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Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:40 pm
by SiLkPaDrE
Thanks for the support man, I can't wait to see my progress too haha. Good luck on your run as well. I'll keep an eye out for your log.


Workout and conditioning went well today, which ironically pisses me off. I'm hoping I don't end up having to extend my Famine, because quite frankly I'm ready to start eating like a mad man :twisted: !

Tomorrow is my final day and perhaps it might just be enough to get me to where I want to get, but we'll have to see about that.

I ate fewer oats and pb today, so maybe that'll help. I've also been in a fasted state since about 10:15 this morning... yeah, excessive I suppose, but geez I don't feel nearly as bad as yall probably think. I'm actually quite chipper.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:10 am
by RobRegish
OK. Take care now workout #3 isn't pleasant. You'll likely have to reduce to bodyweight only in some areas squats.

Health first, always.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:04 pm
by SiLkPaDrE
Famine - Day 5

Woke up today and my resting heart rate was 6-8 beats (on average) above normal, so perhaps I'm almost there. The workout was kind of crappy in the beginning, those squats were actually tougher than I expected. My legs were already fried from all of the conditioning this week so I didn't enjoy it to say the least. I also biked for a little more than 20 minutes afterward. I'm pretty tired right now, but still don't feel unbearably shitty. I'm actually going to go food shopping after work today, which should contribute to my stressed state--the reason being that it's pretty far from where I live and I can't (or rather am choosing not to beg) get a ride. The whole commute should piss me off quite a bit. I really wish I had multi-stix so I could gauge where I'm at right now. Regardless, one thing I have noticed, however, is that I am overall weaker, more tired, lethargic, HUNGRY and moody, albeit not to any excessive degree. I'm hoping these are good signs that I am at least near the state I am trying to achieve.

As for what I ate today, it's essentially the same as the other days. Only difference is that I sipped on some V8 today.

I'm still not sure if I should extend my Famine or start my Feast tomorrow. Any suggestions?

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:09 pm
by RobRegish
Everything you're saying here tells me you're there. The one piece that's missing is you're cursing that Regish guy :)

If it was me I'd transition now. If you decide to go one more you can do so but.... no weights.

Great work on making it through!

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:46 pm
by SiLkPaDrE
Haha, na Rob, I'm a pretty chill dude and have a tendency to blame myself for everything. So you'll never find me cursing you.

Yeah, I think it's due time I stop this under eating crap anyway. I did it for 2 weeks with Keto, essentially, and well perhaps that is why this change of pace isn't so dramatic for me. I do have a headache though and my arms are about a half inch smaller than usual. I owe myself some FOOD!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:40 pm
by SiLkPaDrE
Aw Yeaaaah!

Feast - Day 1

I'll post what I ate today later on, but I gotta tell you so far it feels great to eat! I can't wait to start training on Monday...with all of the dieting I've been doing (or trying to do), I think it's been close to a month since I've trained well fed and replenished.

One thing I've been a little concerned about is gaining weight too quickly; I want to bulk as cleanly as possible. I plan on cycling my calories as Rob suggests (120% for workout days and 100% for off days), but I am tempted to incorporate a day or two where I consume low or close to no carbs and upping my fat intake. These days would obviously be off-days or cardio days. I'm just wondering how that would affect my run. For this first week I'll run things as Rob planned out and I guess assess where I'm at from there.

Anybody have any experience with carb-cycling while running the BP? More specifically with the goal of lean-bulking?

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:38 pm
by Hank!
You will be a freight train in the GYM. I wouldn't worry about getting fat especially the 1st week of feast. The effect of the extreme workouts, the lack of food has set your body up to PRESERVE muscle at all costs. Whatever you eat during this window is going to be used to maximize muscle preservation. You've pulled a fast one on your physiology. The reason you want to eat liver, liver tabs, olives and BCAA's right now is to keep your body thinking muscle is still being wasted, it further re-enforces the "trick" youre playing.

Rob has said it before, right now at this point of feast dirty or clean doesn't matter much just get the calories and the protein.

I say its time to reward yourself Ribs, Steaks, Lobster etc etc live it up, you gonna work real hard for the next few weeks

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:11 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Hank! wrote:You will be a freight train in the GYM. I wouldn't worry about getting fat especially the 1st week of feast. The effect of the extreme workouts, the lack of food has set your body up to PRESERVE muscle at all costs. Whatever you eat during this window is going to be used to maximize muscle preservation. You've pulled a fast one on your physiology. The reason you want to eat liver, liver tabs, olives and BCAA's right now is to keep your body thinking muscle is still being wasted, it further re-enforces the "trick" youre playing.

Rob has said it before, right now at this point of feast dirty or clean doesn't matter much just get the calories and the protein.

I say its time to reward yourself Ribs, Steaks, Lobster etc etc live it up, you gonna work real hard for the next few weeks
this x2

In the first few days your body will just be replenishing itself. you shouldn't really worry about fat gain, and if you do happen to gain some, it will be minimal. Obviously don't make an ass of yourself and eat EVERYTHING IN SITE, but enjoy, don't count calories. just eat until your full.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:17 pm
by SiLkPaDrE
Thanks for the feedback guys, much appreciated. These next 3 days are going to be great. However, my concern with (bad) weight gain was not so much for these 3 days as much as it was for the Feast as a whole. I surely won't count calories until I start on Monday, but I'm just not sure exactly how to approach my diet overall, throughout the Feast. I should probably stop thinking too far ahead and take things as they come I suppose.

Thanks again!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:57 pm
by zip
Sweet man, We have similar goals and your just a few steps in front of me.

I'll be following your log!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:49 pm
by RobRegish
Great, great answers.

Fantastic work all around...

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:55 pm
by SiLkPaDrE
Feast - Day 3

Wow! I've been eating like a madman. Thankfully I've been eating a whole bunch of wholesome food (oats, whole grain bread, eggs, peanut butter, fruits, etc.), but I'm pretty sure for the first couple days I touched on around 5,000 calories, if not more. Today I'm aiming for at least 3,500, as I am admittedly not as hungry as I was initially. I'm actually wondering if I overdid it though, because I felt (and still feel) quite bloated and gassy haha. Which is another reason why I plan on eating less today. Otherwise though, I'm feeling pretty damn good. Can't wait to work out tomorrow. I'm going straight into GLP#1, banking on all of my 1RM's being around the same. Last time we tested for football back in May, my 1RM for bench was 370lb and my squat was 495lb. However, with all of the dieting and inconsistent training, as a safety measure, I'm shaving off 5-10lbs from each of these lifts when calculating the weights I'll be using per set.

FYI, I started using Bio Forge Pro Max, Kre-Anabolyn and Glycobol. I'm amped to see how they aid in my progress. I think the bloat/gas could possibly be accredited to the Glycobol, as it is pretty notorious for causing GI issues and multiple trips to the bathroom. Hopefully the stomach distress will subside soon--it's definitely a lot better today than it was yesterday, so there's hope!

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:26 pm
by RobRegish
"Can't wait to work out tomorrow. I'm going straight into GLP#1, banking on all of my 1RM's being around the same."

I'd counsel against this and hope for the best for you, but I know what's coming... you likely won't be as strong.

There's a reason we use a 5 workout bridge into Feast. Early experiments with the Blueprint revealed that the effects of Famine take time to disappate. Also, Ecdy itself doesn't really build into the membrane until about the 2 week mark (you'll be reading about this in 3.0 :) ).

Again, it may be you're OK but word to the wise.... most weren't when attempting GLP workout #1/testing their old 1RM at this point.

Not doing this to scare you, just want to see you get the most out of it!

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:08 pm
by SiLkPaDrE
Thanks for the advice Rob.

My reasoning for wanting to "rush" into GLP#1 is because I want to start getting the ball rolling with my football lifts ASAP. I've been doing my own thing for over a month now, namely because of how I was dieting and then during Famine, and while I have a big chunk of time left, it isn't much. I guess I just feel pressed for time. Of course, improving my performance in the weight room alone isn't going to make me better at football, especially considering my circumstances (my main priority is to get technique down). But, looking at all of my teammates following the program and what not, makes me feel as if I have digressed quite a bit as it is.

Is the 5 workout bridge to more or less get me accommodated to everything I've put myself through? Or is to see where I'm at in terms of strength? Or a combination of both? Basically, is it necessary for me to progress? Were I to deviate from the program, would traction be impeded?

I won't go straight into GLP#1 if it'll essentially negate all of the effort I've put in thus far. But if the 5 workout bridge is more of an assessment (establishing my current 1RM), then I feel as if skipping it shouldn't be too terrible. Then again, making the aforementioned assumption could be one of the several mistakes that I am bound to make during my first BP run. I'm at a loss.. :?

I'm ultimately down for whatever, considering I am not mandated to follow the football workout program. It is merely a very specific suggestion. I'm sure my trainers would prefer that I follow whatever they wrote down word for word, rep for rep, but at the end of the day they always insist that I do whatever works for ME!