Billton's first Blueprint run!

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Post by RobRegish »

cappla011, I love you man!

Thanks for the assist :)
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Post by Billton »

325x3 plus a negative. That's down a little. I was shootin for five.

80x8. Should have gone heavier, but like I say, I haven't done these in like 6 years.

365lbsx4. Thought I was gonna get six. Guess I'm down a little on everything.

Straight Leg
275x8. Still not accustomed to doing these before my legs are fried.

EDT block one. 15 minutes
Incline DB press 90lbs x 40reps
DB Rows 90lbs x 48reps shoulda used more weight. Got 6 on every set.

EDT block two. Only lasted about ten minutes.
Hack Squat 275? x 24 reps
Strait Leg 225lbs x 24 reps I quit the block early because I was worried about hurting my lower back. I've never done these except at the end of a workout, so a really light weight usually hit the hams sufficiently. I don't think I've ever gone over 135lbs before this week. My lower back was so fried at this point that I feared doing any more was risking injury. I'll get deeper into the block next time I'm sure.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK so if I'm following correctly you're a couple of workouts into Feast, still "searching" somewhat for the right weights to use given the rep ranges specified. I want you to know this is entirely natural and I only wish I could give a better rule of thumb for "how much" weight to use for everyone.

You should catch traction shortly (workout #3 and certainly #4). I'm watching closely so please do share any pertinent observations. In particular, watch your frequency - meaning make sure to ensure full recovery prior to executing the next session. If you're on a one on/one off right now and not "quite" feeling recovered from workout to workout.. try 1 on 2 off.

Makes all the difference for some people (me included!)

Hope that helps... :)
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Post by Billton »

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. A lot of the difficulty in selecting weights comes from not doing pullover, and from when/how I did straight legs before this routine. I think my bench and squat were a little down from pre-famine, but that's normal considering that two weeks pre-famine I was sick, then I took a week off to rest and recoup. Looking forward to tomorrow's workout.
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Post by RobRegish »

Glad I could help man, glad I could help :)
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Post by Billton »

I've been a dufus again. I didn't rest between sets on the EDT blocks. I was like "MAN! How do people do this with compound leg moves!?!?!" Glad I found that before my workout tomorrow. I'll make sure to take two minute breaks.
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Post by Billton »

Monday's workout

Bench 335x2
DB pullovers 100x6
EDT Block 1
Incline DB press 90 x 46. After adding in the two minute breaks I kept getting six reps and didn't think I'd get enough reps, so I dropped my rest to one minute and still got six, so I went to failure on the last set and got 10.

DB rows 100 x 44. Same as above, but only got eight on my last set.

Squat 375 x 2
Strait leg 315x4

Somebody was on the leg press and hack squat and I was in a hurry so I did leg extsions/leg curls.

EDT Block 2
Leg extensions 240 x 38
Leg curls 240 x 36

Didn't sleep well Tuesday night and was really busy yesterday, so I waited till to today to get workout number four. I'll tell you how it goes.
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Post by xlb57 »

Moving some big weights bro - Nice!
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Post by Billton »

Today's workout

Bench 295x8
Pullovers 85x8

EDT Block 1

DB incline 100 x 30
DB rows 100 x 30
Got six on every set, but stuck to two minute breaks, cause I didn't think I'd get em all if I took shorter breaks. Guess I still should have done more weight. I didn't add weight to the rows cause I've got some tendonitis in my left brachioradialis. It doesn't bother me if I keep the weight under 100lbs, or if I don't use a hammer type grip. I didn't wanna make it act up. Guess I could have done underhand grip barbell rows.

Squat 345 x 9
Straight leg 275 x 8
Been doin squats again for about 6 months now after taking YEARS off from them. I feel like all those years of leg press built my legs up, but not my lower back or the stabilizers. It's crazy that I got 12 with 315 and 9 with 345, but only 2 with 375. I really think it's mostly the lower back that is weak link, and that it comes into play quickly as the weights move up. It's been getting a LOT better over the last six months

EDT Block 2

Hack squat 275?? x 24
Romanian deads 225 x 24
Had some more in me, but I had to call it quits at ten minutes cause I was runnin late for class.
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Post by Billton »

So for workout five, do I just get maxes, or do I get maxes and do another EDT block?
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Post by RobRegish »

Suggest getting your 1RM's in the big BB lifts first, then your EDT blocks IF you're feeling up to it.

Otherwise, call it a day and get ready! 2-3 days off then transition to GLP1 :)
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Post by Billton »

So, if I'm focusing on strength, do I do the EDT blocks during GLP1 or not?
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Post by RobRegish »

I'd still do them.

If you find they're too much, you can always drop them. The potential benefits though, are too much to ignore!

Hope that helps..
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Post by Billton »

Guess we'll just see how it feels then.
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