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Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:26 am
by scump
GLP workout 2 lower body:


SLDL= 221 x 8

EDT Block:

RDL= 199lbs x 6,6,6,7
DB lunge= 25kg x 6,6,6,6


plank = 25s, 30s

static hold 20kg plate on decline bench= 15s, 12s

Note: felt good after this workout! LOVE the RDL and SLDL, felt so nice to include some ab work too! should i be doing more than just planks on these days?

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:30 am
by scump
another question rob, im thinking (as you know) about doing a small cut during my cruise phase... i want to show off this muscle mass put on during feast!

i was thinking of keeping cals at 90-100% on workout days.
and dropping to about 70-80% on off days (trying to maintain high protein).

also was going to factor in 20-30 mins light cardio 5x a week.

i dont want to do anything to drastic to lose the muscle gained during feast, so was thinking about including some supps to help!

a popular mix around my mates atm is Lean Xtreme combined with Oxyelite pro, a lot of them have used both with great results... thoughts on this? (im aware its randomly stacking supplements which you hate, but they're all reporting really good results).

only cutting supplements ive tried in the past was animal cuts (done ok) and hydroxycut hardcore (pretty much just caffeine, stopped after about 4 days due to upset stomach, wasnt a fan).

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:35 am
by RobRegish
You caloric zig zags looks really good.

On the cardio, I much favor performing it in a fasted state in HIIT fashion. Here's how I'd do it.

Down your thermogenics (suggest the gold standard ephedrine/caffeine and LX). DO GET CLEARNANCE FROM A DOC to rule out any pre-existing conditions. Assuming you get the green light: Let those kick in and head on over to an exercise bike. Warm up for 5 min at an easy pace.

Now pedal at a moderate pace for 1 min, then sprint all out for 10-15 seconds. Back to moderate pace for a min, then sprint again. Repeat that cycle for 5-8 min to start, adding 90 seconds every session.

Doing so, you'll burn the same # of calories as you otherwise would BUT... here the key: a higher PERCENTAGE of those calories burned will be from fat, as blood glucose/liver glycogen is low since you haven't eaten in awhile.

The fat burning effect then, will be maximized. Runs circles around traditional low intensity, steady state cardio after you've had a few meals in you, particularly if you're eating carbs prior.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:34 am
by scump
thanks rob, a few things to note.

ephedra in this country is harder to come by than speed, so EC stack is very difficult! (why i was leaning toowards LX + OEP)

another thing, i workout at home and dont have an exercise bike.. i was planning on doing skipping, now im not very good at skipping, so doing HIIT while skipping is out of my league.

the good news is i consider myself a somewhat untrained athlete, which allows me to benefit from LISS without alot of the muscle wastage.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:07 am
Looking good on the training bro. I can't wait to get my BP going.

I had a chance to fly down there on an Australian Millitary flight about a year ago out of Kuwait, I should have taken them up on it. They told me id have to find my own way back though, so I figured I shouldnt go cause I would "Procrastinate" about getting back here for work.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:58 pm
by scump
thanks bro.

lol i imagine finding your own way back wouldn't be too cheap either, mind you given the circumstances would have been one hell of a stay.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:40 pm
by RobRegish
Good man, workin' with what you have.

I like that :)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:54 am
by scump
GLP workout number 3 upper body:

So this was my first shitty feeling workout, not sure what happened, but the static holds were impossible.


pullover 20kg x 8

EDT Block:

DB press = 20kg x 12,12,12,12
BB row 1 hand= 37.5kg x 6,5,5,4

EDT Block:

DB hamer curls: 15kg 6,6,6,5
Skull Crushes: 67lbs 6,6,6,5

Decline Bench press static hold:

177lbx x 15s
199lbs x 6s

those static holds were really weird, last time i done 221, but i couldnt even get close to it and the ones i did do were hard.

im also thinking i need to warm up before doing the 1 arm rows a bit.

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:00 am
by scump
GLP number 3 lower body:

my log is now officially up to date!!! untill tomorrow lol.


SLDL 233lbs x 6

EDT Block:
RDL 210lbs 6,6,6,5
DB Lunge 20kg 6,6,6,6

Ab static hold 20kg dumbell = 15seconds x 2

NOTE: this workout was bizzare, all workout i felt like sht, there was a few contributing factors, a big one is i didn't eat a while before hand, had some dextrose in my intra and i picked up towards the end. theres a few other things aswell, but yeah im going to make sure i have a pre workout meal from now on! (1-2 hours before hand).

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:44 am
Looks good. Your gonna have to dig deep on the last couple of GLP workouts. Im following along, waiting until I get to begin my run.

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:33 pm
by RobRegish
Consider Pure Karbolyn as an alternative to Dextrose. I think you'll do better.

MOST IMPORTANT: Insert extra rest days if you feel the need. You will be shocked as to the supercompensation effect :)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:07 pm
by scump
yeah the weird thing Rob was that both of these workouts occured after a big break.

i had just had 4 days straight of work (12 hour shifts)... i dont normally consume carbs during my intraworkout i just done it as it was a semi-fasted workout and i got no focus/pump from my white flood at all (1st time).

im not sure if:

A. im de-sensitising to stims
B. the wf is done (container almost empty and looks like some moisture got in was because i was semi-fasted
D. spent all day sleeping/having sex

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:07 am
by RobRegish
Likely item D.

Not a bad day :)

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:37 am
by scump
yeah i thought so man.

dont worry im happy to say the shtty workouts were NOT due to changing to AX... because todays workout was fkn awesome!

had to really work for the last set on GLP, but got it out... then i finally had new weights for my DB's so could increase the weight on incline press...felt so good!

was concerned cos when i went into the workout i had a pain under my right shoulder blade (not cardiac or abdominal related) i just turned weird while moving something (not spinal either)... but yeah the workout was awesome!

also started to new tub of WF, not i didnt get my insane focus/pumps i used to get so i think i still need to cycle off stims... only thing thats concerning me is cycling off stims for my 5th and 6th glp's might effect the outcome of those workouts quiet a bit dont you think?