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Post by MSR9889 »

took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before breakfast ~30 calories
breakfast was 4 eggs, 1 scoop whey, 1 scoop superfoods ~400 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before lunch ~30 calories
lunch was 3 grilled chicken breasts and 1 jalapeno popper ~600 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before dinner ~30 calories
dinner was 2 servings solution 5, 1 scoop whey, a little less than 1 tbsp cashew nut butter ~560 calories

total calories ~1650
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Post by MSR9889 »

this has been a really crazy week for me so far and its going to be hectic until tomorrow after my last midterm. i dont know why but ive been waking up almost an hour before my alarm the past 3 days so its cut my sleep back from 7-6 hours to 6-7 hours. i will probably end up pushing tomorrows workout to friday afternoon if i dont get some good sleep tonight.

took lx, gte, ebol, and 1 tsp coconut oil before breakfast ~30 calories
breakfast was 4 eggs ~280 calories
after class i had 1 scoop whey with superfoods ~115 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 2g fish oil before lunch
lunch was chicken korma ~1000 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before dinner ~30 calories
dinner was 2 scoops whey and 1 scoop superfoods ~230 calories

total calories ~1705
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Post by MSR9889 »

took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before breakfast ~30 calories
also had 1 scoop ultima to help me focus for my exam
breakfast was 3.5 eggs with veggies and 1 scoop whey with 1 scoop superfoods ~360 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before lunch ~30 calories
lunch was 2 servings solution 5 and the chicken, cheese and veggies from a chalupa ~500 calories
intra i drank 1 scoop atomic 7 and 12g bcaas
pwo was 1 scoop whey and 1 scoop ONE ~ 185 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before dinner
dinner was boneless wings, no calorie estimate
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Post by MSR9889 »

decided to hit the gym today even though i was feeling tired. i felt good after my exam today and i have a date tonight with a girl i met saturday so i figured i might as well lift since im in the mood and im probably gonna be eating some extra calories later. my shoulder started bothering me during military press so i had to rest for a bit and drop the weight more than i wanted to but aside from that my legs felt strong and i matched my reps on rows from last week. this was also my first workout without a pre in a long time so i dont know if that hurt me or not.

military press- 95x8, 95x6, 85x4, 65x8

db lunges- 30x8, 30x8, 30x8, 30x8
i used the 30s because someone was using the 35s. my form was much better this week and my legs felt more stable.

dips- 6, 4, 3, 2
again, shoulder was bothering me.

t-bar rows- 45x8, 70x8, 70x8, 70x8, 45x8
got very difficult to pull during my second set, seems to happen when i do full body workouts or when my triceps are really pumped.

twisting crunches- 2x10
only did 2 sets because my lower back was starting to hurt.
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Post by MSR9889 »

did not sleep well because i got woken up twice and couldnt fall back asleep after that. i also forgot to reset my alarm and woke up an hour earlier than i wanted to.

took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before breakfast ~30 calories
breakfast was 4 eggs, 1 scoop whey, 1 scoop superfoods ~400 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before lunch ~30 calories
lunch was mostly the chicken and peanuts and a few noodles out of some pad tai chicken and 2 scoops whey ~500 calories
intra bball i drank 1 scoop atomic 7, 12g bcaas and 4g citrulline malate
after bball i drank 1 scoop whey and 1 scoop ONE ~185 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before dinner ~30 calories
dinner was 2 scoops trutein, 1 serving solution 5, ~1 tbsp cashew nut butter ~500 calories

i was happy with my endurance today playing basketball, it was my first time running full court in months. it was more or less like doing hiit but with longer breaks between sprints.

total calories ~1650
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Post by MSR9889 »

took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before breakfast ~30 calories
breakfast was 2 servings solution 5 ~360 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before lunch ~30 calories
lunch was 2 quest protein bars and 2 small sugar cookies ~530 calories
i went on a dinner date with this girl again so i had boneless wings and the chicken, cheese, and eggplant from my main dish for dinner.
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil after my insanity workout ~30 calories
25 min later had 2 scoops whey, 1 scoop superfoods, 1 serving almonds ~400 calories

total calories ~1400 + dinner

its spring break but im at school until monday. the only dining hall open is one of the worst on campus, so i may be living off of protein shakes and peanut butter the next couple of days.

ill be trying out the insanity workout videos over break starting tonight to make up for the excess calories today.
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Post by MSR9889 »

did the first official insanity video today, plyometric cardio, fasted first thing this morning. probably the most intense cardio ive ever done, lots of jumping and foot shuffling.

took pumpbol and 1 scoop atomic 7 before insanity
drank 12g bcaas during inanity
pwo i took lx, gte, ebol and drank 2 scoops ONE and 1 scoop whey with 1 scoop superfoods ~256 calories
lunch was 2 servings solution 5 and 1 tbsp almond butter ~450 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before dinner ~30 calories
dinner was part of a piece of chicken and wine sauce, 1.5 tbsp banana peanut butter, 2 servings solution 5, 1 scoop trutein ~700 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil at night
snack was 2 scoops whey ~260 calories

total calories ~1750
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Post by MSR9889 »

ive gotten close to 9 hours of sleep the last 2 nights and still been slow to wake up. my whole body is sore today from the insanity workouts, especially my calves from all the jumping.

took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before breakfast ~30 calories
breakfast was some chicken fajita filling and 2 scoops whey ~400 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before lunch ~30 calories
lunch was 1 scoop whey, 1 serving solution 5, 1.5 tbsp almond butter ~460 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before dinner ~30 calories
dinner was 2 scoops whey, 2 scoop trutein, 1 scoop superfoods, 2 tbsp almond butter ~670 calories

total calories ~1620
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Post by MSR9889 »

only got about 6 hours of sleep last night, couldnt fall asleep for a while and got woken up early this morning

took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before breakfast ~30 calories
breakfast was 4 eggs and 1 cup egg whites ~400 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before lunch ~30 calories
lunch was a little less than 1 lb of chicken breast, 2 tbsp ranch dip, hot sauce, broccoli, spinach, peppers and onions ~600 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before dinner ~30 calories
dinner was turkey bacon, 2 eggs and 2 egg whites and 2 scoops intrapro ~770 calories

total calories ~1860
miscounted dinner or i wouldnt have had 2 scoops intrapro
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Post by MSR9889 »

found a free gym trial so ill be lifting today or tomorrow

took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before breakfast ~30 calories
breakfast was 2 eggs, 1 cup egg whites, and turkey bacon ~530 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before lunch ~30 calories
lunch was about 3/4 lb chicken breast and a bunch of veggies with hot sauce and 3 tbsp ranch dip ~600 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp coconut oil before dinner ~30 calories
dinner was 4 eggs and 1 scoop intrapro ~430 calories

total calories ~1650 calories

i dont know if im hungry because its been almost 4 weeks on this diet or if its because im home on break with nothing to do, but appetite has been up the past 2 days. ive also taken naps both the last 2 days and i am never able to take naps so thats somewhat surprising.
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Post by MSR9889 »

woke up tired and my back was stiff but i had a killer workout today. took my pumpbol and a sample pack of purple wraath and hit the gym fasted.

lat pulldown, underhand grip- 50x10, 100x12, 170x8, 170x8, 170x8, 150x8, 140x6 + 2
my biceps were the biggest theyve been in a long time, arms felt huge. when i got home from the gym over an hour later they were still pumped. it looked like i had half a tennis ball in my arm.

squats- 95x5, 135x5, 185x8, 185x8, 185x8, 185x8, 185x5 and a negative

when i did my first set of 185 it felt like i needed more warm up reps but i pushed through anyways. this really tested my endurance and the lactic acid build up was brutal. i had to sit for about 8 minutes after my last set, my hamstrings and butt have never burned so badly from squats and my quads were wiped out

push ups- 8, 8, 7, 4, 3

again, waited about 8 minutes before getting into these so that might explain the improvement from the previous workouts.

deadlift- 185x8, 185x8, 185x6, 185x6, 185x6

i did these without the weight touching the ground and it killed my forearms. would have gotten 8 reps each set if my forearms were dead.

rested 8 minutes and did ab work
hanging knee raises- 12, 12, 10
semi-declined sit ups- 10, 10

im using a free trial pass and the gym didnt have an adjustable decline bench for me to do these on. i stopped after 2 sets because i felt light headed.

again, great workout. everything seems to be improving week to week which is very surprising considering my weight loss but maybe its because of my increasing stamina. my starting weight was ~218, my weight after the first 3 feast days was ~223 and today after my pwo shake and 3/4 gallon of water i weighed in at ~209. great results so far.
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Post by MSR9889 »

took pumpbol and 1 serving purple wraath preworkout
intra i drank 1 scoop atomic 7 and 18g bcaas with 6g citrulline malate
pwo i took ebol with 1 scoop intrapro and 8 oz chocolate almond milk ~270 calories
before lunch i took lx and gte
lunch was about 3/4 lb chicken breast, veggies, 3 tbsp ranch dip and hot sauce ~600 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp almond butter before dinner ~30 calories
dinner was 6 eggs and 1 cup of egg whites ~540 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp almond butter before my snack ~30 calories
snack was 2 scoops intrapro, 2 tbsp peanut butter with flax, 1 can light chicken and veggie soup ~610

total calories ~2080
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Post by MSR9889 »

took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp almond butter before breakfast ~30 calories
breakfast was 2 scoops intrapro ~310 calories
took lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp almond butter before lunch ~30 calories
lunch was 6 eggs and turkey bacon ~690 calories
will take lx, gte, ebol and 1 tsp almond butter before dinner ~30 calories
dinner will be 3/4 lb chicken breast, veggies, hot sauce and 3 tbsp ranch dip ~600 calories

total calories ~1690
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Post by RobRegish »

Lookin' good Matt!!

Helluva job my man.. :)
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