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Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:30 am
by RobRegish
Eat big and sleep well. Prepare mentally and physically for the shift that's occurring.

It's far more pleasant than the one you just went through :)

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:55 pm
by drjgn
OK... had the 3 days off now. All kinds of things going on in my life, so unfortunately I did not get near enough protein or calories over these last 3 days. Hopefully, I didn't screw it all up!

I did start the KA right away- 2 times per day. Getting back on track today, and will be doing my 1st feast workout soon.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:58 pm
by drjgn
Workout 1 of Feast:

Bench 8-10 Rep range 155 x 10
Dumbell Pullovers 8-10 Rep range 40 x 10

Incline Dumbell Press 8-10 Rep range 40 x 10
Asst Pull ups 8-10 16 x 7

Leg Press 8-10 Reps 270 x 10
Leg Curl seated 8-10 Rep range 90 x 10

DB Military Press 8-10 Rep Range 30 x 12
Chin ups 8-10 Reps 16 x 10

I had to do leg curls instead of deads to avoid aggravation of hernia type thing. Also substituted chin ups for low rows because machine was not available.

Overrall I felt a bit weak during the workout. Could be because of my poor diet the last couple days...

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:14 pm
by RobRegish
Solid start. Very solid.

Do take care to eat up. Most feel traction returning by workout 3. Not uncommon for the first workout to feel like this, although some do explode right out of the gate.

Keep plugging away. Provided you're eating correctly and frequency is optimal... traction WILL be underway soon!

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:22 am
by drjgn
Just finished workout #2 of Feast. I should've gone higher on the incline bench and DB military press.
My legs were sore going into the workout due to moving our house, and a trip to a lighthouse/dunes yesterday that involved a LOT of stair climbing and 4 mile walk. So if not for sore legs, I think my leg lifts may have been better, but still not bad considering...

Eating enough protein has been very difficult for me because I'm so busy moving, hours go by before I realize it and I've barely eaten. So then I'm starving and eat something crappy. Really need to be mindful of it, because I'm not recovering fully.

Workout #2 of Feast:

Bench 4-6 Rep range 185 x 6
Dumbell Pullovers 4-6 Rep range 50 x 8

Incline Dumbell Press 4-6 Rep range 45 x 8
Asst Pull ups 4-6 16 x 6

Leg Press 4-6 Reps 280 x 6
Leg curl 4-6 Rep range 120 x 6

Military Press 4-6 Rep range 40 x 8
Asst chin ups 4-6 Reps 14 x 6

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:47 am
by drjgn
Workout #3 of Feast:

Bench 2-3 Rep range 215 x 2
Dumbell Pullovers 2-3 Rep range 60 x 8

Incline Dumbell Press 2-3 Rep range 65 x 3
Asst Pull ups 2-3 12 x 3

Leg Press 2-3 Reps 310 x 3
Leg curls 2-3 Rep range 125 x 3

Military Press 2-3 Rep range 45 x 6
asst chins 2-3 Reps NA

I pulled a muscle by my shoulder blade on my last rep of military presses, so I didn't do the asst chins.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:29 am
by drjgn
I skipped workout yesterday because I'm still struggling with the muscle pull in my back (by my shoulder blade). I had planned on doing a 2 or 3 rep max for my last workout since I don't have a spotter.

Back is still hurting today (although little better). Wondering if I should just use the numbers from my last workout as my 2-3 rep maxes going forward (in other words skip this last workout prior to starting the German training)??

To update my stats, compared to beginning:

weight- 231 pounds (plus 1 pound)
Chest- 43 inches (same)
Gut- 42.5 inches (minus 1 inch- NICE)
bicep- 14.25 inches (plus .25 inch- NICE)

So, at least my chest is bigger than my stomach now, and it seems that growing 1/4" on my bicep is pretty good for such a small window of time!

Please let me know what you suggest going forward- thanks!!

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:22 pm
by RobRegish
OK GREAT work so far. Sorry to hear about the shoulder blade...

Do try to work through all 5 workouts. You have the de-load coming up so that should help. Let's play it by ear...

Great progress so far. Those are nice numbers to have at this point in time. VERY nice #'s in fact :)

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:29 pm
by drjgn
Thanks Rob- that's encouraging!

That muscle is still hurting pretty bad, but getting better. When I finally do that last feast workout, it will be likely Tuesday. Is that OK?

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:09 am
by RobRegish
Yes, do ensure you feel fully recovered though. Extra rest days can only benefit you here....

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:24 pm
by drjgn

Finally after 16 days... I completed workout #4 of feast!!
Back muscle is healed, just getting over a cold, and we are in the new house (no more moving)!

I used the pounds from workout #2 as a guide, thinking that the reps were similar, and that I would probably have to use less weight than that even (due to the 2 week layoff).

I was suprised to find myself stronger than I thought! reps and lbs!

Workout #4 of Feast

Bench 6-8 Rep range 185 x 10
Dumbell Pullovers 6-8 Rep range 60 x 10

Incline Dumbell Press 6-8 Rep range 45 x 10
Asst Pull ups 6-8 16 x 6

Leg Press 6-8 Reps 310 x 10
leg curl 6-8 Rep range 120 x 5

Military Press 6-8 Rep range 45 x 8
Asst chins 6-8 Reps 14 x 8

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:03 pm
by xlb57
Nice job man - Glad things worked out better than you thought they would.

Keep pounding the food and weights!

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:44 pm
by drjgn
Just getting over a nasty virus, so again had to sit through a LONG delay between workouts. At this rate, I will be in FEAST phase for 6 months!

Worked out today, and weights were mostly lower than last workout. That's pretty disappointing, but maybe it's because I'm getting over this bug. Could also be because my diet has gone in the crapper during all this craziness...

Here's my workout #5 of Feast:

Bench 8-10 Rep range 195 x 8
Dumbell Pullovers 8-10 Rep range 65 x 8

Incline Dumbell Press 8-10 Rep range 50 x 10
Asst Pull ups 8-10 16 x 6

Leg Press 8-10 Reps 290 x 8
Leg Curl 8-10 Rep range 110 x 10

Military Press 8-10 Rep Range 45 x 8
Asst Chins 8-10 Reps 14 x 10

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:56 pm
by RobRegish
Man sickness is really hitting guys hard!

Shame too b/c workout #4 was fantastic... then the bug. Not your fault. Carry on b/c in the event you're able to stay healthy, no stopping you man. Damn.

For all you guys: The second you feel something coming on try this; 2 grams of Vit C every 2 hours while waking.

I can't tell you why, but it works for me. hopefully for you too!