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Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 6:11 pm
by matter2003
FatBoySlimFast wrote:Interesting thread and I've decided to give the humaworm cleanse a shot.
Matter when you say that you felt lousy for 4 to 5 days, was this the initial 5 days after starting the course? Just trying to work out where to fit it in with my work schedule.
Yeah, it was the first five days

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 12:00 am
by DaCookie
Despite what John said Im in an extended water fast right now. Yes nothing but water. Today would be day 10. Using just distilled water. Plan is to go a minimum of 21 days with probably a max of around 30. Was lean already before beginning so now im even more so. You go through such highs and lows on this but from the research Ive done if you do it long enough it cures all allergies which is something I badly need since my allergies for things have gone from not there, to mild, now to life debilitating, same with my autoimmune disease which was really good after i detoxed the mercury but now its back in triple force for different resons. They need to go. It has to do with candida Im pretty sure. Loren lochman on youtube does some very good videos on water fasts.

I recommend you do not do this at all until you have all heavy metals out of your system and you do not have a busy lifestyle if you plan to do this. Also you will lose some muscle, more fat though IMO.

I can tell you this though, after Im done Im not doing another extended water fast for 5-10 years if ever lol. Running the humaworm/cleanse afterwards.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 10:01 am
by RobRegish
DaCookie wrote:Despite what John said Im in an extended water fast right now. Yes nothing but water. Today would be day 10. Using just distilled water. Plan is to go a minimum of 21 days with probably a max of around 30. Was lean already before beginning so now im even more so. You go through such highs and lows on this but from the research Ive done if you do it long enough it cures all allergies which is something I badly need since my allergies for things have gone from not there, to mild, now to life debilitating, same with my autoimmune disease which was really good after i detoxed the mercury but now its back in triple force for different resons. They need to go. It has to do with candida Im pretty sure. Loren lochman on youtube does some very good videos on water fasts.

I recommend you do not do this at all until you have all heavy metals out of your system and you do not have a busy lifestyle if you plan to do this. Also you will lose some muscle, more fat though IMO.

I can tell you this though, after Im done Im not doing another extended water fast for 5-10 years if ever lol. Running the humaworm/cleanse afterwards.
Wow, this sounds brutal.

Goes to show you though that fasting + water can do powerful things. Not much $ outlay either. Cookie/Matter/AskMass are advanced cats though, so best to go slow if you're new to this.

That would be me too btw...

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:47 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:
DaCookie wrote:Despite what John said Im in an extended water fast right now. Yes nothing but water. Today would be day 10. Using just distilled water. Plan is to go a minimum of 21 days with probably a max of around 30. Was lean already before beginning so now im even more so. You go through such highs and lows on this but from the research Ive done if you do it long enough it cures all allergies which is something I badly need since my allergies for things have gone from not there, to mild, now to life debilitating, same with my autoimmune disease which was really good after i detoxed the mercury but now its back in triple force for different resons. They need to go. It has to do with candida Im pretty sure. Loren lochman on youtube does some very good videos on water fasts.

I recommend you do not do this at all until you have all heavy metals out of your system and you do not have a busy lifestyle if you plan to do this. Also you will lose some muscle, more fat though IMO.

I can tell you this though, after Im done Im not doing another extended water fast for 5-10 years if ever lol. Running the humaworm/cleanse afterwards.
Wow, this sounds brutal.

Goes to show you though that fasting + water can do powerful things. Not much $ outlay either. Cookie/Matter/AskMass are advanced cats though, so best to go slow if you're new to this.

That would be me too btw...
Water fasts work because it prevents histamine release in the body from eating foods, so you can begin to break down all the excess stored in the body cells...

Histamine--->Mast Cell Activation--->Cytokine Release--->Inflammation

A Kefir fast might be even better...studies have shown it suppresses Mast Cell Activation, and a study in Japan showed it increased the body's Interferon Beta, a strong anti-inflammatory signal, by 14 Times normal! ... fir-grains

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:45 pm
by DaCookie
matter2003 wrote:
RobRegish wrote:
DaCookie wrote:Despite what John said Im in an extended water fast right now. Yes nothing but water. Today would be day 10. Using just distilled water. Plan is to go a minimum of 21 days with probably a max of around 30. Was lean already before beginning so now im even more so. You go through such highs and lows on this but from the research Ive done if you do it long enough it cures all allergies which is something I badly need since my allergies for things have gone from not there, to mild, now to life debilitating, same with my autoimmune disease which was really good after i detoxed the mercury but now its back in triple force for different resons. They need to go. It has to do with candida Im pretty sure. Loren lochman on youtube does some very good videos on water fasts.

I recommend you do not do this at all until you have all heavy metals out of your system and you do not have a busy lifestyle if you plan to do this. Also you will lose some muscle, more fat though IMO.

I can tell you this though, after Im done Im not doing another extended water fast for 5-10 years if ever lol. Running the humaworm/cleanse afterwards.
Wow, this sounds brutal.

Goes to show you though that fasting + water can do powerful things. Not much $ outlay either. Cookie/Matter/AskMass are advanced cats though, so best to go slow if you're new to this.

That would be me too btw...
Water fasts work because it prevents histamine release in the body from eating foods, so you can begin to break down all the excess stored in the body cells...

Histamine--->Mast Cell Activation--->Cytokine Release--->Inflammation

A Kefir fast might be even better...studies have shown it suppresses Mast Cell Activation, and a study in Japan showed it increased the body's Interferon Beta, a strong anti-inflammatory signal, by 14 Times normal! ... fir-grains
No way what your saying is true, its an armchair theorist theory. Your body simply wont even heal anywhere near the same rate. I avoided histamine inducing foods and life was still debilitating, 30% my body covered in RED PUSTULAR VIOLENT psoriais. Im on day 11 and almost all of this is gone there is maybe 5% left which none of is pustular for quite awhile now. All I am experiencing is detox symptoms. Results are results and you simply wont experience those kind of results with ANYTHING else.

It is very liberating to go to a doctor or take something and expect it to cover the symptoms, very very few things cure and heal and even that in itself is liberating because you just have to take something and not put in any effort.

You get exactly what you put in with this water fast, just like bodybuilding. It is just not talked about it because it is FREE.

Best decision Ive ever made, even better then the mercury detox.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:46 am
by RobRegish
At what point do the hunger pains subside Cookie?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:27 pm
by DaCookie
No actual physical pain but if you think intensely about food/look at it, your stomach will growl a little thats it. Some days not even 1 growl.

Honestly the mental masturbation over food is the only aspect that is hard. Thats its worst days 1-4.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:16 pm
by RobRegish
DaCookie wrote:No actual physical pain but if you think intensely about food/look at it, your stomach will growl a little thats it. Some days not even 1 growl.

Honestly the mental masturbation over food is the only aspect that is hard. Thats its worst days 1-4.
Interesting, VERY interesting. Dunno how I'd sleep tho..

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 7:45 pm
by askmass
Day two at dinner time is what kills me, personally.

After suffering through that night, I wake up on day three feeling light and bright without too much thought about food.

I think the biggest key here is in allowing the body to channel as much of it's energies towards healing and detoxing, and as little as possible towards digestion and elimination.

You can marshal more and more of this, the less and less you consume. So, a modified fast is a huge step in the right direction, a juice fast all the more so, and a strict water fast the most powerful of all.

Some go as far as dry fasting, but I'd never attempt that myself.

For the record- I do NOT recommend anyone attempt any form of fasting without the guidance of qualified health care pro well versed in this area. The way you enter and exit is vitally important, and getting the A-OK check under the hood before starting is of paramount importance.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:28 am
by DaCookie
John insofar as coming off I know most recommend high water content fruits/juiced vegetables things like this in very low amounts gradually working up.

Would be interested though in what you thought if it was rather the amount you came off with, rather then what.

(I dont mean any junk here)

I was thinking

Green tea before, followed by a bone and vegetable broth also cooked with a whole chicken(however I wouldnt begin to consume the chicken until 2 days at least of everything else) and colostrum, gradually working up the amounts. I would like to stay in ketosis to maintain/set new bodyfat level, probably about 8 weeks.

So day 1 would look like-
Green tea
8oz bone/vegetable broth(Cucumber, pea, onion, garlic, celery, ginger) no solids no supplements except 10grams of colostrum

4h later same

Another 4 later the same

Day 2-The same as above but increase the portion size to 12oz, colostrum to 20grams.

Day 3-Id take it by ear here really, if everything looks good then introduce supplements(synthagen etc) and eat the whole chicken that was cooked in the broth. Bones + marrow too if they are edible. Id be making the broth a staple in my diet also.

After day 7 food would still be gradually going up(colostrum would be reduced to 20g a day though purely because of the cost) increasing amount of meats, fish, eggs, spinach and sprouts eaten whole etc.

Is this progression too fast after a 30-40 day water fast?

Would like to see a colostrum powder available at MASS

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 6:14 am
by FatBoySlimFast
Well today is day 11 of the 'Humaworm' cleanse and what effects have I noticed so far? Absolutely nothing, I've experienced none of the die off symptoms, I've felt fine through out and there doesn't seem to be anything (visible)being expelled when I use the toilet! Could this indicate that I don't have any major parasite issues?


The water fast you are doing must take some serious discipline!
Are you still training during this fast? If so, how is your strength holding up?
And your libido? I would imagine that it may take a nose dive due to the lack of fat intake.

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:11 pm
by askmass
DaCookie wrote:John insofar as coming off I know most recommend high water content fruits/juiced vegetables things like this in very low amounts gradually working up.

Would be interested though in what you thought if it was rather the amount you came off with, rather then what.
Personally, I'll first have diluted juice. 50% water, 50% juice.

Couple hours later, at most a cup of juice, no water, see how that feels.

Think light juices, not heavy overly sweet ones. Fresh Watermelon is perfect if available.

Two hours later a full glass of juice, or progress on to a small smoothie of say banana w/ apple and strawberry.

Next up, a piece of fruit. Something light and easy, like an apple.

Two hours after that, a green drink. I'll juice spinach, celery, carrot... I mix this with 50% water.

Next up is a full on green drink, loaded with the above but also "full bodied" and "pulling" ingredients like cilantro, parsley (avoid red beet for now).

After this I'll progress to a salad with same/similar to the above and finally start to ease into some heavier foods thereafter but mostly mono meals or lighter fare like soups.

Transitioning into a fast like this over days, and even more importantly coming out like this is absolutely key to me.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:37 am
by DaCookie
FatBoySlimFast wrote:Well today is day 11 of the 'Humaworm' cleanse and what effects have I noticed so far? Absolutely nothing, I've experienced none of the die off symptoms, I've felt fine through out and there doesn't seem to be anything (visible)being expelled when I use the toilet! Could this indicate that I don't have any major parasite issues?


The water fast you are doing must take some serious discipline!
Are you still training during this fast? If so, how is your strength holding up?
And your libido? I would imagine that it may take a nose dive due to the lack of fat intake.
Yes and I dont recommend it unless you have serious willpower. You can damage yourself really bad by coming off randomly like I did, I ignored the advice of people because I thought they were just overexaggerating completely about that, theyre not. Thought my body would be aching and like a machine burning up food, nope its the opposite its a fuckin snail and you need to go REAL slow. I restarted though and am on day 11 or 12 again.

I dont train but on the last fast I did, your gonna lose muscle and a ton of fat regardless. I go out walking when high energy thats about it.

Libido is tanked and if I do ejaculate I feel like shit after haha, do not recommend.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:39 am
by DaCookie
askmass wrote:
DaCookie wrote:John insofar as coming off I know most recommend high water content fruits/juiced vegetables things like this in very low amounts gradually working up.

Would be interested though in what you thought if it was rather the amount you came off with, rather then what.
Personally, I'll first have diluted juice. 50% water, 50% juice.

Couple hours later, at most a cup of juice, no water, see how that feels.

Think light juices, not heavy overly sweet ones. Fresh Watermelon is perfect if available.

Two hours later a full glass of juice, or progress on to a small smoothie of say banana w/ apple and strawberry.

Next up, a piece of fruit. Something light and easy, like an apple.

Two hours after that, a green drink. I'll juice spinach, celery, carrot... I mix this with 50% water.

Next up is a full on green drink, loaded with the above but also "full bodied" and "pulling" ingredients like cilantro, parsley (avoid red beet for now).

After this I'll progress to a salad with same/similar to the above and finally start to ease into some heavier foods thereafter but mostly mono meals or lighter fare like soups.

Transitioning into a fast like this over days, and even more importantly coming out like this is absolutely key to me.
I want to continue being in keto when I come off so Ill be doing bone broth, I did read about some people coming off with meat and being fine but I have to read MUCH more. Everyone does tiny quantitys no matter what though.

How long do you personally refeed for till you have meat again?