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Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:03 pm
by KatZilla
Got done today with the second workout for BP, and the EDT blocks. I am definitely noticing my strength increasing. For my last set on BP today, I did 150 for 6 reps, which I have never been able to do before; I've gotten 155 for 3, but that's the only one that comes close. Once again, the workout was at just the right level, hit everything hard, and I'm feeling great. Now I gotta go get some calories down!

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:46 pm
by RobRegish
Great work Kat!

New PR's... :)

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:38 pm
by KatZilla
Day 22 of Feast:

I did my second squat workout of GLP1 today. Once again, another excellent work out. I'm not sure if 6x235 is a record on squat, but it must come awfully close. Even doing higher weights than I have been before, I still feel stronger/more pumped than usual during workouts, even when I don't have a pre-workout drink. I always try to push myself, but today I even got a compliment from one of the personal trainers at the gym, on pushing through the last few reps on my last set of squats.

However, I leave tomorrow for Florida, and then from there up to the Smokies for a week long motorcycle trip. I think (hope) that there is at least a small weight-room in the place we are staying, so that I can at least get one or two good work outs in while we're there. If there are some weights to throw around, and I also have access to the internet, I will update as best I can. If not, I'll just do some pushups, or pullups, or lunges, or whatever I can, and then start back on the GLP when I get back on the 19th. Thanks again Rob for all the help and support, and I look forward to hitting the rest of these workouts just as hard!

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 6:26 am
by RobRegish
Way to go Kat!

Does my heart well to see this kind of progress on a regular basis. Truly, what the BP was designed for...

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:22 pm
by KatZilla
Day 32 of Feast:

In the 10 days I've been gone, I still managed to (very successfully) complete the 3rd BP workout, the 3rd SQ workout, and finally yesterday got through the 4th BP workout. Everything went great for each of them. The only exception was on the very last rep of my last set of BP, I needed a little help; I think it was probably because the last time I got to do my BP workout was a full week before :? . I had hoped I'd be able to fit in at least 4 workouts, but everything else went without flaw, each workout has been fully challenging, and it's good to be back.

I had a great vacation; here's a (progress) picture to go along with it. This was one of the many places we decided to stop, get out and swim for a while, and then ride a few hundred more miles. I can definitely feel myself getting stronger, and I'm starting to see it in the mirror as well.

EDIT: Weight was 155 at 4pm today, after only eating a very small breakfast at 7am... I'm not a fan of airline food.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:32 pm
by dropthebeats
Looking jacked! Nice work!

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:50 am
by RobRegish
Damn, I rather wish you'd post that pic on with your gains to date :)

Seriously... GREAT work and proof positive you're on the right track. Fantastic man, I love seeing guys doing well with The BP like this!

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:33 pm
by KatZilla
Gah! I typed out a decent looking post on unfortunately, I forgot my old account's password, so I had to create a new one. I went to post it, and get a message that I need at least 30 posts before I can post links or pictures. So! I'll try and rack up some posts without spamming too much (not that they'd notice anyway), unless I can just PM someone the entire post, and they can post it for me?

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:08 pm
by KatZilla
Quick update: Got the 4th workout on GLP for squats done today. On my 6th set, I hit 2x270, which is a new PR. Rest of the workout went great, and I'm loving the strength gains. Also, I haven't had the time to make any posts on, so I still need someone that can post my thread for me :(

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:05 pm
by RobRegish
Great job Kat!

No worries. You'll be up to 30 posts soon enough... I do appreciate it, and soooo happy for your gains. These are fantastic!

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:22 am
by KatZilla
Day 36 of Feast:

Squat workout #5 of GLP went great today! I plowed through each set of squats, and I was adding weight and still pumping out my deadlifts/hack squats. I've been feeling the strength gains, but now I've also been noticing some new shadows being cast across my legs :D . They look bigger now than even during the wrestling season, when they get big because of my stance, and get cut because of less bodyfat. I'm definitely looking forward to hitting the 6th BP workout tomorrow and breaking my previous record with the last 105% lift, which I have no doubt I will do. I also plan to max out on all three of my lifts once I've finished the 6th SQ workout; I definitely feel like I could go over 105% on each of them if I make the goal of the day to get above it. I'll also try and get some objective measurements done again, and maybe even some new pictures to track progress. Thanks again Rob, and everyone else for their help and support. I am hugely impressed by the gains I've made so far, and look forward to the rest of this run (and future runs, of course).

Also, I'm up to TWELVE whole posts on only 18 to go!

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:10 am
by RobRegish
Great job Kat!

Now do take an extra rest day prior to maxing if you feel you need it. This is a wise move and can only help you!

Can't wait for more exposure on If you could include it in your sig line (assuming you haven't already), that would be most appreciated :)

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:53 pm
by KatZilla
FINALLY got do to the 6th GLP workout for BP. Several things have kept me from being able to go to the gym until today, but I've discovered that I definitely benefit more from more frequent workouts. I went into the gym feeling slightly weaker than the last time I went in on a BP day (around 6 days ago?). Even still, I now have a new 1RM: 185lbs! 105% of my last 1RM would have been 183, so I just went ahead and hit 185. I feel like if I'd been able to lift only a couple of days after my last BP workout, I probably could have hit 190; regardless, I am happy with the 10lbs that I've added. Hopefully either tomorrow or the next day I'll be able to do even better for my squat max.

I'm still trying to decide on where to go after I finish this though. Even though I've spent almost 7 weeks in Feast, I still feel like I could benefit from staying here AT LEAST another week or two. I've generally been feeling stronger after every workout, so it seems that I could still gain some from Feasting. Thanks again to Rob, and to everyone else for their continued support and help. So far so good!

(EDIT: And I'm slowly but surely accumulating posts on Once I type out my new report over there, and get it posted, hopefully within the next couple of days, I'll post a link to it in this thread.)

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:27 pm
by RobRegish
A new 1RM!! Congratulations!!

Do me a favor though.. no links to the BP forums please. This has everything to do with and I having issues with advertising the BP and I don't want to get you/me banned. I hope you understand.

Plus, I don't want others stealing your secrets!

185... fantastic!!