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Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:36 pm
by RobRegish
Congrats on making it through!

The hard part is OVER. Now, it's time for the BIG rewards!!

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:31 am
by elephino
So, rolling into the first two weeks of feast workouts, you're recommending five workouts with four sets each. That seems kind of light, and I'm eager to start hitting things with more volume.

Can I incorporate EDT blocks during the first two weeks of feast (I could do them on off days if it's better), or is there a method to the madness and I should just be patient and focus on bench and squat loading alone for the next two weeks?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:33 am
by elephino
Also, when I slip into GLP#1, I'm going to be alternating bench and squat workouts. What do you recommend as a frequency for these workouts? I was thinking MWF or M,Tu,Th,Fri.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:40 pm
by RobRegish
Ahhh.. if you look at the sample Feast Phase Training Template you'll see the EDT blocks we've added during workouts 1-5.

You'll also find suggested starting point workout frequency suggestions. Here they are for your convenience:

FEAST STICKiES ... .php?t=378 ... .php?t=437

Head on over to that link in my sig. Even more useful info there! If you'd like, post up what you think your EDT blocks will be and I'll critique them.

Hope that helps..

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:02 pm
by elephino
I swear I read those! Then I went back to the blueprint doc and confused myself.

As far as the EDT blocks during GLP1, I was planning on using the following:

Bench Day

EDT#1: Bi/Tri
EDT#2: Chest/Back
Abs w/ static holds

Squat Day

EDT#1: Shoulders/Traps
EDT#2: Quads/Hams
Calves w/ static holds

I'm not sure exactly what exercises I'll use yet. I was thinking...

Chest/Back - incline DB / bb row or dips / pullups.
Bi/Tri - Preacher curls / skulls or standing curls / rope push
Quads/Hams - Leg extensions / leg curls or leg press / SLDL
Shoulders/Traps - Seated DB Press / Up row or Mil press / BB Shrug

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:26 pm
by RobRegish
That's not bad thinking, but you definately want your abs/static ab crunches done LAST on SQ/leg day.

To risk having them still sore/worked going into squats/deadlifts and the like the following training day would be a mistake. Made that one before and sharing here in the hopes you don't fall victim...

Hope that helps..

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:50 pm
by elephino

Feast Loading workout #1

It was awesome. I've always done legs kind of just to do them. It's nice to have goals. I also checked my ego at the door and only did what I could do deep, with good form. It was humbling.

Gym Weight: 171 lbs.

BB Bench: 165 x 8
DB Pullover: 55x10

EDT #1 - 20 min
Incline DB: 65 x 6,6,6,7,7,5,5 (42 reps, will increase weight next workout)
BB Row: 135 x 6,6,6,7,7,6,6 (44 reps, will increase weight next workout)

Squat: 175 x 9
SLDL: 185 x 8

EDT #2 - 20 min
Romanian DL: 185 x 6, 165 x 6,6,6 - (24 reps. Got some lower back pump and discontinued.)
Leg Sled: 270 x 6,6,6,5,5,4,4 (36 reps)

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:26 am
by RobRegish
Very nice. Great start!

One suggestion: Perform the big barbell lifts FIRST, then your EDT blocks.

Done in this fashion, you put MAXIMAL intensity into those big BB lifts. Coming off of squats, catch your breath and setup for the upper body EDT blocks, then the lower.

Doing so should impart enough rest between body parts to do them the most justice. Feels good to be back in the weight room with some food in you, I bet? :)

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:10 am
by elephino
Hey, that makes sense. Wonder why I didn't think of it...

Yeah, it feels great to lift again. Although the eating alternates between awesome and a chore.

The post office seems lot have lost my mass stack. AskMass sent it out promptly and sent me a tracking number (he's been great), but the USPS has sent it to hell and back and now can't find it.

Stupid question, but there's no problem with starting is when I get it, is there? I know it's late, but better late than never?

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:07 am
by RobRegish
Correct. Just start it when you get it.

Hate USPS. AskMass is damn prompt though. Hopefully they'll find it soon for you...

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:44 am
by elephino
Got my MASS stack. I'm equal parts excited and dubious.

I'm starting off today taking two Adaptogen-N capsules before bed and two Kre Anabolyn caps with meals. But I'm sure Rob will chime in on that and correct me on my wicked ways.

For the record, I'm eating about 500 calories over maintenance, or 2,900 per day. Getting at least 30% calories from protein, and 40% from carbs. A normal day looks something like 220g protein, 90g fat, 290g carbs. On a good day, I swing a little of that fat over to protein.

Workout #2 is tomorrow, and I'm ready for it. I have a slight bit of residual soreness from workout #1, but the good kind. Not the I feel like crap kind.

Overall, I'm rebounding from the famine well. My energy levels are back up, and my muscles are developing more fullness. I feel ready to go.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:29 pm
by RobRegish
First 3 weeks 3 caps AN 45 min before bed. Thereafter 2/3 a night M-F with weekends off.

On the KA, 2 caps/day on off day with your highest CARB meals. Ideally breakfast and late after noon.

Training days one an hour prior to workout with some dietary fat, another to be washed down with your intra workout drink and a third at your solid food meal an hour later, again skewed higher to the carb side of things.

Hope that helps!

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:46 am
by elephino
I'm digging the KA/AN right now. Only a couple days in, but I have good, clean energy and feel really solid. I did go out drinking last night, and it seems to intensify the effect of alcohol. Hit me like a freight train :shock:

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:25 pm
by RobRegish
If you like them now, you're going to LOVE them in 2 weeks :)