Draco's Second Run

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Post by RobRegish »

Awesome, awesome work!

This is typical of run #2. You're playing with it now and finding what works for you and THAT is what matters.

And up to 222lbs. Traction has been obtained for sure and relatively early on. Bodes well for the rest of Feast.

Way to go Draco :)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Bench is taken its time comin around. Loading pattern called for 260 X 10 on sets #4 & #5. I got five and four. I may have to lower my 1rm so I can get the full benefits of this program. This program has tests but I did wo#1 again today and the test isn't until wo#5. 11/23 benched 340 x 4 today 260 x 4...... Like I told a guy in the gym "Yeah, I'll stop cryin and start pushin some iron."
Definition and vascularity are comin back sooner than I thought they would.
Up to 223 today and feel pretty good.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Squat day was awesome. Set #5 instructed to "Rep Out" what I just used to do 8 reps for two sets. Thought 10 could push for 12......got to twelve and had something kick in and pushed out 3 more for 15 total. Six sets of calf exercises 45sec between sets then 4 sets quad extensions 30-45 sec between sets. Good day but dropped to 221. Turnin up the calories then
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Post by askmass »

That's fantastic, Draco, having a stellar day like that... 15 reps when you were looking for 10!

Thumbs up, brother.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Ab day went well. Same program as last time just added more weight. I try to convince myself that this is a day off but this core training is not easy. Stretched out in the hot tub and sauna then went home.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Back-n-bi's oh my. Back was great, strong and well pushed. Bi's too, went hard, ending with decending dumbells until veins were poppin and I couldn't grip any longer. I didn't need to do forearm curls today. Didn't jump set today, wanted a little more strength so waited 30sec between exercises and 1 min between sets. The sweat was pouring I wiped my bench, wiped the floor and went home.
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Post by RobRegish »

It sounds like you've hit on something here Draco, I'm going to read through your log more extensively tomorrow AM at which point I'll share my observations..
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Sounds good Rob, glad you made it back safely.
Today was kind of a clean up day, I'm still trying to work out the details. I started with the debatable bench day. I want to be at full strength for Monday so I did a little warm up then went to the decline 315 X 5~ incline 225 X~ 5 then did a decline static hold with that 315 for ten seconds. That was the bulk of it, some body weight dips, two sets decending dumbells standing over head press. Finished with some light weight delt, trap, and tri exercises to burn out. I intended to sneak in some light weight toe raises but forgot.

Here's the kicker, even though I've gone back up in frequency, intensity (always high), and decreased time between sets I weighed in at 226.4 today.
I am a bit sore, but feel good, will take the next two days off but will follow baseline supplements, protein, BCAA, and diet over the weekend.
Only change in supplementation will be swapping A-State from LG, for Phos-Elite from EAS and finally will have my Liver Tabs from Universal. Not sure if that's a little late but it can't hurt.
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow. Nice work on getting the weight back up.

Given the rapid gain, are you happy with the bodyfat/conditioning levels this time around? I know in past conversation that was one of your concerns.

My guess is yes, but always good to check in/validate..
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Yes, I'm feeling better about that right now. I'm still wanting more, I think in 2-3 weeks I'll see more definition in the torso. Having squats and dl on day 2 then core/abs on day 3 it really taxes the abs and lower back, but that was the original plan.
I am interested just how high I'll get in weight before I level off. I'll keep checking in with this new hand held BF gauge. I just think I look and feel better than 15%. ?????? Maybe I've got a mis-conception here but if 15% is true I would like to be this weight at 8-10%. I think I can achieve this at my current work load if I don't dip down to the overtraining zone.
Feeling good so far. Lets hope tomorrow goes well, bench has taken a big dip. Oh but squat has taken off, 335 X 15 felt awesome! I only missed my depth on one, I'm really trying to put more emphasis on form while doing higher rep sets.
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Post by RobRegish »

335 x 15 is quite an accomplishment. With overload like that to the biggest muscles in the body, you can't help but grow...

And nice work on keeping the BF% in check too.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Bench is comin back, lowered my 1rm though but came close to all sets. Could have been closer on set 3 but I didn't have a spotter. Number in () is rep achieved.
Warm up 135 slow X 10~245 X 10~245 X 10~270 X 8(6)~270 X 8(7)~270 X RO(7+1fr) not what I'd consider awesome but I'm coming back up. Not dwelling on the loss just the gain.
Triceps are taking more of a load, after all the pushing (bench & shoulder press) I was able to do skull crushers and weighted dips. First time I've been able to add weight to my dips in three weeks.
It is hard to go heavy with shoulder presses after heavy bench but that's all conditioning and will come around or I'll change my split.
3-5 min between bench, alt. sh-press>delt fly 1 min between sets, 1-1.5 min between triceps. I think this time between sets in key to this program.....
Feel good-226 weigh in.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Add on question about current loading pattern. Squats have been doing so well I want to skip ahead. It is a 14 wo program, is it better to skip ahead with the current weight or bump up the 1RM weight and stick with the pattern?
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Post by RobRegish »

Never skip ahead. Not good to re-estimate the 1RM either. What program/loading pattern is this?

When you stop to think about it, not a bad problem to have :)
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