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Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 9:00 am
by RobRegish
Dirty Feasts shouldn't matter much first 10-14 days. That's bearing out in another log here.. Just keep an eye on BF levels and adjust accordingly.

If you need any help Hank, right here for you!

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:12 am
by Hank!

Macros for Sunday
3725 kcals
118g fat
392mg choles
394g carbs
40g fiber
269g PRO

1st Feast W/O is today I will eat big today, tomorrow I am going to eat at BWx8 (or less) going for the recomp instead of a pure strength push

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:18 am
by Hank!
Feast 2 Day 4

Big Shake for breakfast
2 Sccops Choc Protein powder
1/2 c cotttage cheese
2 Omega 3 eggs
1 cup cooked millet
1 small banana
1 tbs natty pb

847 cal/28g fat/115g carbs/82g pro

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:37 am
by sovabrat
Nice job Hank. One thing to mention for the recomp from my experience. Don't be disappointed in the end if you only increase your 1rm by the 5%. You might get frustrated comparing the results of this run to your last in terms of strength gain. What you will DEFINITELY gain is endurance and definition. You will look stronger, feel stronger, and the mental aspect of knowing how good you look more than makes up for not upping your bench press 30 lbs. Trust me. I was frustrated at first but I am more happy now.

8 x body weight on workout days is aggressive!! I was closer to 9 -12 range.

I am curious to see how you feel from the low intake. I suppose as long as you get your protein levels and fat levels adjusted, it should not set you back too much. I would HIGHLY suggest Oxyelite Pro if you dont have a thermogenic already. The appetite suppression on that supp is insane. It helps you get through those 8xbw calorie days real easy and gives you endless (jitter-free) energy.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:49 pm
by Hank!
1st Feast 2 Workout, very limited time in Gym today

Bench Warm Up then work set
DB Pull over

EDT with no rest between 1st 3 sets one 2 minute rest after 3 sets
Incline DB Press/close grip lat pulldowns
70lb x8 /185x8 x 7 Sets (15 minute Duration)

Wide Grip Bench/ Narrow Grip Bench

Total time working in gym 35 minutes

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:17 pm
by beachpirate
Man you are hammering feast this run. Keep up the good work.

I just started cruise today. will update my log later.

RE: fishing, I did not get to do any and then was involved in an accident on the way home thursday. Been dealing with the insurance company to "prove" it was not my fault.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:11 pm
by RobRegish
Hope everything's OK Beach..

Hank, fantastic start. I'll be closely watching this one as I want to see if what you're doing this time around results in faster/slower or the same traction as last..

We learn something new every time..

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:24 am
by Hank!
Macros for Yesterday

4080 cals
101g fat
866mg choles
2.9gm sodium
488 carbs
183 gms sugar
58gms fiber <farting my brains out
338g pro

Some soreness from yesterdays workout but all in all feel good.

I am supposped to be modulating calories on this run but I didn't get a chance to do squats yesterday do any of you see a problem with a normal workout and edts while keeping cals below 2k?

Some updated stats
Weight 252.7
BP 120/72 (post coffee and kids getting ready)
RHR 64

Thanks H

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:18 pm
by Hank!
Feast 2 Workout 2 Total time working-out 35 min

Squats really tried to use that nice piston movement Big Jaz demo'd got a little sloppy at 315lbs
W/U 135x10

Leg extension
Leg Curls
120x10 x3

Hack Squat 90x10x3

nice workout..good sweat HR pretty high

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:28 pm
by sovabrat
Hank! wrote:
I am supposped to be modulating calories on this run but I didn't get a chance to do squats yesterday do any of you see a problem with a normal workout and edts while keeping cals below 2k?
I think the key to this question remains in the question: Is the purpose of this workout to build strength or to burn calories. If you pose the question that way the answer becomes obvious i think. I dont think there is a problem with it, just understand the point of maintenance levels.. Ive done the same thing a couple times but tried to minimize these instances because when I was lifting I was doing it for strength, on my off days I aimed to burn fat.

Hope this helps.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 4:45 pm
by RobRegish
"I am supposped to be modulating calories on this run but I didn't get a chance to do squats yesterday do any of you see a problem with a normal workout and edts while keeping cals below 2k?"

That's a great way to analyze the problem sovabrat. Excellent, in fact. You've probably guessed my answer... it's strength.

Whenever you drop calories like this nitrogen retention, total glycogen available etc drops along with it. First to dip is usually upper body strength. It's noticeable there first.

I see 3 possible solutions:

A. Decrease workout frequency
B. Cut workload (volume) of current routine in half or
C. Switch routines altogether until you find one that works at your new
calorie level.

Of the 3, I favor option B first. One thing I learned with Heavy Duty is that in this state you can do justice to your 1 working set. As workload increases though (subsequent sets), there is a disproportionate performance dropoff.

Take that for what it's worth. By decreasing volume you can focus more available energy/intensity toward those working sets.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:47 pm
by Hank!
Macros for today

1943 cals
51g fat
173g carbs
218g protein


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:28 am
by RobRegish
What weight are you trying to get down to Hank? Or is it not a specific # you have in mind?

Maybe I missed it in the log but I didn't see it.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:33 am
by Hank!
Feast Day 6

Weight 251.6

Rob my ultimate goal is a non flabby 235 but a less flabby 245 would be okay to start. MY big lift days I will eat BWx15 (3700cals). On my less lift/Cardio days I will eat BWx8(2000cals)

My carbs were way off yesterday

WO again less than 40 minutes

5 Minute Warm Up run at 7.0

Shrugs / Superset with Push press
315x8//95x10 x 6

Tricep Pushdown/ Preacher Curls
80x10/75x8x 5


136g fat
186gm carbs
11g fiber
274g protein

should have a decent dinner