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Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:30 am
by RobRegish
Ah yes.... AN's effect on sleep.

Most think this goes back to the Melatonin, and in truth that's a large part of it. However, it would be a mistake to dismiss the one-of a kind Suma 25:1 extract in there. Superb adaptogen that really rests/relaxes in its own right...

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:51 pm
by zip
I feel that the Melatonin content is minimal like 2mgs for 3 pills. The reason for this is that some nights I dose 3-6 mg/g (however the dosage) of Melatonin and that hits me HARD... but not so much for the 3 A-N. Could because A-N takes longer to digest comparing to a dissolve tablet.

In other news I feel the "Morning" effects of A-N



Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 6:22 am
by RobRegish
Ha ha!

Oh yes, that's quite noticeable :)

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:31 pm
by zip
Feast DAY 4! Workout Day!

1 KA pre and post workout.
Mixed a intra bcaa drink, ~32 grams of MassPro Amino and one scoop of gatorade powder - Tasted like pooop. Strong after taste and Diluted gatorade... maybe try pineapple juice next time?

Let me say this was one HARD workout that I pushed myself through.

135 x5
145 x3
155 x3
165 x10 - This wasn't too hard but it wasnt easy.. wish I had done more but no spotter.. First workout back anyway.

DB pullover
45 x13 - easy... Uping weight next workout to 50 or 55 x 8-10

EDT Block 14- 16 min total

Incline DB Press
50 x 6 x 5 sets
50 x 12 x 1 set - Using 55's next time
Tbar Rows
3 Plates X 6 X 6

#2 - 14 Min
BW + 35 x 6 x 6
DB Curls
35 x 6 x 5 sets
35 x 12 - Uping weights to 40 next workout

145 x 5
185 x 4
205 x 3
225 x 10 - ALL out effort here.

Dimel DL
185 x 10 - hamstring killer here

Romanian DL
225 x 6 x 4 sets - Back started straining so I stopped.

Leg Sled
6 plates x 6 x 4 - Not too bad but stopped because of back strain on DL

Overall decent workout.. just wished I hit my chest a little more since that is my weaker point.

Do you guys think I should be working up to my max a little slower? ie. smaller increments?


Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:03 pm
by RobRegish
Try some pineapple juice next time OR more Gatorade powder. You're going to appreciate the benefits though as 32g of MPA is a nice, hefty dose that's going to recovery you very, very quickly to say nothing of the Kre-Anabolyn.

On the warmups, you did a nice job of graduating up to within 10lbs of your work set. This is just me, but I prefer one rep with my target weight as the last warmup set.

At this point your CNS has "seen" it once and you'll have a good read on how close to 10 or so you'll get. As it was, you did a great job guestimating given no spotter..

Fantastic start and I forsee this run being fantastic. Right here for you Zip...

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 6:27 pm
by zip

Rocky start so far for me since it was my girlfriends bday last night so I indulged in a bit too much alcohol. Made a pact to reduce consumption until the end of my run haha.

Recovery was decent, but my back was still strained so I opted out of doing pulling movements other than tbar row for this workout.

Since I wasn't feeling the greatest my numbers and energy were below par.

185 x 3 <- didn't hit reps so i waited a bit longer
then did 185 x 5

Had no spotter and usually I can put up more weight on the bench than that.

50 x 10

55 x 6 x 4 <-- This weight is usually pretty easy for me.. but not today
3 plates x 6 x 4

275 x 5

Might do some bi's/tri's later on.

BTW I just found out i'm leaving tonight until thursday for work up north so I wont be able to train until thursday night giving me 3 days off which sucks.

Since it is still early on, I'm not going to worry too much about this workout since I still have 2 more workouts until I hit my 1 RM then GLP.

What do you think?

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:03 am
by RobRegish
No worries. The extra rest may in fact benfefit you.

And for sure stay away from late nights/the alcohol :)

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:58 pm
by zip
Hey BP militia!

I came back yesterday after being gone for work... never worked so hard in my life haha.

I worked out last night and I must say that it was a dope session.. PRs already? yessir!

Dont have my notes on me but Ill post it up later. Had to work out at my home gym because it was CANADA DAY!

Bench -Tried 195 for 3 but my spotter touched the bar so I didnt count that is my actually lift... decided to add 5 more pounds and just go for it and I did.. lifted 200 for 3 reps for my first time!

Also I maxed out of my weights at home for squats 295 for 3 reps perfectly! Never loaded that much before.


Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:24 am
by RobRegish
GREAT work!

New PR's this early..... gotta love it :)

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:18 pm
by zip
Been busy the last couple of days so I haven't been able to post my last workout.
Brief overview:
Bench 175 x 8
Squat 245 x 8

Heading to the gym to do my 1rm tonight!


Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:57 pm
by RobRegish
Hit it hard!

Great work so far. GREAT work!!

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 8:35 pm
by zip
Hey BP militia!

I haven't had the time to keep an online log but I've kept track of my workouts.


I just finished the GLP.

Start End
Bench 215x1 -> 225x2** +10 plus 1 rep
Squat 315x1 -> 340x1 +25
Deadlift ??? -> 315x5
Db Incline 50's -> 70's +20


Overall I have been pleased with my strength gain from the program.

** during the bench max rep I was tired and not at my best and I think I and further increase it.. I have 4 days left of kre anabolyn and I was wondering, could I do a deload tomorrow and then reattempt my 1rep max on the last day? or is there a better method?


Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:24 pm
by RobRegish
AWESOME!! So happy for you....

On the de-load one more time... give it a shot. I can't guarantee anything but who knows?

Fantastic work my man. Now please tell the WORLD! Some here even have it in their sig line elsewhere!!

Ha ha I am just kidding. Quite honestly, PR's here are a daily occurrence. Yet, I cruise and people are so lost. God, if they only knew what we have here...

Great work and the credit is all yours. Thanks for delivering the goods, you deserve ALL the rewards..