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Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:01 pm
by RobRegish
Day 3 is when it hits. Proceed cautiously, but do so knowing so many before you have met with success.

You will too... :)

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:24 am
by thewods
Famine all done! really interesting time, and although i think it was good, it was far from perfect. But thats a good thing, allows for a greater evolution next time. In fact i cant wait for next famine run ( only just got copy of warrior diet, great read thoroughly motivating too) so my current state of play, just finished my overfeed, and am going to train today. BTW, anyone else have massively sore triceps/pecs after 2nd famine session. I could not change gear in my car or dress myself, is this to be expected? Anyway back to feast, got my 120% cals figured out, so its balls to the wall time. I have got 2 bottles mps and KA to hand, and although was told to run natural, seems a shame to wasted hard earned money. i currently have been supp free for 12 weeks. not done that before. Thanks to all contributors, woould like to keep this thread going all way through. And for all new and veteran alike, I FEEL GREAT. Not sure wether this is a state of mind or general wellbeing, but not felt this positive toward training/eating for a looooooong time. Take care brothers!!
Oh and to show how much reading i have done on this site, i currently have a bone broth in my slow cooker!!!

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:08 am
by RobRegish
Congrats man! The hard part is OVER..

Train to Gainsville leaves the station, first day of Feast... :-)

Nice work..

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:01 am
by JlCh
Up to you, really. I ran my first run without supps other than a pre-workout and whey. Saw great gains. 2nd run I took the BP stack and honestly didn't see a huge difference in the weight room. AN gave me a big boost in libido/stiffer stuff in the pants but honestly I don't think I've made it all the way through a 2.0 run where I didn't end up broken at some point -- natural or with supps so yea. I get 100% sore after those heavy/intense workouts though and I know I'd never do another run without Synthagen. That stuff works wonders on DOMS.

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 6:43 am
by RobRegish

Curious to know how this one is going!

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 5:11 pm
by thewods
Hey guys. The baby, work and a healthy amount of college work are occupying my time. Apologies. Anyway, just completed workout #8 on feast. Top range rack pull= 220kg for 2 x 15 secs. Really chuft with that. I will so a comprehensive list of poundages when I'm at home on PC. I'm on a night shift as I type. And as I love all things blueprint, ordered 2 tubs mass pro whey and ka from overseas as my uk site had none. The mass pro (Hershey's) is great.

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 5:16 pm
by thewods
Cost me a lot to ship but worth it. This workout is amazing. I love it. Again, this is my first run so logging if all to improve next time. Sorry for not checking in. I'll do it when I get home. Hope everyone is ok!


Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 6:03 am
by thewods
Hey fellas. Finished feast, having few days off, very very busy at the mi, so when I get chance I will detail my feast period in greater depth, but I'm looking for a highly potent/compatible workout routine for the cruise period. I'm reading a lot of 5x5, but I would like a bit more input from the vets here. Any ideas and advice guys?