg raises right into lying straight leg raises:
10 hanging, 10 lying
10 hanging, 10 lying
9 hanging, 11 lying
9 hanging, 11 lying

I'm excited about my progress!
Pushups level 7
Bridges level 6
Leg raises level 7 with level 5 supplementing
Squats starting level 7 next workout
Pullups starting level 7 next workout
Handstands stuck on level 2

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 12:28 pm
by mikej26
aron7awol wrote:Feast Day 23

Today's Exercise: Feast Workout #9 (CC) & Softball
Today's Maintenance Calories: 3007
Daily Caloric Goal: 105% of 3007 = 3157
Calories Consumed:

173.8 lbs and 9% body fat! I can't even imagine how low my body fat will get after the final two weeks at 90% and 85%. This puts me at +5.4 lbs of lean mass and -6.2 lbs of fat mass in the 26 days I've been on this BP run. Talk about steroid-like progress...11.6 lbs of positive traction already!
Sounds good to me. I put muscle on like crazy when I first switched to cc and shrank in the midsection due to one legged squatting and handstand push ups not requiring all of the extra core stablization to support an external load. Lead to equal development as weights with the improved aesthetics of a smaller waist.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 1:49 pm
by Street-dreams
GREAT work.. I have had runs like this myself.. In fact I think one run I re comped like 16 pounds total after cruise..
keep up the great work.

I have a long ways to go to get to where you are with CC.
Pull ups are my nemesis im still working on step 3.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 7:00 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 24

Today's Exercise: Softball
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2731
Daily Caloric Goal: 105% of 2731 = 2868
Calories Consumed: ?

175.2 lbs and 9.4% body fat. I'm happy to sacrificing adding some fat mass to add lean mass at this stage of the game, with my cut weeks coming up.

I couldn't track my calories today because I went to a Mother's Day brunch buffet and ate a bunch of different things.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 11:34 pm
by aron7awol
Street-dreams wrote:GREAT work.. I have had runs like this myself.. In fact I think one run I re comped like 16 pounds total after cruise..
keep up the great work.
Thanks man, I really appreciate the support on this board.

I was hoping to get a total recomp of 15+ lbs, but I might just hit the limits of my physiology and fall short. I started the run with about 21 lbs of fat mass. It would take me getting down to 7% body fat after the two weeks of cutting and maintaining the muscle I have right now, in order to reach a 15 lb recomp.

Granted, 7% body fat is ridiculously low and I can't expect to even get that low. After this feast is over I will cruise for a few weeks and then do it all over, probably with a higher caloric plan. It looks like this run, after adjusting based on my ever changing body fat percentage, will end up as:

9 days at 120%
9 days at 110%
10 days at 105%
7 days at 90%
7 days at 85%

Looking back, the two days that I dropped down from 120% to 110% and from 110% to 105% were both days that I had a few beers, and my body fat increased. The fact that I then lost that fat quickly in the days directly following, in both cases, suggests that I probably could have kept my calories higher for a bit longer without too much fat gain. Next time around I'll avoid drinking and won't overreact to a single day of fat gain. Maybe that way I'll end up with about 2 weeks at 120% and two weeks at 110% before cutting in weeks 5 and 6. It's looking very likely that I'll end this run at or below 8% body fat anyway, which will give me a lot of room for error from a body fat perspective.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 8:06 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 25

Today's Exercise: Feast Workout #10 (CC)
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2762
Daily Caloric Goal: 105% of 2762 = 2900
Calories Consumed: 2897 (105%) 209g protein

Up to 176.2 lbs today, but my waist grew a bit putting my body fat measurement at 9.9%. My diet wasn't completely clean yesterday, so that's probably why. I have a feeling I'll end up back down in the low 9s tomorrow.

Tried uneven squats and I'm not ready for them yet. Stayed with close squats and did 20,20,20.
Tried uneven pullups and I'm not ready for them yet. Stayed with close pullups and did 11,11,12.
Crow stands, did 20s, 22s, and a new personal best of 30s.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 9:14 pm
by aron7awol
Synthagen Dosing Experiment
My recovery was already so good even before I started taking Synthagen, so I'm actually more interested in taking advantage of the nutrient partitioning & protein synthesis promotion properties. Therefore, I've decided to try switching my dosing schedule as an experiment.

I had been doing...
Non-workout days:
3 caps before breakfast
3 caps before lunch
3 caps before dinner

Workout days:
3 caps before lunch
3 caps pre-workout
3 caps post-workout/pre-dinner

I'm switching to...
Non-workout days:
2 caps before breakfast
2 caps before lunch
2 caps before dinner
2 caps before bed

Workout days:
2 caps before breakfast
2 caps before lunch
2 caps pre-workout
2 caps post-workout/pre-dinner
2 caps before bed

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 8:02 am
by bigpelo
Interesting :idea:

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 12:54 pm
by aron7awol
Feast Day 26

Today's Exercise: Work (Walking a Job Site)
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2653
Daily Caloric Goal: 105% of 2653 = 2786
Calories Consumed: 2778 (105%) 196g protein

176.4 lbs and still 9.9% body fat today. Looking noticeably thicker these last few days, which I'm very happy about. It seems like I'm really starting to gain traction as far as muscle building with this CC/BP/MPS combo.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 10:25 am
by aron7awol
Feast Day 27

Today's Exercise: Feast Workout #11 (CC)
Today's Maintenance Calories: 2827
Daily Caloric Goal: 105% of 2827 = 2968
Calories Consumed: 2579 (~91% of maintenance) 208g protein

Weight is at 177 but up to 10.7% body fat. I'm ready to cut.

Uneven pushups 15,15,13,15
Full bridges 15,13,11,8
Hanging bent leg raises into lying straight leg raises 10+10,10+10,9+11,9+11

Awesome workout, had an incredible pump. I took some photos to show my progress.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 11:29 pm
by aron7awol
Progress Photos

3/28 (Cold)

5/10 (Cold)

5/16 (Post-workout)

I've definitely been putting on noticeably more mass this week, but it's still pretty crazy how much of a difference a pump makes for me. The fact that I'm back above 10% body fat is also noticeable here, I had been much leaner until these last couple of days, but that last bit of belly fat should hopefully disappear soon enough.