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Thoughts on GLP workout #1

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:11 pm
by bulldozer
Ok so I had a few questions, as Im about to roll into what I believe is the nitty gritty of the BP.

This is what I had planned for tomorrows first GLP workout:

Bench Press (hitting my respective percentages)
jumpset w/ DB pullovers

EDT #1
Incline DB press
Lat Pulldowns

EDT #2
DB shoulder press
DB rows

EDT #3
Lateral raises
barbell shrugs

Is this right? I know I read that you combine the bench with the pullovers as a jump set, am I correct on that? Also is that too many EDT blocks, would it be considered "overkill" I really want to work on my shoulders so thats why I threw in the lateral raises. Also I love doing db rows so thats why I added them in as well. Any thoughts or opinions?


Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:05 am
by Street-dreams
looks good to me you can always play it by ear.. if you are too tired to do the last edt then you allready worked a lot of shoulder stuff as it is..

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:20 am
by bulldozer
Alright thanks for the feedback. Im really trying to improve my shoulders, as they are probably my weakest part, so thats why I wanted to throw in another exersice. But I will play it by ear like you said, and go by feel. Thanks again!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:59 pm
by bulldozer
Wow I just realized I slacked on this terribly my apologies to Rob and anyone who may have been following. But I do have amazing news!

I have not quit on this program, far from it. I have been having amazing workouts, getting in all my sets/reps for my big barbell lifts. So today was my 6th GLP workout for upper body and here is where I am:

This was my first GLP workout:
Bench press super set with DB Pullovers
115/10 28kg DB/ 8
140/8 28kg DB/ 8
150/8 28kg DB/ 8
165/8 28kg DB/ 8
175/7 28kg DB/ 8

Incline DB Press
28kg DB/ 8,7,8,5,6
Lat Pulldowns
65kg/ 8,8,8,7,8

DB Shoulder Press
20kg DB/ 7,7,6,6,6
One Arm DB Row
100/ 6,6,6,6,6

Plate Lateral Raises
10#/ 10,8,8,8,8
Barbell Shrugs

And here is GLP workout #6:
Bench press super set with DB Pullovers
115/10 28kg DB/ 8
145/5 28kg DB/ 8
170/3 28kg DB/ 8
190/1 28kg DB/ 8
215/1 28kg DB/ 8
225/1 28kg DB/8

245/1+2negs <--------NEW PR!!!!!!!!!

Incline DB Press
30kg DBs/8,8,8,8,8
Lat Pulldowns
65kg/ 8,8,8,8,8

DB Shoulder Press
24kg DB/ 6,6,6,6,6
One Arm DB Row

Plate Lateral Raises
Barbell Shrugs
95lb DBs/7,6,7,7,7

Well Rob I did it, I smashed my previous PR of 225! I remember my goal for the END of the BP was just to hit 225 for a max, but I smashed that by 20 pounds!!! Damn did it hurt but it was so amazing to hit it! I never imagined I could hit that much so soon, but I believed in me and I believed in the BP. I wa sacutally supposed to hit 235 accofding to the GLP calculations but after I hit my old max I felt bold and wanted to push it. I thought of Rob, and how we play offense so I said screw I want 245, I thought about it for the past couple days, and I NAILED IT!!!!!

I wont lie I had to go pee and as I was in the bathroom staring at the urinal, it finally hit me what I had accomplished and I broke down, yes I cried. I was just so overcome with joy. I never thought this was possible but Rob and the BP made it possible. Rob I cannot say thank you enough, and I am so happy and thankful that you are ok and back with us.

the BluePrint, its the real deal, the truth!

Up next is lower body GLP workout #6, oh man cant wait to destroy my legs, Im shooting for a squat of 335!!!

Last day of FEAST!!! 23 Feb 2011

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 5:36 pm
by bulldozer
GLP Lower Workout #1
155/10 185/8
170/8 185/8
195/8 185/8
210/8 185/8
230/8 185/8
245/8 185/8

Leg Extensions
Lying Leg Curls

Calf Raises*

Ab static hold
70kg/30 secs
80kg/ 30secs
80kg/ 35 secs

GLP Lower Workout #6 23 Feb 2011

155/10 185/8
200/5 185/8
240/3 185/8
270/1 185/8
350/1 -----PR!!!! 185/8

Leg Extensions
Lying Leg Curls

Calf raises*
60kg/25sec 3xholds
70kg/30sec 3xholds
*Did these the same as last week, but increased the static times to 30 secs, painful burn!

Ab static hold

Well you can the progression on all my sets/reps/exersices. I was suppsed to hit 330 for my new max at an extra 5% increase, however, I felt really good, and thought to myself just like on my bench max, how can i know i truly pushed myself if i dont try? so i said screw im going to hit 350. So i rested up got in a zone and went under. I lifted it up off the hooks and thought wow this is kinda heavy! So i slowl lowered myself and then pushed back up. I thought to myself, you wimp you didnt go low enough get that ass back and down and do it again. So i attempted again this time i got lower broke parallel, felt a tight strain on my quads/glutes so i know i got low enough, then on my lift back up i kinda hit stagnant and sat there for a second and thought wow this is really heavy so i pushed hard and nailed it! I was so happy but very lightheaded!

So the BP has allowed me to crush my previous PR's.

Bench:225 ---> 245
Squat: 315 ---> 350

Simply amazing! I was so surprised and shocked at what i was able to accomplish. I mean I figured I would get somewhere but nothing like this! ROB, MIX, whoever you are THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! you have a very happy and extremely thankful BP'er and I cannot wait to run another BP session!

Cruise: 26 Feb

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:51 pm
by bulldozer
So here was my first workout on cruise. took 2 days off following my last feast workout.

Bench Press:
195/ 5x5

Barbell Military Press:
105/ 5x5

Close Grip Bench Press:
185/ 20 sec static hold
So right away I noticed I had less endurance than usual. All around I just kinda felt out of it. I mean the 195 felt light at first, but aroudn the 3rd and 4th set, i felt fatigued. I just felt a little weaker. Is this to be expected from transitioning from feast to cruise? I think the 5x5 kicked my butt. Definitely tougher than it looks.

So is this what happends in cruise following feast? I stopped the E-bol so that might have had something to do with it. I know I am extremely sore following this workout, and E-bol greatly helped with recovery.