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Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:56 pm
by tnubs
-Bench: 225x3
--machine bench (175lbs) superset with plate loaded row (280lbs)
6 sets of 6 reps of each exercise. got all my reps.
-few sets of shoulders

i worked this morning and went to the gym straight after standing and moving around for 7 hours. i dont know why but my strength always suffers if i go after work. i had also just finished throwing down a 3/4 pound burger i made myself (i work at 5 guys). so i was ready to take a nap

for my diet today im pretty proud of how much protein ive eaten up to this point

1 pound unflavored greek yogurt for breakfast (46g protein)
during work protein shake (42g protein)
burger after work (over 60g protein)
post workout shake (42g protein)

and the days not over

Also, i noticed the book says to stay away from ibuprofin. what would u recommend as a substitute?

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:38 am
by tnubs
Monday workout---->
Today was a deload day on bench so i did:

-200x6 on flat bench superset with 185x8 on machine pullover

then i was doing supersets between dips and ez bar curls. used 6 reps for each excercise and got all reps on all sets

bw dips/40lb curl
bw +10/50lb curl
bw +25/60lb curl
bw +35/70lb curl
bw +45/80lb curl
bw +55/90lb curl (had to cheat on the curls...very tired)

did 10 sets of 10 on the machine shoulder lateral raise with 80lbs. probably too light but i just cut the rest periods to ~30 sec and it was all good

Wednesdays workout---->

BB Flat bench:

V- Grip pulldown (felt strong as hell on this!):
240x3 (PR)
255x1 (PR)

Machine pec-deck/flies to failure:
190x24 (my chest was DESTROYED after this)

Special cable row to failure:

Lateral Raise machine:
95lbs 10x10

Friday workout---->
BB Curl with 65 lbs: 16 reps, 15 reps, 10 reps
Dips with 45 lb dumbell btwn my legs: 8 reps, 7 reps, 4 reps
Hammer curl straight set with 25 lb dumbells: 25 reps
Single leg, leg press 3x10 per leg

^^^this was a DC style workout and a small break from bench

Sunday(today) workout---->
GLP for bench, got all reps/sets
Weighted dips with DB. BW + 50 x 10 reps (PR)

Mad i didnt get 245 on bench when i maxed out, i was really hoping for it. Doing the GLP with an estimated 240 for bench. Tomorrow i will do the GLP for back and im going to use V grip pulldowns with 250 for a max. Im getting really good results from the blueprint + E-bol. Libido is up, muscle hardness up, recovery is up, intra set recovery is scary at this point, and my hunger is unstoppable.

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:29 am
by RobRegish
First, great work on those PR's! Love to see them :)

Second, on your bench max consider the following next time you approach max day:

1.) Visualize that single the night before not for a single, but for a TRIPLE! Try to do this 3 times. What the mind believes the body can achieve!

2.) On your rest between sets, consider adding an additional 2, 3 or more minutes - especially prior to the heavier sets. I take up to 10+ minutes! Why? Because the CNS recovers MUCH slower than the ATP/Phosphagen/glycogen pathway.

So, a few tips to help ensure your chances are much better next time around. Sincerely hope that helps!

P.S. At the end of this run, please remove "Blueprint Beginner" from your sig line. You've earned it :)

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:54 pm
by tnubs
haha thanks, man. what blows me away is how my strength on certain exercises is going up so quick. especially weighted dips and the pulldowns. i was 185 before famine, 180 after, now im 188. so ive gained like 3 net pounds after the first 2 real weeks of training. thats not shabby. this e-bol stuff is great as well, i only wish the bottle lasted longer, or i had gotten another bottle for 50 days of fun. have you heard anything about tonvara truturk? its like 200mg caps of turkesterone but its like a dollar per pill and they recommend 2-4 a day. wondering how this would compare to regular ecdy

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 10:30 pm
by RobRegish
It's legit, a 10% extract from the ICPS. I verified with Ron Kramer, CEO of Thermolife. They got an initial batch of that and I'm assuming they're still working with it. See below for why I believe that to be the case*.

Jury's still out though. Double check that dosage. Believe it's 100mg/cap with a suggested 4 caps/day. DaCookie's ran it, but he also have of, 3 dozen other things in the mix :) J/K, lucky devil!

*The fact they're recently lowered the price ought to tell you something..

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:27 am
by tnubs
haha, still wonder how it could compare solo. this E-bol has definetly become one of my favorite supps.

i did the GLP for V grip pulldowns today and got all reps/sets and did a few sets for upper back/biceps. also did 20 rep squats on a hack squat machine for legs. im coming down with a cold, i always get sick at the beginning of winter so i guess i shouldnt be too surprised. lots of vitamin C and hopefully it goes away quick.

oh yea, also, i picked up some ostarine during a christmas sale. when would be the best time to throw this into the blueprint? just in place of an ecdy product at the beginning? or in the cruise? -thx

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:05 pm
by RobRegish
You mean the genuine article? ... clnk&gl=us

If so, I'd like to hear more about it. A LOT more..

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:29 am
by tnubs
yes sir, planning on dosing 12.5mg/day for maybe a 6 week cycle. i ordered enough for 4 months at that dose. and for the price, i couldnt pass it up. from what ive seen, the results are like a very mild prohormone that doesnt require any cycle support or pct.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:03 am
by RobRegish
Please PM me a link, I'd like to check it out. I have a feeling it MAY not be the same I'm thinking of.

I could be wrong... If so, you and I will be talking :)

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:24 pm
by tnubs
hmm, i think that worked. lemme know if u got it

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:21 pm
by tnubs
wednesday workout--->

GLP for bench got all reps/sets
GLP for v-grip pulldown got all reps/sets
20 rep squat, added 10 pounds, got all reps

extra stuff:

weighted dips w/50lb - 10 reps and another half rep
bw rows- didnt count the reps
lateral raise machine 105lbs x 20 reps (PR)

The GLP routine seems to be perfect so far. The last rep of the last set for the first two workouts and each lift has been exactly where i have to struggle to get the rep, but it always comes out.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:41 pm
by RobRegish
tnubs wrote:wednesday workout--->

GLP for bench got all reps/sets
GLP for v-grip pulldown got all reps/sets
20 rep squat, added 10 pounds, got all reps

extra stuff:

weighted dips w/50lb - 10 reps and another half rep
bw rows- didnt count the reps
lateral raise machine 105lbs x 20 reps (PR)

The GLP routine seems to be perfect so far. The last rep of the last set for the first two workouts and each lift has been exactly where i have to struggle to get the rep, but it always comes out.
WOW your're doing BOTH GLP and 20 rep squats, PLUS "extra stuff"?

Wish I was young again :) So happy to see... you're happy.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:46 am
by tnubs
well i now realize the "extra" stuff needs to be dropped so i can recover faster. my forearms/biceps are sore from the pull-downs yesterday. ive been trying to find something that works for my legs without aggravating my back or my lower abdomen where i had hernia surgery. i tried this strange hack squat machine that uses 45 degree rails so its like standing up, but it places all the weight on my glutes. its hard to describe, ill take a pic tomorrow. but it feels so good to stimulate my leg muscles again, but i just cant go super heavy on it so im doing 20 reps for now. this is my only leg thing im doing, so no GLP for it. and since i cant go heavy because i havnt built enough strength in it, my CNS isnt burdened by it. put 50lbs on it the first time, then 60. pretty light, but im going slow and using the full range of motion as well as pausing at the top and bottom.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:49 am
by RobRegish
tnubs wrote:yea, i'll probably stick to bodyweight lunges for friday. im incredibly suprised my chest/tris arnt sore today. my legs were feeling a little sore until last night due to a lack of protein. im feeling great so far just not as strong in the gym.

A. Not that sore? Are you using The Formula?? If not, PM me. You won't be for a long, long time once you get it :)

Also, consider adding just 1 extra rest day between workouts. Feeling not as strong in the gym is a sign... a sign you need to adjust your workout frequency. For as you grow stronger and lift heavier weights, so too do the stresses on the body grow. You absolutely must give the body time to super-compensate!

todays weight: 182.2 and my blood pressure dropped to 108/64. lost 3.2 pounds so far, but im not sure why my blood pressure dropped so much. i checked it 5 times, all with similar results. i even plugged the device into the wall instead of using battery power (thinking the batteries might be dying) and no variation. in this situation, would i just use my weight/strength reduction as my stress level indicator?

A. Correct!

A. As weight drops (generally speaking), so too does blood pressure. Completely natural and you're on the right track :)